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  • [Bot] (Beta) DungeonBuddy - A Dungeon bot.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by highvoltz, Jul 6, 2012.

    1. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      This could be a cc issue with lower levels. Change all your cc to singular. I tried hazz without a whole lot of success in DB. Most all of my issues with using other cc besides singular related to movement problems. Go all singular for your group and see what it does. Not sure why it should be the case if you do this 5 man 90s successfully tho.
    2. Alphatrazz

      Alphatrazz New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      no scrupt found for dungeonid: 276?
    3. Alphatrazz

      Alphatrazz New Member

      Dec 8, 2012
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      Honorbuddy v2.5.6701.525 started.
      Logging in...
      Attached to WoW with ID 8056
      New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      New bot added!: BGBuddy
      New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
      New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      New bot added!: Grind Bot
      New bot added!: Questing
      New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      New bot added!: PartyBot
      New bot added!: Combat Bot
      New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
      New bot added!: Raid Bot
      Honorbuddy v2.5.6701.525 started!
      Character is a level 54 Undead Priest
      Current zone is Orgrimmar
      Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
      [Singular] Starting Singular v3.0.0.1547
      [Singular] Installation: integrity verified for
      [Singular] Determining talent spec.
      [Singular] TalentManager - looks like a PriestHoly
      [Singular] Current spec is Priest Holy
      [Singular] Building method list
      [Singular] Initialization complete!
      Initialization complete.
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : DungeonBuddy
      Changing current profile to [QO]_botanist_pangaea
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Checking for profile and script updates.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: All files are up-to-date.
      Changing current profile to Empty Profile
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Party Mode is on and I'm a follower. I will be invited to group by leader
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will not kill optional bosses.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will sell items of Rare quality and lower
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will not mail Bind-On-Equip items.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will loot bosses only
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Scripts will be updated automatically.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I have FrameLock turned on
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: My role is healer
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Dungeon type is set to RandomDungeon
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Raid type is set to None
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Scenario type is set to None
      [Singular] Your Level 54 Undead Holy Priest Build is
      [Singular] ... running the DungeonBuddy bot 2m in Orgrimmar
      [Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors
      [Talented2] Using talent build: Priest-Holy
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      Changing current profile to [QO]_botanist_pangaea
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : DungeonBuddy
      Changing current profile to [QO]_botanist_pangaea
      Changing current profile to Empty Profile
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Party Mode is on and I'm a follower. I will be invited to group by leader
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will not kill optional bosses.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will sell items of Rare quality and lower
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will not mail Bind-On-Equip items.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will loot bosses only
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Scripts will be updated automatically.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I have FrameLock turned on
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: My role is healer
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Dungeon type is set to RandomDungeon
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Raid type is set to None
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Scenario type is set to None
      [Singular] Casting Fear Ward on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Fear Ward on Myself
      [Singular] Casting Fear Ward on Myself
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Role Check is in progress
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Accepting dungeon invite
      Not in game
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: No script found for dungeonId: 276
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Successfully loaded default profile for Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      Changing current profile to [QO]_botanist_pangaea
      Changing current profile to Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : DungeonBuddy
      Changing current profile to Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      Changing current profile to Empty Profile
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: No script found for dungeonId: 276
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Successfully loaded default profile for Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Party Mode is on and I'm a follower. I will be invited to group by leader
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will not kill optional bosses.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will sell items of Rare quality and lower
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will not mail Bind-On-Equip items.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will loot bosses only
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Scripts will be updated automatically.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I have FrameLock turned on
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: My role is healer
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Dungeon type is set to RandomDungeon
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Raid type is set to None
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Scenario type is set to None
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      Changing current profile to Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : DungeonBuddy
      Changing current profile to Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      Changing current profile to Empty Profile
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: No script found for dungeonId: 276
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Successfully loaded default profile for Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Party Mode is on and I'm a follower. I will be invited to group by leader
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will not kill optional bosses.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will sell items of Rare quality and lower
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will not mail Bind-On-Equip items.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will loot bosses only
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Scripts will be updated automatically.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I have FrameLock turned on
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: My role is healer
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Dungeon type is set to RandomDungeon
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Raid type is set to None
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Scenario type is set to None
      Stopping the bot!
      Bot Stopped! Reason: User pressed the stop button
      Changing current profile to Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      Changing current profile to Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      Starting the bot!
      Currently Using BotBase : DungeonBuddy
      Changing current profile to Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      Changing current profile to Empty Profile
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: No script found for dungeonId: 276
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Successfully loaded default profile for Blackrock Depths - Upper City
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Party Mode is on and I'm a follower. I will be invited to group by leader
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will not kill optional bosses.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will sell items of Rare quality and lower
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will not mail Bind-On-Equip items.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I will loot bosses only
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Scripts will be updated automatically.
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: I have FrameLock turned on
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: My role is healer
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Dungeon type is set to RandomDungeon
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Raid type is set to None
      [DungeonBuddy 401]: Scenario type is set to None
    4. Kekskruemel

