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  • Requesting standard zone grinding profiles..

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pastortom, Aug 12, 2010.

    1. Pastortom

      Pastortom New Member

      Aug 10, 2010
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      Hi, Im quite new to using HB and GB, but gotta say I love using them.. This is really intricate and advanced made software, I really had no idea it was so advanced and easy to use :)

      But, Im having difficulties finding profiles to just grind normally.. I've tried a lvl1-80 profile to grind certain areas, like Barrens and Ashenvale, and this got me 1-32 within 2 days.. with a troll hunter with 2 heirlooms..

      But other areas I have no clue how to successfully make HB grind where i want..

      It should be fairly simple to make codes/profiles for this, with hotspots etc, and sure.. I could always make em, but I would like to see some more, before I do.. does anyone know of any profiles that include all zones or some zones? just for grinding?

      I'm happy with leveling my chars just by grinding, its a great way to make gold if you ask me, especially with mining, herb or skinning..

      Thanks for any feedback!
    2. theholyone

      theholyone New Member

      Jan 30, 2010
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      your looking for a profile specifically for one zone? if so thats over 300 profiles
    3. Sidalol

      Sidalol Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      What zone are you looking for?
    4. Pastortom

      Pastortom New Member

      Aug 10, 2010
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      Isn't there like a standard/generic profile that goes in a radius of lets say within its zone, or just within 500 feet, killing all mobs, waiting for respawns, kill them again etc? Because that's what Im looking for, to just put my char somewhere where theres lots of mobs, and push abutton, come back later, full bags, 10 levels higher, all fun and joy..

      Would also be cool, if it was possible for the char to go empty bags through mail to another char, and get back to its original position..

      Atm Im looking for a grind zone with hotspots for Tirisfal Glades 1-20, and Silverpine FOrest 10-30, and pref contiuesly up to lvl 50-60 without having to leave Eastern Kingdoms..

      We're talking NO quests, just grinding.. and mailing, vendoring greys, repairing, etc.. Training is not a must, but nice if its not too much hazzle..

      This way I can level up all the chars I want, with ease..

      I know there exists mining profiles for these zones, but I wanna level up chars that has other proffesions..

      EDIT 1:

      Like this for instance, in Kalimdor, I can edit the levels in the profile myself, and leave the char in its proper zone, and it starts grinding in circles like i want..

      Does someone know of this for Eastern Kalimdor? Pref for Horde?


      <Vendor Name="Bronk Steelrage" Entry="3075" Type="Repair" X="-2927" Y="-222" Z="54" />
      <Vendor Name="Kawnie Softbreeze" Entry="3072" Type="Ammo" X="-2894" Y="-277" Z="53" />
      <Vendor Name="Moodan Sungrain" Entry="3883" Type="Food" X="-2940" Y="-247" Z="53" />
      <Vendor Name="Harant Ironbrace" Entry="3080" Type="Repair" X="-2281" Y="-298" Z="-10" />
      <Vendor Name="Kennah Hawkseye" Entry="3078" Type="Ammo" X="-2275" Y="-291" Z="-10" />
      <Vendor Name="Innkeeper Kauth" Entry="6747" Type="Food" X="-2366" Y="-348" Z="-9" />
      <Factions>7 14 15 16 73 38 189</Factions>
      <Name>Camp Narache</Name>
      <Hotspot X="-2825" Y="-325" Z="56" />
      <Hotspot X="-3054" Y="-518" Z="26" />
      <Hotspot X="-3292" Y="-396" Z="39" />
      Last edited: Aug 12, 2010
    5. Sidalol

      Sidalol Member

      Jul 1, 2010
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      90% of the profiles are what you're asking for. After looking for 2 seconds I found this. Just go to the 1-60 section for honorbuddy and ignore any questing profiles.

      Typing a name into the mail box on honorbuddy will make it mail items to that char when bags are full followed by returning to original location. Clicking Automatically Train Skills will, well, automatically train skills.

      Just look a little harder.
    6. Pastortom

      Pastortom New Member

      Aug 10, 2010
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      Thanks alot,

      Im just not used to this program yet..

      I dont assume that it will train skills, vendor stuff, etc, just cus theres an option for it.. Im thinking its dependant on the proper profile, am I wrong?

      and, the profile you linked is the one Im already using in Kalimdor.. and its not what Im looking for.. You see, I have been searching, for about 20 minutes, didnt find anything.. And since Im new, I thought I could ask you guys :)

      Im looking for one to use in Eastern Kingdoms..
    7. phrightener

      phrightener New Member

      Apr 17, 2010
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      better yet what happened to the default generic alliance dwarf 1-60? All the ones offered for HB2 fucking blow currently. Ive had no problem with HB or even HB2 until this latest release and everyone toying around with the default profiles. I used to be able to set it to go and walk away from it for 10 hours before checking it again. I've done this for my last 5 80's and now it just sucks. Someone please just release a fix for this.
    8. Fruitbasket

      Fruitbasket New Member

      Aug 21, 2010
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