So, I usually bot all nite, and I sleep in the same room as my pc. I want it to run more silent. I tried to just turn down the fan speed to 20% but then it makes kicks that makes it go up to a 100% for like 2 seconds every once in a while. I would LOVE a step-by-step guide on how to make my comp run silent. My pc is new, expensive and has alot of fans and good water cooling. Any help / tips appreciated! -dezno
I was hoping for more serious answers than these, and Teveel please stop trolling. :S Anyone have any real answers?
Just see if you get used to the noise it makes mate, give it a week or two? cant be that loud. I run mine 24/7 and the noise it makes just became "normal".
turn off the fans.... its entirely possible you can run all night one xtremely low settings without them... yes I am serious. if thats not an option get a utility for controlling fan speeds. This will aloow you to turn them off individually and find the "noisy" fans. its very possible your video cards or 1/2 fans are making all the noise... trial and error here is the only way without spending more money.
If it's just the fans that's making noise that's annoying you, you could try Noctua's quiet fans and a fan controller. I'd still give it some time though
Buy a better fan that makes less noise at high speed. Or upgrade to water cooling, which makes almost no noise. Nothing you can do to a pc to make it quieter except buy better quality fans.
Yeah watercooling is the way to go if it doesn't require a fan to cool the radiator like the corsair H80 CPU cooler. I wouldn't run WoW with all my fans turned off. That's just ridiculously stupid and can cause damage to your PC. If you really want to bot at night quietly then buy a laptop or run off of a VPS/Dedi.
1) More expensive and silent fans 2) Turn them off if your pc is not overheating Nothing else that you can do.. and if you turn them off open the case otherwise you will get high temps for sure.. if you have a high load.. You wouldn't run WoW without fans?! How old is your PC? I am running my bots with only ONE fan(case fan) and opened case CPU temp about 40C, VGA temp about 36C. I doubt that this can cause dmg to my PC and since he said that his PC is new and expensive I doubt that he has any kind of high load unless he's running like 30 bots... I haven't heard about watercooling or should I say Liquid cooling, that doesnt require a fan to cool of the radiator... really.... And trust me laptops are noisy
Yeah just did a quick search just realized you need atleast 2 fans for any radiator! Silly me! My PC is pretty recently upgraded (upgraded for Crysis 3 Ultra Graphics). Yeah any work on CPU or VGA will cause some work and with no airflow the heat will not dissipate. In the long run it will cause damage. Fans are there for a reason, it may not cause problems at first but it will eventually. My laptop isn't noisy at all in comparison to my desktop! It's silent enough to sleep without much notice
Try turning on something that makes as much or more noise such as a fan. I always fall asleep with my fan running. You can always drink your self asleep or take diphenhydramine pills then you'll be a sleepy bear.
Little to no chance friend. Go into bios, disable all unnecessary power. Using wireless? Disable lan. Don't need sound? Disable on-board sound. Etc. Reduce screen resolution, small as possible, less graphics power required, less heat produced, less fan noise. Ensure wow client for bot is on all low graphical settings, sound disabled, no add-ons. Consider using scripts to lower settings beyond the sliders. Manual control GPU fan to a low hum state. Close all unnecessary processes, disable visual styles running on desktop, close browsers, etc. Just kididng :3 Get yourself some earbuds son.