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  • Diary - Leveling a Druid

    Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Pandacakes, Jan 9, 2013.

    1. Pandacakes

      Pandacakes New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      Leveling Diary

      So I got myself a new account and decided to level a Night Elf druid from scratch. I normally only play Horde so it seemed kinda fun to try Alliance for a change :)

      I'll be keeping a little diary of my first character which I will be leveling in Feral spec.
      Any tips are more than welcome :) I am running Kick's Leveling profiles and I am only using the bot when I am in the same room and able to supervise it.


      Day 1 - 20:00

      Leveling a Night Elf Druid, starting at level 1, no heirlooms and as of right now no guild so I get no extra XP.
      I've noticed that the bot freaks out once it hits level 3 and you have to do the "Practice Moonfire" quest. The bot also just stood around when a quest item was ninja'd away infront of it. Needed a hand in both cases.
      20:35 - Level 5 - Had a problem with internet disconnecting, it's back up and running now.
      21:25 - Level 6 - Going offline to test out a paladin and give the druid a break.

      Day 2

      03:28 - Ended up getting to level 15, the bot did really good, I didn't have to step in to help it with a quest or it getting stuck. Pretty impressed so far.
      Going to bed for now, so I will give the bot some 'rest' :)

      17:20 - Level 17, Logging onto a different character, my questing area was being killed by two hordies, and since I'm on a PvP server my bot was also getting killed. No biggie though, gives me a chance to level my paladin :)

      Day 3

      02:30 - Level 24, I love Arelog, it makes logging in and setting the bot up so much faster. Also I love being able to schedule profiles and have the bot take breaks after X amount of time :)
      Ended at level 28 - The bot finally got to Northern Stranglethorn, but the server I am on seems to have a lot of people ganking lowbies so I decided to go on a different character.
      It's a bit annoying because it really takes the speed out of leveling, also correct me if I'm wrong, but LogMeOut doesn't seem to trigger when I am killed by players. I have set it to 5 deaths but it doesn't log me out, regardless.

      Day 4

      Got to about level 33, tried out Dungeonbuddy, was pleasantly surprised with the results.
      I also tried out Lazyraider and I quite like it, I prefer using it over Dungeonbuddy because of the pathing problems.

      Day 5

      Level 40! Epic mount time :) Hopefully it'll go a little faster now ^^

      Day 6

      Level 47 - Halfway into this level, I decided not to mess with the bot as much as I did, leaving it alone incase it dies and only stepping in if it gets stuck. I'm happy with today's progress, although I want to get some Heirlooms asap for when I start leveling alts. I'm used to leveling being much faster :p

      Day 7

      Level 55 - No problems so far! Giving the bot a rest before I start it up again tomorrow :) Then hopefully I will reach Outland and get my flying skill.

      Day 8

      Level 58 - The amount of ganking in Outland is utter bullshit with this crossrealm stuff going on. It's annoying and really takes the pace out of leveling! :( I didn't get very far today..



      Spec: Retribution Paladin
      Profile: Kick's 1-90 pack for Alliance

      Day 1

      The bot got to level 9 without any hickups. So far I haven't had to step in to help the bot in any way. I am very pleased.
      Keep in mind I am leveling two characters on and off so I can switch things up and make things look more human :)

      Day 2

      Leaving the druid alone for the moment because of some Hordes killing me and the quest area I was in. The Paladin is now level 11 :)
      Day 3

      No leveling done today - Still level 11

      Hope you enjoy my little 'Diary' so far ^^

      Edit: I've decided to also keep a log of my Paladin that I am also leveling. :)
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2013
    2. iislight

      iislight New Member

      Jan 9, 2013
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      Glad to see other success! I just got my level 5 in 13 minutes :)
      Bot on Mate:)
    3. Pandacakes

      Pandacakes New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      As you can see it took me about 30 minutes :p
      Are you using any heirlooms? I'm starting fresh so I have like no extra exp except for the guild perks.
    4. iislight

      iislight New Member

      Jan 9, 2013
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      Fresh. My other account got banned from using a other low class bot that tried to mimic this bot. This bot runs perfectly. I just bought the one day trial. Once I get money sent to PP I'l buy the year :) Until then I'l buy a few more days to make sure it just isn't good for the early levels! :)
    5. Pandacakes

      Pandacakes New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      Yeah I saw your other thread :) I think Human Hunter would be a good and fast leveling choice ^^ Maybe Worgen as well, since you don't have to switch zones.
      All the other races, from what I've seen, will change their leveling zone to Eastern Kingdoms once they hit level 5, it takes a little while for them to get there so it slows down the leveling a bit.

      I just installed Arelog, trying to get the hang of it a little bit still but so far I am VERY impressed and I would like to express my gratitude to the writers of this awesome piece of program :D
    6. Bessworth

      Bessworth Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Really liking this Pandacakes, gonna be checking on this everyday. Really interesting!
    7. Pandacakes

      Pandacakes New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      Just did a Scarlet Dungeon :) I am pleasantly surprised with how well it went, except for one part where the bot would kinda freak out and run in circles for a little bit when it was about to go down some stairs.

      Back to questing! (For as long as I don't get ganked, lol)
    8. Toonl33ts

      Toonl33ts New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      I have been leveling my belf demo warlock from 35-45 now over he past two days and kicks 1-90 H profiles are doing excellent! There was only one big noticable pathing error in eastern plaguelands whilst climbing the stairs of a tower and the bot tried to move too closely to the railing but other than that not a single hitch! I also must give lots of respect to the bg bot, with tons of love to the community members who have created the wonderful movement plugins and cc's. The 1 year sub is definetly worth $33, much luck brother.
      Last edited: Jan 12, 2013
    9. Pandacakes

      Pandacakes New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      Yup, Kick's profiles are pretty awesome :D
      I've had little to no errors with them so far ^^ Thank you Kick!

      I am level 58 now, but I'm stopping the bot for now since ganking in Outland is just terrible. I've gotten ganked like 5 times within 15 minutes :( If not more..
    10. lilsavalex

      lilsavalex Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      How many hours are you botting daily?
    11. iislight

      iislight New Member

      Jan 9, 2013
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      I never bot more than 8-10 hours a day
    12. lilsavalex

      lilsavalex Member

      Dec 14, 2012
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      You could get away with more, most people would be in their 80s by the 8th day.
      Character stucks?
    13. Pandacakes

      Pandacakes New Member

      Dec 15, 2012
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      Personally I only bot when I'm at the PC, so my botting hours kinda vary. (Anywhere between 4 and 10 hours) and I'm level 63 currently on my druid. Most problems I have is being ganked.
      Since I got to Outland I've had some trouble with the profiles though, especially in Zangarmarsh where the bot would sometimes fly into a Horde village (Twice) and kill itself.
      Or fly back and forth between two points at times, It's weird but I'm not sure if I should upload my log for Kick to look at?

      Also I'm a bit afraid of getting reported by people so I don't let it run when I'm not there to babysit it, and I let it take breaks.

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