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    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Darkiz0, Mar 28, 2013.

    1. Darkiz0

      Darkiz0 New Member

      Mar 24, 2013
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      Hallo there, I'm pretty much determined to buy the bot soon evenso I still have a question I would like if anyone could give me a fair answer on.

      Well I'm thinking on botting on a server with a alt account in a party with my main and a mate.

      However I'm currently connected to a Private Virtual Network from on which Blizzard know I'm using (I tried to change my country - But did login with a real IP in that country with some help from a friend - Without any luck sadly). Since I will be botting with the fake IP and I create a account (alt) on it, will they be able to take my main down aswell (I'm not gonna provide any information/creditcard that can be tracked back to my main OR using RAF) besides using the same client and 'MAC address'.

      I know there's always the chance when botting, if I'm exaggerating everything?
      -// I searched there are a couple of questions that looks like mine, however since they know to my 'real and fake IP" then it didn't match the other question completely.


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