Just got another pair of 72h teleport bans. Saw both trapped in the hut of bot-death in VotW maybe 20sec ago, trying to get out. DC, relog, 'spended. Both were on private profiles, lvl 90, GB2. Paid accounts. EU.
the ban section is for ban reports only, please fill out the ban form, or this thread will be locked.
One of my bots got teleported to that hut in vot4w aswell, but i was lucky enough to see the teleporting, so i turned off bot and controlled the character and avoided ban. The gm ported me like 4-5 times, first from jade forest to vot4w, then into that hut, then some random teleports 50y backwards.
Awesome that mods can post that but not acknowledge the shit going on, offer insight, or let us know they're tryin to help resolve the issue.