So the other day my account got closed. With no previous warning or anything. I've never been banned or anything and they just decide to close my account one day. I got it back this morning. I still want to bot but no where near as much as I did. You think they will be watching or is it safe to do it but just in controlled quantities?
I say go for broke. Mail the ore to a seperate account and run them 24/7 until they get officially perma banned. Just run then non-stop and pull in as much money as you need to retire. If you dont have a gbank use the mail and pray that they dont delete the recipient account. If you have a bank stock it up and sit on it. Otherwise dont get too spooked. If you got the accounts to bot then you might aswell go out with a bang. Trying to monitor it and bot little by little could mean you get banned after a 1 hour session and it would be seriously not worth it.
your being watched now, when i first sold gold i sold 300k all 3 of my accounts got banned, 2 got appealed. i did not change up my botting time still did 24/7 mine/herb other 2 accounts got banned in under a week. said fuck it and bought ten more