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  • [Bot] (Beta) DungeonBuddy - A Dungeon bot.

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by highvoltz, Jul 6, 2012.

    1. kavlantis

      kavlantis New Member

      Nov 20, 2012
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      Ok, nice feature that you added to do dungeon quests, but it seems to mess up a lot.
      Is there any way to disable the quest and just let it run normal dungeons?

      It really should be an ON/OFF option for this.


      Also, the quest that does complete it never hands them in.
      Why is that?
      Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
    2. 23051602

      23051602 New Member

      Mar 5, 2011
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      About how the logic works in an encounter with packs:

      Assuming we have 2 consuming sha, 1 destroying and 1 regenerating sha.

      We have this priority code (yes the IDs are defined as private const uint etc. etc.)
      Would this get the expected behavior that it would prioritize the Regenerating Sha over Destroying or do I also have to add this logic to the [EncounterHandler(0, "Root")]. Since this is a pack and not a "Boss fight".

       if (unit.Entry == RegeneratingSha)
                                  priority.Score += 700;
                              if (unit.Entry == DestroyingSha)
                                  priority.Score += 600;
    3. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      Yes, prioritizing units is done in the WeighTargetsFilter override.

      As long as your DungeonID is correct your file will be found.
    4. Darow

      Darow New Member

      Jan 18, 2013
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      Is Stratholme not supported yet?

      [DungeonBuddy 401]: No script found for dungeonId: 274
    5. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Just trying the latest Deadmines. I'm still not targeting Helix Gearbreaker. I'll attach a log when I've finished the dungeon.

      [EDIT: Sorry, that should be *attacking* Helix, I'm targeting him just fine.]

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
    6. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Got it. Helix Gearbreaker DOESN'T actually enter combat in normal Deadmines. He just jumps on your toons and lobs bombs. Change the targeting code please. The below code seems to work.

      public override void IncludeTargetsFilter(List<WoWObject> incomingunits, HashSet<WoWObject> outgoingunits)
          foreach (var unit in incomingunits.Cast<WoWUnit>())
              if (unit.Entry == HelixGearbreakerId)
      I added Cookie to the same piece of code, my toons can nearly take him down before he jumps in the cauldron and starts attacking.
      Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
    7. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I'll post a log tonight, but does anyone have any suggestions for mogu'shan palace - xin weapon master fight?

      Bots try to fight on platform, then fall LOS behind torches and pillars. Further into the fight the bots avoid the stream of knives only to run into other damage...or avoid other damage and run into the stream of knives.

      1 out of 5 times maybe I can complete this fight usually using MAD cr in the healer role...but it's not built for db.
      Last edited: Jan 23, 2013
    8. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      Hmm, the way I normally tank that fight is move the boss to the entrance to the room, point him at the doors and then just avoid the conal attack. Everyone else can stand behind the boss and only the last AOE affects them (and that can't be avoided). These tactics should be easy enough to script.
    9. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      I only ran this fight once non-bot and this is how the tank did it as well.

      The bots just don't seem quick enough getting out of damage. They get caught in between blades streams /cone attack / twirling axes / rings of fire. Two or three ticks of those streams and it's lights out for cloth and leather. There is a lot going on to expect the bot to navigate quickly.

      I'm looking at my settings and considering other CR's besides Singular ...but Singular is much improved lately.

      MAD is almost essential because when the healer gets into trouble it runs this cool routine where it swaps to bear and pops a few defensive / healing cool downs. Healer hits 5% health and wham - it's right back up. That CR is so good the Singular tank has a real hard time keeping threat in the beginning!!!
      Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
    10. 23051602

      23051602 New Member

      Mar 5, 2011
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      The bot is running directly for the chests in Mogu'shans palace if you haven't finished the quest. This is for the quests Relics of the four kings. Pulling everything it can find in it's way.

      Also on Geekan it's impossible to win this fight without some kind of CC on one of the adds. Also the Tank needs to foucs down the adds and skip geekan.
      Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
    11. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Yes on the chests - absolutely. Just like all the quests..it really screws with completing the fights.

      As for Gekkan..I had problems too when I first qualified for the dungeon. As gear got better and I hit 88/89 on some toons that fight became more reliable for me without cc.

      Not sure if they updated the scripts for this recently..so make sure you don't have that off (save any of your changes if u modified scripts) . I mention this because last week there was a lot of target switching on this fight and it dragged out. This week the adds were focused down cleaner.

      I also made sure my CR has any interrupts available turned on and enabled some aoe settings (which seems counter to what you want for this one).
      My follow distances were tighter too - all under 10.

      Not sure if my settings actually did anything beneficial, just sharing some tweaks.
    12. 23051602

      23051602 New Member

      Mar 5, 2011
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      I am doing Heroic and it's hell...
    13. thatwouldbestealing

      thatwouldbestealing Member

      Oct 22, 2012
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      Yeah DungeonBuddy leaves the Dungeon very quickly. Perhaps there could be a toggle in the settings to allow us control to manually re-take control at the end of dungeons?
    14. kavlantis

      kavlantis New Member

      Nov 20, 2012
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      I don't know what you changed but the bot is currently a mess, it cant even complete a single dungeon with 5 bots in it.

      Either it will get stuck from pathing or from talking with an NPCs trying to pick up quests which will never actually picks up by it self if there is more than 1 quest and also it NEVER hands them in, and i really mean never.

      Is there any way to disable the quest feature? At its current state it just fucks things up with no benefit what so ever.

