I wonder what can I do to prevent my HonorBuddy sale items!? Whenever I leave the bot joinando BG's or my Dungeons he sells rare items (PvP Equipment purchased with honor, heroic items dg) .. summarizing and sell that is rare to uncommon. This is very uncomfortable, because I turn around and it's all sold. I know it must have several solutions, but I'm a long time without studying English and I have a little difficulty in translating some functions. Expects help! Att, Elton. PS: Sorry for my english.
well,sure thing is that you must open a ticket and you will get your stuff back next time keep your items on bank or you must add them under protected items list whats easier to do and my suggestion as well tho is to keep them in bank
then what exactly is the problem? i thought you said the issue you where having was that it was vendoring gear.
Okay. I'll try to be more specific. I save all my gears on my bag (Tank gear,PVE Gear and PVP Gear) and another itens. If i open the HonorBuddy and configure it to do any a quest, it goes to vendor and sell the rare itens (PvP Honor set,DGh set, and all below rare items) except reagents. So, i'd like to do something to protect my items, i dont know if i can do that. I opened Developers Tools searching solutions but i didnt find anything. Briefly speaking, If i configure any honorbuddy bot, except lazyraider, sell my itens rares, common, poor, uncommon. Sorry for my english :'( HELP ME! It dont sell my items on the bank, just bag. Plugins Settings and Tools DungeonBuddy Settings
upload a full log as an attachment please. one should of been uploaded before now. try to make sure it includes it trying to sell these items. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log.html