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  • Some profile editing assistance (possibly)

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Ticky, Mar 18, 2013.

    1. Ticky

      Ticky New Member

      Jan 25, 2013
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      So, this really only happens when I run one particular profile. I don't know if I should say which, because it has recently been removed from this website. So just in case I'll keep that tiny bit of information to myself. However, the issue is that when my profile has been running for any given length of time (it could be 20 minutes, it could be 5 hours) honorbuddy, then almost instantaneously afterward my entire computer, crashes. I'm uploading the most recent log, because I'm not sure which of the previous ones were while using this profile.

      Now, what I'm wanting from this isn't just some "help me plz" type of fix. I want to understand this issue so I can handle it again on my own in the future. So, that being said, I want to know what exactly is wrong with the profile and how I personally can edit and fix it. I've watched a few tutorials, but I'm still not quite sure what I should be looking for error-wise. I've already deleted my HB cache, my WoW cache and disabled all of my WoW addons and restarted both WoW and honorbuddy to try to solve the issue.

      Now, the profile works just fine for the most part. It runs smoothly, it does its handiwork, it flies to the next waypoint, rinse and repeat. But it simply crashes after a little while, and I'm not quite sure why. So, I'd like to be taught what to look for in a profile to fix an error like this, and how to edit it so that it never happens again. I already have Notepad++ and I've toyed with some of the settings on other profiles, so I get the gist of what's going on. Anyway, here's my log. I greatly appreciate any help in my learning experience.

      Attached Files:

    2. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Hi, Ticky, and thanks for the log.

      What you are describing sounds very much like a hardware problem.

      Let's try this in two phases (neither of which is going to be pretty)...

      Phase 1 - Make certain all your device drivers are up-to-date, this includes your 'chipset' drivers.
      People rarely update their chipset drivers because of the inconvenience, and lack of technical savvy. But, it is these drivers that govern problems precisely as you describe. There is no way we can help you with this. You can Google for a tool to help you find and update the chipset driver (and other drivers such as video and sound), or you can do your own research based on motherboard model.​

      Phase 2 - See if we can find a hardware problem...
      • Download the gratis version of MemTest86.
      • Let MemTest86 run for three complete cycles.
        This will take a couple of hours, and is dependent upon your RWM memory size, and memory bandwidth.
      • If any errors appear during those three cycles, you've a hardware problem that must be addressed.
        Any error, even one, and the hardware issue must be addressed.
        Many times, the problem can be resolved by reseating memory. Other times, you will need to replace one or more memory sticks.

      cheers & good luck with your remedy,
    3. Ticky

      Ticky New Member

      Jan 25, 2013
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      Thanks for the reply! I'm going to do this as soon as I get off work tonight. I really appreciate you taking the time to help out.
    4. Ticky

      Ticky New Member

      Jan 25, 2013
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      Alright, I updated all of my drivers and this time it crashed while running a questing bot. Is there a particular name for the free version of Memtest86? I'm a little afraid of just downloading any random free program onto my computer, as there are plenty of mock programs out there just itching to hack into your computer.
      Last edited: Mar 20, 2013
    5. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      this should help you.

      it even has a voice over so you dont have to read.

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