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  • How to make pc run silent at night?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by dezno, Mar 11, 2013.

    1. myjudgmentx

      myjudgmentx New Member

      Oct 4, 2010
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      depends what kind of rig you got. if it can handle it, just turn down fan speed. For example, I got sli gtx 670, but if stuff starts taking up mem the fans will speed up, so I'll just turn them down, but only because I know that it could handle it. ((even though they're somewhat quiet already.))
    2. zakkwylde

      zakkwylde New Member

      Nov 19, 2012
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      As others have suggested you may need to invest in some decent quality silent fans. If they are standard ones that came with the case then they may not be that quiet. I personally have run Noctua's for years and they are a fantastic investment.

      You mention you have water cooling.....care to elaborate what kit it is? Does it just cool the CPU or the GFX card as well? As has been said before it will more than likely be the GPU fan's that are causing noise. You can alleviate this somewhat by turning the graphics settings down in WoW. Also, maybe research a program that can adjust the fan settings on the card itself, it's been some years but I think it was rivatuner in the old days that could do this.

      CAUTION!!! - If you're going to mess with fan settings and speed, make sure you TEST and MONITOR it first! Run it for a couple hours and closely monitor the temps...the last thing you want is to wake up to the smell of a fried GFX / CPU / etc :(
    3. ubergoober

      ubergoober New Member

      Nov 19, 2010
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      Get what ever CPU block you need for your socket, and get one for your video card, and then ENERMAX UCCL12N 120mm White LED Cluster Case Fan - Newegg.com (x3) for your radiator
      It may be over kill, but I am a HUGE fan of the 1/2" ID tubing, because that much water going through a quad radiator like the one I linked will ensure your temperatures will rarely go above room temperature, and the 120mm gasket silencer with the under 20DB fans will ensure you'll almost never hear your computer fans :D

      I run 5 bots on my computer with this setup, VGAx2, HDDx3, CPU in the same loop and my temps are averaging 10-25 degrees F above room temp with all 5 bots running at the same time.

      As far as the rest of you assholes who gave smart ass answers, they're not wanted, nor needed. The OP wanted to know what was recommended, and Google can only get you so much before you need to ask someone, to all you who gave smart ass answers, I one finger salute you...
    4. cowboyx

      cowboyx New Member

      Feb 10, 2013
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      Turn off the pc at night.
    5. Teveel

      Teveel Active Member

      Sep 5, 2011
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      Touchy touchy ubergoober, it was a joke.
    6. Kronz

      Kronz New Member

      Jan 17, 2012
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      Just buy one of those ultra-small mini-ITX PC's with built-in HD GFX and a strong CPU, since WoW is intensive on the CPU.

      They are very quiet and the PC will cost you as much as "upgrading" the cooling of your existing PC.

      Place the mini-ITX PC in the other room, connect it wirelessly to the Internet and your are all set up.

      Here are some configurations you might be interested in.

      They are all fan-less, so they can't get more silent than that.

      Let me google that for you
    7. wearloga

      wearloga New Member

      Mar 16, 2012
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      Without investing money, I'd go, as mentioned, for adjusting the settings to minimal, close all background programs that are running, in my case thing like Skype, WinAmp, etc. That works for me, I just fall asleep to the soft hum of my fans and I like it that way. The rare occasion that I turn my pc off at night I find my bedroom too quiet ;)
      It is as they say, every setting that you lower reduces the performance you ask of your pc, which reduces temperatures and therefore fan speeds.
    8. Dreadlord

      Dreadlord New Member

      Nov 15, 2011
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      LOL! want my solution?... I play music all night while my pc's botting... That way I can sleep to music and not deal with noise...
    9. chtpm

      chtpm Member

      Nov 26, 2011
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      1. Sleep Keeps Your Heart Healthy
      2. Sleep May Prevent Cancer
      3. Sleep Reduces Stress
      4. Sleep Reduces Inflammation
      5. Sleep Makes You More Alert
      6. Sleep Bolsters Your Memory
      7. Sleep May Help You Lose Weight
      8. Naps Make You Smarter
      9. Sleep May Reduce Your Risk for Depression
      10. Sleep Helps the Body Make Repairs

