Questing still not working, uses flying mount and fly above/on the ground, kill anymob it encounters. Tested Paths: Tanaris -> Uldum and Orgrimmar -> Uldum Manually went to uldum, and it went toward the quest but flew over to the border of tanaris, un'goro and silithus and flew around there. Questing working in Jade Forest, but do not attack any mob. In logs I killed one mob, since I attacked it myself. Tried restart and everything. (I hope I uploaded right logs now) EDIT: Im on patch:
If you read the known problems in the release logs, this is one of them. Just wait patiently until you see a friendly little update message that tells you "Questions should be fully functional now". Until then don't use it, unless you want to get banned.
^^This, however if you like you can use the latest test release from here.
Actually, its not in the neweset (that went live yesterday at 22:00~ ish) Will test the new one, 02:00~ ish