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  • HB ARCHIVES: The Complete MoP Daily Experience--DO NOT DELETE

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by lphomiej, Mar 11, 2013.

    1. akheronn

      akheronn New Member

      Jun 10, 2012
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      [13:55:12.276 N] [Compiler Error]: c:\Program Files (x86)\HB2\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\31758-VOEB-LaosyScouting.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [13:55:20.309 D]

      View attachment 3864 2013-04-11 15.53.txt
    2. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Fresh installs, everyone.
    3. hbaioni

      hbaioni New Member

      Oct 17, 2011
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      Hey Brodie,
      Quick question: I've been using your profiles for a while, and they really did their job. Proof of that, is that i'm already exalted with Golden Lotus, Tillers, Cloud Serpent, and Sunreaver Onslaught. So, the thing is... I don't need to do their quests anymore. But, all the profiles load another specific profile when they finish... Basically, what i had to do was to modify them manually to load the profiles I need. By doing that, i lost the ability to do SVN updates, because i don't want to overwrite my changes. So basically, the question is this: Can't you check, at the beginning of each profile, if you're exalted with that faction? And, if you are, skip their quests and automatically load the next faction?
    4. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      If you were keeping up with the SVN, in r160 I added a plugin that allowed you to choose which profiles to do. Just load the profile, set it up by pointing it to Daily Grind profile, select profiles to use, then run Daily Grind. Always run daily grind first if you need to stop/start that's ok but always start the day with Daily Grind.
    5. Tompost

      Tompost Member

      Mar 24, 2013
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      I am getting that error :\ Can you try and fix it ;(
    6. oriie

      oriie New Member

      Oct 28, 2012
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      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Parker\Desktop\HB\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\31758-VOEB-LaosyScouting.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'

      Is HB still broken?
    7. kathoreas

      kathoreas New Member

      Jun 10, 2012
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      Honorbuddy v2.5.6948.557 started.
      Logging in...
      Attached to WoW with ID 3964
      New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      New bot added!: BGBuddy
      New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
      New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      New bot added!: Grind Bot
      New bot added!: Questing
      New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      New bot added!: PartyBot
      New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
      New bot added!: Combat Bot
      New bot added!: Raid Bot
      Honorbuddy v2.5.6948.557 started!
      Character is a level 90 Undead DeathKnight
      Current zone is Shrine of Two Moons
      Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Attatching BotEvents
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character level: 90
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character Faction: Horde
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character Race: Undead
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character Mapname: HawaiiMainLand
      [CLU] 3.3.9: GroupType: Solo
      [CLU] 3.3.9: LocationContext: Solo
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Retrieving Talent Spec
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [TalentManager] - Talent 1 chosen
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [TalentManager] - Talent 6 chosen
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [TalentManager] - Talent 8 chosen
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [TalentManager] - Talent 11 chosen
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [TalentManager] - Talent 15 chosen
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [TalentManager] - Talent 16 chosen
      [CLU] 3.3.9: TalentManager - Setting DeathKnightTierOneTalent to RoilingBlood
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Glyphdetection - GetNumGlyphSockets 6
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 58642,Name:Glyph of Foul Menagerie ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Foul Menagerie
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 96279,Name:Glyph of Dark Succor ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Dark Succor
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 58680,Name:Glyph of Horn of Winter ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Horn of Winter
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 59327,Name:Glyph of Unholy Command ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Unholy Command
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 59309,Name:Glyph of Resilient Grip ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Resilient Grip
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Glyphdetection - SpellId: 62259,Name:Glyph of Death Grip ,WoWSpell: Glyph of Death Grip
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character Current Build: DeathKnightFrost
      [CLU] 3.3.9: CreateBehaviors called.
      [CLU] 3.3.9: ActiveRotation is null..retrieving.
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Using Frost Deathknight rotation. Character has Howling Blast
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Found rotation: Frost Deathknight
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Greetings, level 90 user!
      [CLU] 3.3.9: I am CLU.
      [CLU] 3.3.9: I will create the perfect system for you.
      [CLU] 3.3.9: I suggest we use the Frost Deathknight rotation. Revision: $Rev: 826 $
      [CLU] 3.3.9: as I know you have Howling Blast
      [CLU] 3.3.9: BotBase: Questing (Supported)
      [CLU] 3.3.9:
      This Rotation will:
      1. Heal using AMS, IBF, Healthstone, Deathstrike
      2. AutomaticCooldowns has:
      ==> UseTrinkets
      ==> UseRacials
      ==> UseEngineerGloves
      ==> Pillar of Frost & Raise Dead & Death and Decay & Empower Rune Weapon
      NOTE: PvP rotations have been implemented in the most basic form, once MoP is released I will go back & revise the rotations for optimal functionality 'Dagradt'.
      [*] Handles Killing Machine differently; Dual Wield (Frost Strike); 2Handed (Obliterate)
      [*] Unholy runes are gamed to force RE procs or Blood Tap or Plague Leech on blood/frost
      [*] AutomaticCooldowns now works with Boss's or Mob's (See: General Setting)
      [*] Death Siphon (only if movement enabled.)
      Credits to Weischbier, because he owns the buisness and I want him to have my babys! -- Sincerely Wulf (Bahahaha :p)

