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  • Honorbuddy 2.5.6860.538

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by raphus, Mar 7, 2013.

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    1. hatemf

      hatemf New Member

      Oct 28, 2012
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      It is really sad how ppl react to that whole time Devlps spend in tracking down issues and anbiguities introduced to the game. Please understand that Blizz do not send them a report of changes, they have to dig it themselves, update, then test, then dig again.....and start over again. Did it even come to your mind that they do not get to sleep to satisfy ppl like us? I am happy they do not spend much time replying to such unappreciating posts. I would like also to add, that I am a regular customer like all of you, and I do not know any of the developers. I am also from Egypt, and 1 Euro = 8 Egyptian pounds, so practically I have paid more than anyone of you. I hope everyone know what mativation can do compared to frustration. Please motivate them instead of all the frustration you are injecting into the forum
    2. zbikksmash

      zbikksmash Banned

      Sep 24, 2011
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      I understand what you are saying but to those that clearly want to insult the ones complaining how about you shut the fuck up if they want to bitch about a company that makes thousands of dollars and cant get a fucking patch update to run smoothly then maybe they are in the wrong game they have alot of people who work for them so they could be working around the clock but seriously if it takes more then a few days to fix these issues then seriously start looking at the level of experience that you have and find somone who can get shit right.
    3. Ambivalence

      Ambivalence New Member

      Mar 3, 2013
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      The Files used on the PTR most definitely ARE NOT the same as the ones applied to live realms, thats the WHOLE point behind a test realm: Flushing out the bugs in the code so they can get it working more properly without the whole community having to deal with daily restarts and extended downtimes. Obviously you are very ignorant to how games, coding, or any of this works so maybe you should sit back and learn to cope. You paid what was essentially a 1 time access fee, like a library card. When someone else checks out the book you want from the library it doesnt give you the right to behave like a jackass. Your rude because you are uncivil and have no manners. These things take time and maybe if all people were greedy tools like yourself then money would be the ultimate motivation. But im willing to bet these devs have families, kids, and lives of their own and just because you purchased access to their product (AND NOTHING MORE THAN THAT ACCESS) doesn't make them your slaves. They obviously did an excellent job having the bot over 70% functional within days of a release. If you had any concept of how much code is in a game as massive as WoW and the time it takes to flesh out these issues it would humble you greatly to understand the monumental task these devs face constantly.

      BG is only the most important part in YOUR opinion, which in this world is worth little to nothing. BG is one of the least important parts for me because I enjoy PvP.

      And money isnt the ultimate motivation sir, happiness is. Maybe money makes YOU happy, but some of us live fuller lives than that.
    4. Daviid

      Daviid New Member

      Mar 16, 2012
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      Plz guys everyone that's bitching about holz and people like him .........

      I know...... in fact EVERYONE with an ounce of sense knows...... he (and people like him) are idiots, always have been, always will be, never had to work for a living, never had to wait for anything, 'daddy' pays all the bills etc etc. you'll never get thru to them, they'll never stop bitching and complaining, they love causing problems, they love winding people up. one day maybe sooner than they realize, they will be all alone in the big wide world, no 'mommy or daddy' to pay the bills and wipe their arse. no friends as their attitude to life and people drives real friends away. then just maybe they'll realize life doesn't revolve around them, but until then just let them rant. they cant help being spoilt bratts, its their parents fault as much as theirs for not teaching them respect and humility for other people and their efforts.

      and the funny thing, he'll prolly rant to me now for this post hahahaha, which will prove my point.
    5. holz

