I'm currently on my first 1-90 and while I try to monitor the bot most of the time while it's running, I don't always have that luxury. When I am up and about I have been using an addon that will ring through my speakers when I receive a whisper. Are there any better ways to monitor hb?
I honestly don't have any problem with other players while leveling my characters or using GatherBuddy. Try botting for a few hours unwatched, come back and press "E", if there weren't any whispers then you're probably fine. Unless you're an active member of a guild, which you shouldn't be on your botting toon, you'll pretty much be left alone. I don't advise leaving BGBuddy unattended though, at least not in it's current buggy state. Nor do I advise leaving botbases that make you interact with other players (such as dungeons ect) unattended. Anyways, as long as its something that is isolated such as gathering or questing, the only monitoring you'll need to do use bot around the same times each day so that it makes you look more human and do not bot for ridiculous periods of time per session (don't bot for 12 hours at a time). Hope this helped.
The answer most people are going to tell you: Blah blah never leave your bot unattended. Realistic answer: AFK all day never banned once.
How I monitor my bot is I plug the monitor into the tower and I start the program up and boom there is a screen I watch that and when it's done I got to sleep.
I agree, it's outstanding ;-) Missing movement detection in the newest release is a pretty cool feature.
I also use teamviewer on my iphone when I am out and about to just keep an eye out. I worry about getting banned alot so if I leave it running while I am out, I check in on teamviewer every 20 or 30 minutes. At least if I see it doing something stupid I can just stop the bot hearth and log out.
I once used jMon, but he has long since let his project fall into neglect. I started using BuddyStats - but as late it appears, also, to have become a stagnate project (though, this, at least will still "work" just do not expect updates till Lazarus returns) Of late, minus the snide comment about plugging a monitor into your computer, I have, also, been using TeamViewer host/iPhone app with a mixture of LogMeIn.
I use splashtop, it's free on your own network or $15 a year on someone elses or cellular data. I view it and can control it from my iphone or ipad whichever
My eyes! Or if I for some reason develop a case of amnesia or dementia mixed with down syndrome I RDP in to my computer and control it that way. Oh yeah, I do that from my Android phone for free(Came stocked on the phone). Suck it iPhail. Also LogMeOut plugin will work better for your notifications because it can also notify you when your bot gets stuck, whispered, killed, and a bunch more options. It also will automatically close your wow and bot if certain conditions are met. It's worth a look.