      Even if you dont listen to the fan you could still worry about something else going on with the bot and that might not get you the sleep that you need
    10. lathrodectus

      lathrodectus Member

      Sep 13, 2011
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      Replace your current fans with better and higher diameter ones. High diameter fans tend to produce lower noise.
      Lower PSU fan rpm you may need to tinker your PSU to be able to do that (or you might be able to do it depends on PSU and MoBo).
      Underclock/Undervolt CPU/GPU so that they consume less power therefore produce low heat.
    11. erenion

      erenion DEVELOPER Buddy Core Dev

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It is general chat, asking why the bot isn't working isn't a) isn't in the right place, b) has been answered may times. This seems much more relevant than everything that gets closed.
    12. iguasto

      iguasto New Member

      Mar 11, 2013
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      So you want to run your PC all night long; searching for a way to quite the fans down a bit from screaming like F10 Fighter Jet engines.
      First off, I absolutely do not reccommend you open up your PC and unplug the Fans. This will cause a horrible hardware heat blowout which will extremely harm your computer and disrupting your botting "Bonanza". The smart way to do this is by changing the Fan speeds through your "BIOS". Here is a tutorial from PC World as follows:

      View attachment 84346 BIOS stands for "basic input/output system." This software checks the health of your computer's hardware and allows Windows to start. When you turn on your PC, its BIOS runs a power-on self-test (POST) to ensure that the machine's devices (hard drive, sound card, keyboard, and the like) are connected and working properly. If the test finds no problems, the BIOS turns over control of your PC to another piece of software, typically the operating system.

      Every PC has a BIOS, and you may need to access yours from time to time. Inside the BIOS you can set a password, manage hardware, and change the boot sequence. The BIOS user interface is straightforward and easy to access, but you should take caution when exploring the BIOS--don't change settings if you don't know what they do.

      Step by Step: Entering the BIOS

      1. Get ready to act quickly: You need to start the computer and press a key on the keyboard before the BIOS hands over control to Windows. You have only a few seconds to perform this step.

      2. Boot (or restart) the PC: Pay close attention to the first screen that appears. Look for a message that indicates which key you need to press in order to access the BIOS. That key is likely to be:

      --A Function key (such as F1, F2, or F3)

      --The Esc key

      --The Delete key

      On this PC, you'd press F2 to enter the BIOS setup menu.On some PCs, entering the BIOS may require pressing another key or a combination of keys. Keep your eyes open for an on-screen message that says something like:

      --'Press F1 to enter setup'

      --'BIOS settings: Esc'

      --'Setup = Del'

      --'System configuration: F2'

      If you don't catch it the first time, simply try again. Your computer's documentation may also tell you which key to press.

      3. When you know the right key, start the computer again and press the key when the first screen pops up: You may hear a confirmation beep or see a new message. If you timed it correctly, you'll be in the BIOS within a few seconds.

      Additional Tips

      Remember, don't make changes unless you've done your homework. Check out "Make Your PC Boot Faster With These BIOS Tweaks" for some ideas about tweaking the BIOS for speed.

      Keep your BIOS current. The process of updating the BIOS is fast and simple. Note the existing version of the BIOS, and check the support section of your computer manufacturer's website for updates. For a step-by-step guide, read "How to Update Your BIOS."

      Another alternative you may try is software like NVIDIA NTUNE here: http://www.nvidia.com/object/ntune_5.05.54.00.html

      There are other things you can do to lower the amount of juice the computer is using and run only the minimum.

      1.Lower the monitor brightness and keyboard backlights (If on a laptop or ALL-In-One PC)2.Turn the graphics all the way down to its lowest settings.
      3.Change your OS UI to the bare basics, which will minimize computer resources etc....

      Well, I hope this helps you with your endeavor with silent computing.
    13. knilxe

      knilxe New Member

      Jun 15, 2010
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      1) Buy a case with good airflow.
      2) Replace all your smaller fans with quality fans that are at LEAST 120mm. The larger the fan, the more air it'll move at a lower RPM and noise level.
      3) Invest in a self-contained CPU water-cooler such as the Corsair H80 or H100.
      4) Take time to cable manage all your cables inside your case. If they're all over the place then it'll block airflow causing the fans to run faster and louder to make up for it.
      5) Turn down ALL your settings in World of Warcraft, except view distance, to the lowest possible setting. This will make the graphics card work a LOT less and in turn make it run cooler and quieter (this also saves on electrical bills).

      This is what I do and I let the bot run at night. Computer never gets louder than a barely audible hum and extremely easy to fall asleep with in the same room.
    14. dezno

      dezno New Member

      Mar 6, 2013
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      Thanks for all the great answers! I will try everything everyone of you guys suggested. :) (including buying some new fans to switch out the regular ones.) And I'm not trading health with botting time, dw about me. And I find it rather rude to just post an ignorant reply symbolizing that I'm stupid for not using google or some shit. And yes, later you said it was a joke, but you still posted a rude reply without helping me with the problem or leaving any relevant info at all. Anyways, HUGE credit to anyone who helped me and took their time to write a reply on this thread! :)
    15. dezno

      dezno New Member

      Mar 6, 2013
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    16. Tranquil

      Tranquil Member

      Oct 25, 2012
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