      holz New Member

      Feb 5, 2010
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      Dude i'm not a noob in coding and i know C#. This bot is written in C# i checked the files of some combat routines and didn't find anything that complicated. Considering that they have dozens of people working on bot's development i don't think it should be that hard to find a solution. All the crashes i have witnessed so far has to do with memory violation problem, which means Blizzard implemented some new stuff in 5.2 that changes old memory interaction scheme utilized by the program.
      First i paid for 1 year access which is 24 Euro not 1 Euro. Second i have full right to express my opinion especially if the product i purchased is not working as intended. Third i'm not the first and not the only one that is experiencing problems with BG Buddy. As was mentioned earlier Bossland has a dozen of developers in its team, with their experience they should have predicted or at least anticipated the problems that new patch may carry and how these problems may affect the bot. Same mistakes are repeated. Bot is not ready for new patch, Bossland representatives don't provide any feedback on deadlines and current situation related the bot. This is very frustrating and unprofessional in my opinion.
      Well you are not my parents to lecture and teach me!
      Money is the reason why people work. Without money you won't last long and you will definitely not enjoy the life. If money is not the motivation for these people why don't they make this bot open source and free?
      Not really considering that this Bot is more than 3 years in the market and the fact that BG Buddy is completely unusable...Tell me how many patches there were in 3 years? Why can't people learn on their mistakes?
      I perfectly understand the difference and scalability between making a Game and Bot for the Game. And i can tell you its much easier to make a bot than to create such a complex game as WoW is. The thing is Bots developers dont have to analyse all WoW files. Yes there are thousands of them. But files that are used for Bot's interaction and engine are located at certain modules. According to their experience they should perfectly know which files they need to analyse.
    6. Kassec

      Kassec New Member

      Mar 6, 2013
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      I guess earth would stop turning with less assholes on it. Too bad for us. ;)

      You're sooooo smart. This is a big business opportunity for you here. Write one that is better. It's so easy to do in 3 days, stop whining here and go coding. You'll get rich in one month.
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2013
    7. Domino168

      Domino168 New Member

      Nov 25, 2012
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      In my experience (i didn't try the BG bot yet) the Quest bot has the problem that the character talks and talks in loop to the NPC that gives you the quests thought he had already the quest.
    8. holz

      holz New Member

      Feb 5, 2010
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      I'm sure if i were working on this Bot i would do better, at least if i'm determined and motivated to do something i will do it good. Maybe i should provide the solution and sell it to Bossland:) Seriously their devs are so slow :( Three days after patch and bot is still dead...
    9. Kassec

      Kassec New Member

      Mar 6, 2013
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      It was not detecting it had the quest. This has been solved. Today's version still has issues (like crashing WoW while questing, not being to do "CollectItem" quests objectives properly and maybe more ...).

      lol, LOL, re-lol and ... lmfao. If you were able to do half of that, you wouldn't be here. Well, I'm gonna check my oven, smells so good. Bye.
    10. shinoowns

      shinoowns New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yes, they are being slow after patch updates, but I would rather them do that then something that trips. As a side note, based on your posting intelligence alone I doubt you know how to code, and if you do it's shittly written as you have no idea of how a project size takes into value the time span. Prove me wrong: Go write your own.
    11. player8472

      player8472 New Member

      Dec 31, 2010
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      Beta is working ok right now!
      You just need to supervise since there is a (much smaller) issue with some quest givers
    12. noise

      noise New Member

      Feb 3, 2013
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      Okay.. try to explain me how i can find Offsets and Pointer for World of Warcraft and give me solution to switch from ring3 to ring0.
    13. estapeluo

      estapeluo New Member

      Feb 23, 2013
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      fuck.. this shit is like WOW Forums... gtfo or post important shit.

      PD: Small patch went live today (I think is the pet xp nerf), HB 2.5.6860.538 (and beta: 2.5.6870.171) no longer attach to WoW.
    14. noise

      noise New Member

      Feb 3, 2013
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      It does attach cause they wont need to Patch it.
      It was only a Hotfix which can be applyd at Online Servers
    15. luthebear

      luthebear New Member

      Mar 6, 2013
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      well the problem looks more difficulty .. just wait and see .. or find an alternative its your choice!
    16. Groover

      Groover New Member

      Dec 21, 2012
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      A patch was just applied by Blizz on Wow & definitely broke this beta that was
      working fairly decent earlier today. gg

      Honorbuddy v2.5.6860.538 started.
      Logging in...
      You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!
      Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
      This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #16650
      You are currently on build #0
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2013
    17. raphus

      raphus Administrator Staff Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jun 17, 2010
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      New maps have been meshed and uploaded. There is no need for a new release to use them.

      We have fixed all issues with questing and currently doing last tests. We will do a release as soon as we test all aspects of the bot.
    18. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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    19. estapeluo

      estapeluo New Member

      Feb 23, 2013
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      15min ago i DL a 5mb patch and since then my HB (and beta) doesnt attach anymore. And some hotfix are deployed on Client version, not is always server side.
    20. holz

      holz New Member

      Feb 5, 2010
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      Ok i see now that u messed up with pointers therefore the memory violation exception pops up...
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