Hey fellow botters, I have basic knowledge of how HB works but now I need to set it up too do a 3 bot RaF. Heres some things you may need to know, All 3 accounts are bought through each other(acc 1 raffed acc 2 which raffed acc 3) I have the 3 bot license If you could help me, please comment/add me on skype. Mikebail.twitch TiA Mikebail
Fastest way to do this? Multibox RAF dungeon grind to 80. Use LazyRaider. You move on toon, and initiate the fight. The bot takes over, casts your spells for you and does the fight. All you do is move. All the other RAF will also be using LAzyRaider, with the option "follow Tank" enabled. Best "botting" way to level - Quests. Use Kick's 1-90 questing profiles.
Does botting quests really make you look like a bot? I haven't tried, but can't imagine that someone moving, fighting, and finishing/starting/turning in quests look much like a bot.
i just leveled 2 RAF chars from 15 - 80 purely through dungeon finder. i was supervising prolly 60 % of the time. i'd recommend one of your chars being healer spec so you get close to instant pops. hit 80 in 1 day 6 hours played and that had a bit of sitting around while i was doing other shit.