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  • How to force the bot to pick 1h in quests?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by sune, Mar 12, 2013.

    1. sune

      sune New Member

      Apr 30, 2012
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      My problem is that i'm levling a Fury warrior and want to use dual 1h weapons.

      Im running the latest honorbuddy on questing using Kick's scripting pack 1-90.

      I got Autoequip2 set to Dualwield and Axes, Swords and Clubs.
      I've tested with both the standard set weights and AskMrRobot set weights
      Whenever i turn in a quest, no matter if there is a 1h weapon to choose or not, it dose always pick the 2h weapon, therefor i never get any new 1h, unless there is a mob drop.

      My question is; Is there anyway to force HB to pick 1h weapons as quest reward when turning in a quest?

      Been searching for few houers now and can't find any answers :confused:

      Thanks for taking time.
    2. zonpan

      zonpan Banned

      Jan 12, 2012
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      When this kind of stuff happens I just pause the bot before it turns in the quest and I pick the reward manually :p I find this method faster than posting on the forums and waiting for a reply.

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