      Kekskruemel Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      DB doesn't automatically update the random dungeon type from burning crusade to wotlk random dungeons, I must manually open the Bot Settings.

      Can you change this automatically or can I set the new random dungeon id in any way with ProfessionBuddy ?
    5. Clubwar

      Clubwar Member

      May 3, 2012
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      Have the same dude
    6. vauGhn

      vauGhn New Member

      Jan 20, 2013
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      Works perfect for me for every other dungeon, but when it gets to stratholme - service entrance it just doesn't work, it doesn't move at all. If I don't get kicked from the group and they just 4-man the whole instance then it leaves party and queues again with no problems. If the next dungeon is anything except Strat it will work perfectly again, so it seems to have problems for me only with this place in particular.

      Attached Files:

    7. Rhizopas

      Rhizopas Member

      Sep 29, 2012
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      I had some issue trying Dungeonbuddy for the first time tonight. Problem is that after the first dungeon I did (only did random scenarios) I got errors and bot idles inside next scenario and gets kicked out eventually with a 30min deserter.
      I was told my Dungeonbuddy was broken so I reinstalled HB somewhere else and ran it again. Same issue appears.

      Logs below (both before and after reinstall of HB):

      Attached Files:

    8. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      I will look at it soon. I have been fixing classic scripts recently and doing level 40ish ones atm.
    9. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      It appears there are some mesh issues in some scenarios. esp the 5.1 ones and in the arena one.
    10. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Just been running Blackfathom. Have you changed that one? The first run I had no problems, now none of my toons are entering the water to get across the platform jumps. They're just spazzing on the shore.
      I've been forcing them to jump in, and the profile runs near perfect from then on. A few bottish behaviours that can be sorted later (like running into Akumai's door rather than attacking the fire spawned mobs).
    11. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Stockades is good apart from an issue where my tank got stuck and logged. Unfortunately, I didn't get a location.
    12. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      How to install custom Dungeonbuddy scripts and profiles.

      How to install custom Dungeonbuddy scripts and profiles.

      Default Scripts:
      These are included with Honorbuddy and are inside the Honorbuddy/Dungeon Scripts/ folder

      Default Profiles
      : These also are included with Honorbuddy and are found inside the Honorbuddy/Default Profiles/Dungeonbuddy folder

      Custom Profiles and Scripts:
      These are provided by 3rd party and should not be placed in the default profile or script path even if they have slight modifications from the original. The reason is, in the future the option to disable automatic profile and script updates might be removed and the default folders synced with remote script and profile server. This means any modified or foreign files might be overwritten or deleted automatically. Custom profiles and scripts have priority over default ones.


      1. Create a folder anywhere on your hard-drive, folder name doesn't matter. Example 'Dungeonbuddy Custom Scripts'
      2. Start Honorbuddy if it isn't running allready
      3. Switch to the Dungeonbuddy bot if it isn't selected allready
      4. Click the 'Bot Config' button to open up the DungeonBuddy settings window
      5. Click on the Custom Scripts Path' setting that is found under 'Advanced' settings in the 'Common' tab to select it and then click on the button in the right column that has the text '...'
      6. You should now see a Folder Browser dialog. Use it to browse to the folder that you created in step 1, select the folder and press the 'Ok' button. You can now close the Dungeonbuddy settings window
      7. Copy the custom scripts and/or profiles over into the folder that you created in step 1.
      Last edited: Jan 20, 2013
    13. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Thanks for the updates and guides H.Vz!!!
    14. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Woot! Finally figured Shadowfang Keep. Highvoltz, this is intended for you.

