So as my first key worked out quite well, I decided to grab another one and was quite awkwardly stopped by this quite... Wall. I'm running a window 7 with the version 5.1.0(16357) on the x86 Release with the game in Windowed(Fullscreen). The honorbuddy version I'm running is v2.5.6701.525 I've gone though the Honorbuddy for dummies.pdf file in the guide section and gone though the most of the help sections and I'm quite afraid that I've gone blind to something really god damn obvious. Attached logs of errors. Oh and this is the text attached in my honorbuddy when I try to boot it up: Honorbuddy v2.5.6701.525 started. Logging in... ------------------------------- You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to! Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with! This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #16357 You are currently on build #0 ------------------------------- While having the WoW client running.
Hi, Grillyo, and thanks for the log! A few things to try... Switch the WoWclient from DX11 to DX9, then restart the WoWclient. Are you remembering to start both the WoWclient and Honorbuddy as Windoze admin? Is there any chance you've got a half-dead copy of Honorbuddy still attached to your second WoWclient? Check your task manager or system tray, and delete any extraneously running Honorbuddy process. What you are trying to do is perfectly fine--people do it all the time. As you said, it will be something obvious, we just have to figure it out. cheers, chinajade