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  • Rogue Issues

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Remedyz, Jan 23, 2013.

    1. Remedyz

      Remedyz New Member

      Jan 21, 2013
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      Everytime I try and level my rogue it stops in stealth and follows mobs never to open. I've tried every routine but continue to have the problem. Posted logs for it in the questing thread and get no help. What can I do to guarantee that I can leave this on for more than 2 minutes at a time without wasting my money on this?
    2. kaihaider

      kaihaider Community Developer

      May 18, 2010
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      Can you please post a log in the routine's thread when this happens...

      The bug can be cause by a few reasons depending on the cr, I've let a couple versions slip where it did this but I'm pretty sure none of the versions posted on my thread currently have this error.

      I've actually been rewriting my pick pocket and sap functions today and I've let that bug slip through a couple times before I noticed it on my tester bots. (Only on my private experimental code)

      anyway...bugs are easy to introduce and if the community doesn't help developers find them than they might not be noticed...
      Last edited: Jan 23, 2013

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