      I've moved the second and third door waiting locations a bit further back from the door. This stops the running into the door after killing Lord Walden. Unstuck behavior there is bottish.
      I think there is an issue with the CallBehaviorMode code, particularly with regard to CurrentBoss. I removed that argument from Lord Godfrey and the tank now engages the pack on the stairs after Lord Walden rather than trying to run through everything to Lord Godfrey.
      It also engages the first group outside Lord Godfrey's room, but then moves to my new 3rd gate wait location and stands there while the other group is aggro'd. Might be fixable by moving the spot a bit closer to the door but this looks like a logic problem.

      Further, the CallBehaviorMode.CurrentBoss seems to be the issue with starting in Wailing Caverns as well. Removing that argument there runs the whole dungeon EXCEPT the escort quest.

      [EDIT: Oops, forgot to attach the script.]

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jan 20, 2013
    15. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      Ya I changed it but haven't uploaded yet until now.

      Yeah the CallBehaviorMode.CurrentBoss is bugged on live. I fixed it a week ago and it might be in the beta HB version I don't know.

      I did some fixes to Shadowfang Keep a few days ago along with 6-7 other scripts. I just uploaded them a few mins ago. I think I got all the doors, not 100% sure though.
      Last edited: Jan 21, 2013
    16. Mythos

      Mythos Member

      Aug 2, 2012
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      Dumb question is dumb but where is the dl link for this beta?
    17. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Built in with honor buddy release, just pull down the bot type pull down on the main screen
    18. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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    19. Chewbaka

      Chewbaka New Member

      Aug 11, 2012
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      So I will be doing a lot of MoP dungeon testing. Here are my results for 20 runs. I know a lot of these you probably already know or they are mesh issues. These were all reported while testing with a hunter. I will try to keep updating. So when I do update, i will just quote this post with the revised issues.

      Temple of the Jade Serpent
        -Wise Mari
      	+Should run straight back of room in phase 1
      	+Freaks out when going back to tank after looting
      Scarlet Halls
      	+Tries to kill dogs on leash (can just run past)
      Siege of Niuzao Temple
      	+Studder steps out of Sap Puddles when clearing trash
      	+After second boss and third boss, maybe follow tank loosly down to next trash area (looks like a total bot, especially when he isnt on mount and the bot is)
        -Vizier Jin'bak
      	+Keeps running to middle of Sap Puddle then running back out
        -Commander Vo'jak
      	+No need to mount when outside
      	+Should just wait a little away from stairs so tank can take agro first
      	+Once again, sap puddle pathing goes bonkers sometimes.
        -Wing Leader Ner'onok
      	+Studder steps out of the Caustic Pitch
      Shado-Pan Monastery
        -Master Snowdrift
      	+Has trouble walking up stairs to boss
      	+Doesn't walk in room if tank pulls (ranged dps)
        -Sha of Violence
      	+Doesn't run around spinning circle things to get there (mesh issue)
        -Taran Zhu
      	+Has trouble getting back up when falling down (on mount) to skip second trash group (if it manages to follow tank down there without going through mobs)
      	+If tank pulls third trash group before you get back up, the bot will run right through the second group.
      	+Doesn't run through the fence to skip the last trash group (or it atleast tried then quickly went around and pulled group)
      Scarlet Monastery
        -Thalnos the Soulrender
      	+Doesn't dismount if mount is too large to enter door (can you enable and disable mounting on certain dungeons?)
        -Brother Korloff
      	+When it was trying to avoid Firestorm Kick, it accidently pulled the mobs that were under the roof behind the training dummies.
        -High Inquisitor Whitemane
      	+Tank and dps died on first trash in room, then bot refused to go anywhere after res.
        -Instructor Chillheart
      	+Doesn't jump down stairs to avoid mobs
      Gate of the Setting Sun
        -Striker Ga'dok
      	+Some trouble when it was in Acid and in Strafing Run fire
      	+Couldn't generate path so it left party
      Last edited: Jan 22, 2013
    20. Neyo

      Neyo New Member

      Oct 21, 2012
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      Can some1 help me? im new here. just tried dungeonbuddy, its worked fine but its not looting - not greens , not blue. How can i fix that? Or mb i need some plugin ?

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