    15. Ilja Rogoff

      Ilja Rogoff Well-Known Member

      Jan 25, 2010
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      Is Stratholme Services Entrance going to be fixed? Or has anybody a workaround?
    16. acesap

      acesap New Member

      Jan 14, 2013
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      View attachment 1796 2013-01-24 14.28.txt View attachment 5048 2013-01-24 14.31.txt Hey this may be a small or huge issue i am not sure. When i select Dungeon Buddy it does NOT Que me. I get a message up top on the game screen "Did not select a valid role" In game i DID Select a Tank roll. I tired every single roll Possible selected in game 1 by 1 even all of them. I even downloaded new honor buddy files twice. Nothing happens it won't Que. Attached both Logs
      Last edited: Jan 24, 2013
    17. botorific

      botorific New Member

      Oct 26, 2012
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      Ooh then forget everything I said lol! Not sure how you can do that without manually playing at least one role to manage the important parts.

      For me this is still a win...one manual / lazy raider, 4 bots doing their thing. Sure, we wish it could do it all..some day soon I hope!
    18. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      Nice catch. I did have Helix Gearbreaker in the 'IncludeTargetsFilter in my last version but it was also checking if he's in combat. Removing the combat check and adding Cookie as well. thanks of this.
    19. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      I'm lowering the range of the chests.
      My group would maybe wipe maybe half the time on Geekan when they 1st started doing heroic but now they kill him fairly easily though everyone in group has above 470 item level now.
      I'll consider adding CC for any of the adds that are not being focused and are away from group. Make sure that your combat routine doesn't handle targeting because that might be the reason your tank isn't focusing on adds.
      The last encounter I'm going to try improve as well.
    20. Chewbaka

      Chewbaka New Member

      Aug 11, 2012
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      So I have been running more dungeons. Here is an updated list of feedback. Anything with (*) is new from the last one I posted.

      	+(*) Add resurection support (probably have to be in routine)
      	+(*) Following could be be improved to be not botlike (a lot more softer)
      	+(*) Sometimes you don't need to follow tank. Like if you kill a boss, you can just run to next trash group and wait for tank.
      Temple of the Jade Serpent
      	+(*) Lots of backtracking in this dungeon(bot will go in circles)
      	+(*) Tries to mount in the dungeon, when running from second to third boss.
        -Wise Mari
      	+Should run straight back of room in phase 1
      	+Freaks out when going back to tank after looting
      	+(*) Trouble with going to boss. It wanted to go over steps to avoid water, but freaked out. (needs better handling)
      Scarlet Halls
      	+Tries to kill dogs on leash (can just run past)
      	+(*) Just don't attack dogs unless tank is tanking them because if someone throws food at the guard, the dogs will eat him and then fall asleep if no one attacks them 
        -Houndmaster Braun
      	+(*) No need to attack the Scarlet Guardians after the boss. The dogs will just kill them.
        -Armsmaster Harlan
      	+(*) Group was all in room at the top waiting for me to walk in 
      	+(*) The boss was tanked at top of room and bot went in circles trying to get off stairs while going to top
      Siege of Niuzao Temple
      	+Studder steps out of Sap Puddles when clearing trash
      	+After second boss and third boss, maybe follow tank loosly down to next trash area (looks like a total bot, especially when he isnt on mount and the bot is)
        -Vizier Jin'bak
      	+Keeps running to middle of Sap Puddle then running back out
        -Commander Vo'jak
      	+No need to mount when outside
      	+Should just wait a little away from stairs so tank can take agro first
      	+Once again, sap puddle pathing goes bonkers sometimes
      	+(*) Just wait at top for mobs
      	+(*) After boss, just mount and run down to door, no need to follow tank
      	+(*) Ran back and forth at bomb location
      	+(*) Trying to follow tank after boss and Sap Puddle avoidance interfered (no mount)
      	+(*) Don't follow tank when mobs coming up
        -General Pa'valak
        -Wing Leader Ner'onok
      	+Studder steps out of the Caustic Pitch
      	+(*) Mounts when clearing trash to follow tank (trash is like 10 yards away)
      Shado-Pan Monastery
        -Master Snowdrift
      	+Has trouble walking up stairs to boss
      	+Doesn't walk in room if tank pulls
        -Sha of Violence
      	+Doesn't run around spinning circle things to get there (mesh issue)
        -Taran Zhu
      	+Has trouble getting back up when falling down (on mount) to skip second trash group (if it manages to follow tank down there without going through mobs)
      	+If tank pulls third trash group before you get back up, the bot will run right through the second group
      	+Doesn't run through the fence to skip the last trash group (or it atleast tried then quickly went around and pulled group)
      Scarlet Monastery
        -Thalnos the Soulrender
      	+Doesn't dismount if mount is too large to enter door (can you enable and disable mounting on certain dungeons?)
        -Brother Korloff
      	+When it was trying to avoid Firestorm Kick, it accidently pulled the mobs that were under the roof behind the training dummies.
        -High Inquisitor Whitemane
      	+Tank and dps died on first trash in room, then bot refused to go anywhere after res.
        -Instructor Chillheart
      	+Doesn't jump down stairs to avoid mobs
        -Darkmaster Gandling
          +Run into room when ready to pull (group was waiting so i don't get locked out.
      Gate of the Setting Sun
        -Striker Ga'dok
      	+Some trouble when it was in Acid and in Strafing Run fire
      	+Couldn't generate path so it left party
      Stormstout Brewery
      	+(*) Didn't run into room when he pulled
      	+(*) Doesn't run into boss room
        -Yan-Zhu the Uncasked
      	+(*) Some tanks try to LoS pull and run behind the pillar or out of the room. Maybe have the bot run to tank.
      Mogu'shan Palace
        -Trial of the King
      	+(*) For first 2 trash groups, needs behavior to move out of lightning storm 

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