To the equipment, as long as there is a choice, on the whole blue Intellect Equip: Druid, Paladin, Monk!Choice of defense equipment the soldiers, DK, blood DK does not matter.The soldiers selected DPS specialization.
Tried it does not work, still complete the task, at the NPC does not comply with its own specialized equipment.Then does not equip.
Not the role of equipment and goods.But time to complete the task, select the reward equipment will not meet their own specialized equipment!
由于Weight Sets文件是根据以前的版本来设定的,最新版本5.2的游戏里DPS装跟防御装的耐力是一样的,所以默认的Weight Sets文件里防御天赋的选择装备的首要条件已经不再适用,你可以尝试按照WeightSet Configuration - Buddy Wiki里的介绍,在防御天赋的Weight Sets文件里添加例如躲闪100,或者格挡100这样,把耐力<Stamina>100</Stamina>这个降低
Well, then I can try, I do not know can not defense Specialization deleted, he still choose defense with a most stupid way...
There is a problem, he chose not own specialized equipment, but he does not put his equipment, but on the bag...
View attachment 89525 This is the latest test, the task of an intellectual dagger, and an increase agility Staff, but the brothers lack of intelligence dagger is selected, specialization is the guardian!Druid! Download the file, unzip and copy and paste over.