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  • Suspended/Banned

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by ozzman, Sep 2, 2010.

    1. TheFury

      TheFury New Member

      Jul 13, 2010
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      I kinda hope that blizz doesn't ban me. They already know i have sporadic play times through the 5 years ive been playing this game might help me get some credibility plus i also play starcraft 2 on it
    2. icenode

      icenode Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You're all lucky it's only a 72 hour TBH. My first was a perma on my favourite alt. :/
    3. lingering

      lingering New Member

      Jul 21, 2010
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      its common knowledge that blizzard save up Bot reports and mass bann people when the weekend comes, They do it to create panic. I would say its a fairly successfull tactic
    4. Morga

      Morga Member

      Feb 18, 2010
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      Hasn't Zul'drak always been a spot they kind of watch? Seems like a few months ago there was more bans using those type of profiles.

      I don't know about the 19 hours a day thing. I constantly have 3 accounts online from 8amish to 10pmish, it has to be more than just the amount of hours. As it has been said, maybe the number of kills vs the amount of quest completed.

      Last edited: Sep 3, 2010
    5. lingering

      lingering New Member

      Jul 21, 2010
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      Zul'drak is allways overpopulated with bots, so its just natural that they keep an extra eye to that zone.
    6. ozzman

      ozzman New Member

      Aug 23, 2010
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      Thank you for your follow-up email regarding the account WOW1 This account was issued a 72-hour suspension after evidence was produced indicating one or more characters on the account were found to be using an unauthorized cheat program. These programs provide character benefits that are not achievable in the World of Warcraft through normal means. Such benefits include, but are not limited to, character automation (also known as "botting"), increased speed, teleportation, or running through walls/boundaries. These types of programs offer an unfair advantage over other players and supersede the intended limits of the game.

      As a result of this determination and the harmful nature of unauthorized programs on the game environment, the action taken against this account will not be reversed. Please understand that we do not reach this decision lightly. This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/termsofuse.html).

      In addition, you are responsible for any unauthorized cheat software found to be running in conjunction with World of Warcraft, regardless of the location and ownership of the computer used to log into the service. Please remember to keep your login information confidential. Any account that is registered to your name may not be shared with anyone except for one minor of whom you are a parent or guardian. The security of your account rests with you.

      As a reminder, only the Account Administration department can address disputes or questions about this account action. To learn more about how we are able to assist you, please visit us at http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/21505. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and hope we have addressed any concerns you may have had. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance to you.


      Customer Services
      Blizzard Entertainment

      -----Original Message-----
      From: No email :)
      To: WoWAccountAdmin@blizzard.com
      Sent: 9/2/2010 8:35:46 PM
      Subject: Re: World of Warcraft -- Account Action Notification -- Exploitative Activity Found

      Seriously Blizzard? (regarding my recent 72 hour ban)

      Under your definition of "Cheating" or "ruining the experience for others"

      The bottom line is that we want World of Warcraft to be a fun and safe environment for all players. World of Warcraft is an MMORPG, and the key words are "Massively Multiplayer". In playing this game, you will encounter thousands of other players who share different experiences and come from vastly different backgrounds. While certain actions may not bother you, consider the fact that these same actions may be perceived in a completely different manner by those around you. We have done everything we can to make World of Warcraft a great game, but now it's up to you the players, to breathe life into the world. Choose wisely my friends.

      The primary function of the In-game Support staff (Game Masters) is to ensure that players who are currently in the game world can enjoy the experience to its full potential. Much of our time is spent reimbursing lost items, resolving bugs, and generally helping players who are experiencing difficulties. However, sometimes disciplinary action must be taken against disruptive players who are causing damage to other's play experiences or the service itself. Though taking disciplinary action is never pleasant, we must take action against certain individuals in order to maintain the quality of service for all.

      My suspension is COMPLETELY redundant. I will admit to buying a leveling service, to leveling my 3rd 80 after getting my first 2 by myself and many other characters to high levels. I started leveling my pally from level 68 using this service. It greatly suprises me to see it suspended/banned. I have looked at MANY of your policies and statements, and under your direct quotes I have done NOTHING wrong. I have harmed ZERO peoples' experience. I have not bought or sold gold EVER. I have not farmed herbs or minerals or whatever and ruin the auction house. I have not played the economy. 99 percent of EVERYTHING I have ever got went straight to the vendor. The only thing that didn't was frostweave cloth which I use on my main 80 (tailor).

      I cannot comprehend as to why I was suspended. I have once again harmed ZERO people. I have affected the game itself in ZERO ways. I am a huge blizzard fan, and I have spent HUNDREDS of dollars on you. I payed about 180 just to play WoW, and then 15 dollars a month every month. Now I get banned? I have been a huge person to advertize blizzard, and I have bought every game you guys have made. And I love these games. I play Starcraft 2 regularly. One thing I do have to say, is maphacking or drophacking in a Starcraft game and automated leveling services in WoW are two VERY different things. I expect hackers to be banned in SC2 because those hacks DO affect me and other players.

      I have went out of my way in protecting my own account, I have an authenticator and I change my password regularly. I make it very long and complex. I am very confident my account is very secure, and this is not a mistake. I keep my emails monitored at all times.

      After all this rambling, I am quite astounded as to what has happened to me today. Whether or not it was a ToS issue, and I may have breached this, I do not believe a 72 hour suspension was justifiable. I am very concerned about this issue.
      I have proven myself able to do what I need to do in World of Warcraft, but there comes a time when life comes before a video game and I know this. That is why I chose to get a little bit of help in the leveling section of the game. I do have a life and a finite amount of time to play the game. If leveling one character to 80 didn't take SO long, and such a hard process, I would have never done this. I hand leveled 2 characters to 80. I have proven I can do it. This was a way to speed up what I was already doing. I was not cheating. I harmed no others. I know hundreds of people who deserve a 72 hour A LOT more than me.

      Sincerely, Ozzy.
    7. Jaded5542

      Jaded5542 Guest

      Jan 15, 2010
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      lols all that effort into writing a response to get a template reply. thanks bliz!
    8. soggy_oggy

      soggy_oggy New Member

      Aug 18, 2010
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      Sweet ban wave going on here, kind of glad I can't get this stupid bot to work now. :(
    9. Znyx

      Znyx New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      There is no ban-wave going on.

      As said, Blizzard most likely stacks up reports and bans all together.


      Are simply just wrong.. How can a botter somehow know this random player opened a GM ticket, wrote LOL luk at dis guy, he be bottin'.

      He can't. This is nothing but player reports, the bot is fine..
    10. zorgonatis

      zorgonatis Member

      Mar 23, 2010
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      It's not a banwave, it's just a process of the que of reports / flags. I'm botting just fine, and have been for the past 3 days on mah hunter.

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