skip to last paragraph for the point. So i have been botting for around a year luckily with no bans. however every time i log off i still expect to be banned, then pray they don't link it to my main account. In the time ive been using HB i have come to believe its main flaw is the way movement is handled. for anyone who has used HB for anything, you should know what i mean. the "twitch direct pathing" weather its from node to node, mob to mob, a simple change in direction or the LOL running straight past a mob (gaining agro) to a node, its so darn noticeable... why is this a problem? well around 70% of the bots i spot out in the world is simply from the way they move. NO player controlled toon moves like this bot. even with push to move on its easier to hold the right mouse down to control your turn or M1+M2 for forwards... and then ontop of that 99.99% of none botters use Numlock for auto flight and don't keep making sudden direction changes as they fly in a semi straight line. If i was a GM and was required to go investigate someone who was reported for boting, i guarantee i wouldn't have to check any logs, just watch them for about 30 seconds! if they went boting then and there then id have to do W/E it is that the gm's do to confirm it. PLEASE IF someone can fix the way HB makes us move then we would see ahell of a lot less bans guaranteed... i know this is probably impossible from an addon point of view and might require a major overhaul of how HB works, but at the end of the day if its successful it would be more than worth it. maybe somehow simulate the curved movement from when a player is tipsy (not smashed) for long flights? Edit: when i farm by hand, once i spot a node thats off to my left\right or even behind me i tend to naturally curve around to head towards it.. if something along these lines could be added then that would be 3/4 of the movement problem solved.
Seems we think same, from my perspective this should be done: Game coordinates to profile coordinates conversion and reverse (which is horrible since every zone has own set of coordinates, and profiles use global set coordinates) Function to make random a point near destination in a given radius of yards (hope they are) controlled from bot Implementation with a condition to sleep for randomly between 2 - 6 secs (We look at our map or mini map) What else we need: 2 types of flying Randomly chosen Keyboard Flyer (Simulation of keyboard only usage, you fly with an angle to the ground a bit, then you press space fly upward a bit, then downward again) or short zigzag up down over distance of about 200 yard. Keyboard Flyer starts to fly strait up like a chopper. Mouse Flyer (Simulate Mouse flying, this will sound strange mounting jumping, (jump from one highest obstacle to the next) Out of battle rest (No human can hold or change buttons non stop like it is now). A break of at least 1 minute should be done every 30 minutes to 1 hour. Code Development: Conversion Global to Zone coordinates Requires a lot of exploring and marking Every zone should represent a geometric figure lets say a rectangle Global X = Zone X + NonZone X Zone X - Distance from zone edge to current position NonZone X - Distance form edge of the game which is not playable position Same goes for Y and Z and I am not sure if global coors are in yards or not What is known Current ingame coordinates provided by a any addon or macro and are yards, and bot hacked coordinates provided by HB and is a Double. I personally think that its not worth doing or the time. Randomize Coordinate Function is easy to make This is my code from some other project Code: private String drunkDriver(String coor, String radius) { try { Random ran = new Random; Double i = Double.Parse(coor); i= ran.NextDouble()*Double.Parse(radius)+i; return i.ToString(); } catch (FormatException ex) { return null; } Random sleep also easy to make Code: Random ran = new Random; Thread.Sleep(2000+ran.Next(4)*1000); Any of the developers here are free to use this code and make movement radomized