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  • HB Wont Start Up, PLEASE HELP ME. Tried everything

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by mwmilligan1, Mar 19, 2013.

    1. mwmilligan1

      mwmilligan1 New Member

      Mar 19, 2013
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      So yesterday I purchased a single session key anxiously awaiting to be able to use and run HonorBuddy.. I had been looking for the right bot and HB seemed to have a lot of good feedback/support.

      Here's my problem: HB will NOT load after clicking the exe file... I installed and reinstalled everything correctly countless times.. Made sure it was the latest version. I reinstalled all my net framework and C++, I even downloaded an hb wizard from the forums that scans to see if everything is compatible.. I scanned, and downloaded what I needed.. it said good to go. I followed the step by step instructions for installation and setup, and I just can NOT get it to run.. I havent even got it to load to where I can enter my key I received for purchasing yet. Idk if it just wont even open HB because of the wow patching?? Do I need to wait for a new version to be released?? Or is it a technical issue.. can anyone help me? If not I'm going to request a refund from HonorBuddy. I would love to keep this bot and get everything squared away..

      PLEASE HELP!!!

      Yes.. I followed the tutorial and did everything it said. WoW open first with game pref set to windowed 32bit.

      I also have the Framework and C++ properly installed.. I uninstalled and reinstalled both like 2-3 times. Like I said I also used some "Honor Buddy Wizard" that detects problems and compatibility from the HB forums.. just can NOT even get HB to open.

      however.. I read somewhere on the forums that .NET framework wont work properly even if installed with a *****ed version of windows? Does anybody know if this is true? If so, how do I go about getting a refund? My key is unactive and hasn't been used (since I havent been able to run honorbuddy.exe)

      Someone pleas help
    2. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      is there an error window that pops?

      on what OS are you?
    3. mwmilligan1

      mwmilligan1 New Member

      Mar 19, 2013
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      No error window.. Nothing happens. Using windows 7 ultimate (might be a cr4acked version) not sure
    4. mwmilligan1

      mwmilligan1 New Member

      Mar 19, 2013
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      I also tried to add you on MSN and download teamviewer like one of your posts said, but of course you're offline :p
    5. mwmilligan1

      mwmilligan1 New Member

      Mar 19, 2013
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      Will HonorBuddy not work if I don't have a legitimate version of windows? I read somewhere that the .NET framework might not work properly if not.. I don't see why not I've ran several other bots with no issue. If we can't resolve this issue how do I go about getting a refund? I'd hate to have to do that but if nobody can help me I don't have any other options
    6. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      here is what your going to do.

      download and install these.
      Download: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (Web Installer) - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details
      Download: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) - Microsoft Download Center - Download Details
      once thats done restart your machine.

      after your machine comes back up, download the latest version of honorbuddy from here.

      once you have the zip file downloaded, extract it to a new folder.

      now start up wow, you can do that buy using the launcher or by starting WoW.exe
      if your using the launcher you need to make sure (Use 32bit Mode) is checked. then launch it.

      once its going login to the character you want to bot and get in game.
      now that your in game, you can start honorbuddy by right clicking Honorbuddy.exe, and Click Run As Administrator.

      at that point you should have the login screen where you can input your honorbuddy key.
    7. mwmilligan1

      mwmilligan1 New Member

      Mar 19, 2013
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      Followed each step.. already did this previously. Included restarting machine. Not sure what else to do. Getting quite frustrated. I'm not computer illiterate either, I just don't understand why it wont load. Any other ideas? If not is there a way I can get a refund? Would love to use HB over anything else but I've never had this type of issue configuring a simple bot before..
    8. Tony

      Tony "The Bee" Staff Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      i am online

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