Whenever i run archaeologybuddy my druid will head to a dig site. Upon arrival the bot will feed out some line along the lines of [22:57:44.247 D] Changed POI to:Type: Repair, Name: Wixxrak [22:57:46.213 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 40120, KnownIndex: 78 [22:57:46.242 N] Mounting: Swift Flight Form [22:57:46.946 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Wixxrak The bot will then attempt to make its way to the specified npc skimming the ground the whole way in flight form, try to survey every now and then along the way after it's left the dig site, and eventually go back to the dig site where it will loop that process. Keep in mind that I have no broken gear that would need to be repaired or items to be sold. View attachment 3808 2013-01-20 17.54.txt
I deleted the plug in, it seems to be running smoothly now. However i did run it once before it started running well after deleting the plug in where it continued with the vendor issue so i dont think that was the problem. I'll upload a new log after it moves to another site successfully