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  • Scammed again,this time as a seller, any advices for the dispute at PayPal?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by paketeh, Apr 3, 2013.

    1. paketeh

      paketeh New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      Hey guys

      Once more scammed, but this time as a seller.

      The buyer claims that he bought a LG L9 handy, but he really bought 250k gold from me and a 60 days game time card.

      In order to avoid PayPal from giving back the money the buyer, advices?

      I already replied to the claim stating that the buyer bought virtual goods and that he's should have mistaken the contact. Anyhow, I've made some research and I am pretty sure he knew what he was doing.

      Shall I send him a package to him by postal mail to ensure that I have something for if PayPal asks me to prove that I sent the item? What will they ask me to provide if the claim ends in their side?

      What would you suggest me?

      I'm really worried :S

      Thanks in advance to all!

      - paketeh
    2. Dark57

      Dark57 New Member

      Jun 6, 2012
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      Technically you are committing sales fraud, you're fucked. Technically because you labeled the product as an LG L9 Handy and sold him 250k Gold and a 60 day game card, you misrepresented the item being sold. In a legal manner (if you are both US citizens, I can't speak for other countries) then because the goods were different than what is represented on the receipt, the buyer has the legal right to sue the seller for the losses he accumulated from the fraudulent sale.

      So unless you can prove he knew what he was buying beforehand, then you have no defense. If you do have proof, then you're at the mercy of Paypal's decision regarding the actual sale and the fact that both of you knowingly engaged in the misrepresentation of the item being sold. Depending on how ambitious someone is feeling that day at Paypal is going to determine the severity of the resolution and possible account repercussions.

      misrepresentation legal definition of misrepresentation. misrepresentation synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.
    3. paketeh

      paketeh New Member

      Oct 12, 2012
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      The buyer directly sent me the money, I didn't state anything regarding what it was.

      I confirmed money reception, sent him the card using Skype and delivered the 250k in 24 hours, confirming by Skype.

      I have screenshots of everything and chat logs where he confirms he just sent he money, etc.

      So technically I didn't sell him anything, he sent the money in :/

      I'm based in EU (Spain).

      Thanks in advance!!

      - paketeh
    4. Giwin

      Giwin Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Dec 3, 2011
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      If it's Unauthorized Transaction, you're screwed as it's a well known scam... if he used a credit card you're even more screwed as you get ?10 chargeback fee.
    5. Darkiz0

      Darkiz0 New Member

      Mar 24, 2013
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      Don't you have any logs of him eg pm'ing you asking if it could be listed as a LG L9 handy insted of the actually thing? But anyway yeah you're pretty screwed and this is why you use LR or WU and not paypal, believed people had learnt.

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