I decided to create 2 new famers, so im I thought that RAFing them would be the fastest way to get them to 60, they are at 25 now, but the leader keeps leaving the RAFed one behind, so i have to babysit them. I know RAF is bugged right now, but has anyone of you found a workaround for this? BTW, the leader is a warrior and the RAF is a shaman. Thank you.
you could program the main CC to trigger rest if your follower is more then X yards away that would give a chance the it to catch up
best way in the world to level a RaF pair: drag them through dungeons using a third account with an 80. once you hit 15 on the RaF pair you can go into stockades/wailing caverns, then eventually SM, ZF, and at 45 you can enter Stratholme, all the way to 58. then just bot them separately.
but nothing seems to work with that anymore. i have tried RaFing heaps now and can never get it to work for me.
I would recommend just putting all the bots on Grind mode on the same profile. If you have a high level leader then put it on free-for-all and set the high level to skip looting. Pull range should be larger on leader than follower. At least that's what worked for my specified needs.
u can get into ragefire at lvl 8. i get 2 1/2lvl per 10min run. round them up and AOE them down. i do that till 20..then on to SM til 40.