i havnt sold any gold yet either, but i still wouldnt be satisfied with that small amount per day hehe
You can make $10 (real money) per hour just following friends around and keeping them healed (if you know the right people). You can make an extra $20 per hour if you bring along an RAF, and provide a lvl 25 guild. That's $160 per day, and if you advertize it properly and work it properly you can do 2 or 3 per week. A good place to advertize is on a large university campus on the bulletin boards. Craigslist will bring a few customers, but not very steady.
I can easily sit in SW spamming a WTB all MoP herbs for 35g a stack and make a good profit by selling should enchants to vendors.. (inscription) Should surely add that to the list... Also JC / enchant shuffle, though not quite as good as in Cata... is still nothing to joke around with...
100% server dependent. On my server I can make 100 gems sell for 75g each and end up spending more on AH posts in the end. Vendor enchants is great for me. No interaction with other players just bot and instant profit.
What kind of "profit" are you talking about? An 18g75s shoulder enchant will not net you any profit if you're buying the herbs at 35g/stack. The breakeven point per stack is 31g25s, or 1g56s per herb. If you're paying higher than that per herb you aren't making any profit at all, unless you take into account starlight inks if you're able to sell them... but from a pure mill>ink of dream> vendor BoP enchants perspective you'll be losing money buying herbs at that price.
You cant say a clear breakeven point as its random how much pigments you get from each herb, but you are right. Thats why I stopped doing this, herbprices exploded on my server :/
Anyone with any ideas what to bot for in patch 5.3 when they are nerfing our shoulder enchant method?
Money-making ideas are pretty rare these days, so I doubt anyone will share them on this thread. I know that if I had an awesome new idea to make gold, I wouldn't share it with thousands of people publicly but just share it with my friends so we can "exploit" it before it becomes mainstream. that's just my opinion tho.
I don't mind sharing my Gold making ideas, since I am playing on China servers, so most of the ideas I would write about would not be mass inherited in China. So right now, other than botting gathering mines/herbs using anti-LCP sweep Profiles written for my Frameworks and randomizing the sweeps daily (to keep routes non-sequential and random) I have found that the new Crafted PVP gear (I do Blacksmithing ones) is a huge uptick in profit. On my server a piece of crafted pvp plate goes for 500 gold on average and costs 8-15 GI bars to make. 10 Bars costs 80 gold on my server, but I gather the ore myself, so no cost to me. This is getting me about 5K in sales on a single horde side server per day. But overall, what I have found: 1) Use TSM or another auctioneer style addon to make undercutting, canceling, listing etc easier and faster - really necessary to go pro 2) Diversify! You need to fully understand all markets, all forms of ore/herbs Shuffle and spread your goods/mats into as many markets as possible 3) Shuffle! You should understand all Shuffles, and push your goods throughout the shuffle, to spread it around, again covering as many markets at one time as you can. Example: Ore->JC->Disenchant. An excellent one is buying all runecloth you can and using star rubys + dream dust from DE on Simple Opal Ring (Thorium based gathering) to make Wizardweave Turbans. Most people do not know but that Turban will break down into 2-5 illusion dust or 1-3 Greater Eternal Essence. Both sell at a very high value on my server. My base cost for a Turban would be about 30 Gold. 2 Dust or 1 essence on my server sells for 30 gold, therefore I never lose money even with the worst luck DEing, the reality is, a proc of 5 dust would be 75 gold. 3 Essence proc would be 90 gold or more. Jasper Gem->Jasper Ring->DE->Hypnotic Dust, etc etc, streamline your shuffle to cover all markets and learn the most effective way to spread into all markets. 4) Bot as safe and as smart as you can. Currently I make about 50K gold per day, mostly through buying raw mats and shuffling. I automate most of my shuffling so I can code in another window. I only gather bot about 3 hours per day, usually testing Profiles for customers I am designing and it helps pad my gold making, but a lot of it simply comes from shuffle and understanding the AH and the market. Market conditions change all the time on servers, so you do need to study your market a lot and have a fairly solid understanding of that market and how to "supply" deficient markets quickly. Knowing your base costs for shuffle is good, like Hypnotic Dust sells for 15 gold on my server, therefore I buy any Jasper Gem that is 15 gold or lower, make Jasper Rings and DE them. Instant profit. Riskier, but also important, do not be afraid to buy into a large dip or over supply in a market. I find this is true for Hypnotic Dusts and Illusion Dusts on my server. Since the both have a base market value week to week about 15 gold per, if the price of either, due to oversupply drops below 10G, I will buy everything I can and stockpile huge stores of it. Buying it all up helps correct the market and also will ensure you have stock to sell once the price normalizes. Hope some of this helps.
What program do you use to automate shuffling? i currently use an autoclicker program to spam click my DE or Prospect macro but my game needs to be maximized
Actually I do the same thing using AC Tool, the old Asheron's Call scripting program, simply because it can do more than just autoclicking if I want, but ya my script is simply using TSM Destroy module, bind to my Z key and spam Z over and over until the "job" is done. Pretty sure there are better ways, even HB plugin perhaps that can automate shuffling.
None of the above. the 'best' way of making gold is learning how to hack others accounts. It's not something I'd ever do - but its the quickest for sure.