Hello, at the place i decide to farm there are several mobs with same faction ID. One of them can be killed only during quest (which i have done already) so its making me problems now the character will just go for it and dps him all the time but cannot kill it. Is there any way to set things in the profile so the character will not attack this mob?
you can blacklist the the specific mob but this will make Hb not to attack it but if the mod attacks,Hb will try to defend
Hello Tony, thanks for replying... The mob is not attacking at all.... he is fronzen in some shield but the HB attacks it and dps it all the time and cannot kill it... so can you tell me how i can make it so the HB will not attack this single mob please?
Unless I'm missing something, which is possible, it doesn't look like the link that u posted will solve the problem. I am having a similar problem. all the mobs I'm farming are exactly the same in faction id, name, and entry id. I am looking for a way to avoid one of them in particular. I've tried blacklisting the area hes standing in but that doesn't seem to work either. please help.
theres not a way to, because all the mobs in the area are identical, the only real difference is the Guid, that every mob, unit, item in wow has, the problem is that those Guid's change all the time and theres no way to consistently say "dont attack that guy" the only thing i can recommend is changing your profile to completely stay away from that area that specific mob is in.