      [CLU] 3.3.9: You can Access CLU's Settings by clicking the CLASS CONFIG button
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Let's execute the plan!
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Setting Current rotation to Solo
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Behaviors created!
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Retrieving Racial Abilities
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character Racial Abilitie: Will of the Forsaken
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character Racial Abilitie: Cannibalize
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character seems to be outside an Instance
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character seems to be outside an Arena
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character seems to be outside a Battleground
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character seems to be outside a Dungeon
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Character HB Pull Range: 45
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Initializing list of HealableUnits
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Adding: Myself to list of Healable Units
      [CLU] 3.3.9: No Healer Base Detectected
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Initializing Bot Checker
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [BotChecker] Questing Bot Detected.
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [BotChecker] *MOVEMENT ENABLED*
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [BotChecker] *MULTI-DOTTING DISABLED*
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [BotChecker] *TotT DISABLED*
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [BotChecker] *BURST ON MOB SET*
      [CLU] 3.3.9: [BotChecker] *BURST ON MOB COUNT = 2*
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Initializing Sound Player
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Initializing Keybinds
      [CLU] 3.3.9: Initialization Complete
      Initialization complete.
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\DebuggingTheTerrace.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\Laosy.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\LittleHatchlings.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\MantidUnderFire.cs(16,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\Pompfruit.cs(24,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\RidingTheStorm.cs(24,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\Silkfeather.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\ThunderingSkies.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\Deprecated\Escort6641.cs(19,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.Escort6641' already contains a definition for 'Escort6641'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\DeathknightStart\FindAndBeatNpcs.cs(35,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.DeathknightStart.FindAndBeatNpcs' already contains a definition for 'FindAndBeatNpcs'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\DeathknightStart\IntotheRealmofShadows.cs(31,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.DeathknightStart.IntotheRealmofShadows' already contains a definition for 'IntotheRealmofShadows'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\DeathknightStart\TheGiftThatKeepsOnGiving.cs(44,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.DeathknightStart.TheGiftThatKeepsOnGiving' already contains a definition for 'TheGiftThatKeepsOnGiving'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\SpecificQuests\DeathknightStart\TheGiftThatKeepsOnGiving.cs(299,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Honorbuddy.Quest_Behaviors.DeathknightStart.TheGiftThatKeepsOnGiving' already contains a definition for 'WoWUnitExtentions'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\thebrodiemanproductions\Quest Behaviors\EnemyattheGates.cs(15,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\thebrodiemanproductions\Quest Behaviors\KeyToSuccess.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\thebrodiemanproductions\Quest Behaviors\Laosy2.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\thebrodiemanproductions\Quest Behaviors\Silkfeather.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
      [Compiler Error]: c:\Users\Trevor\Documents\Honorbuddy\HB Dailies\Quest Behaviors\thebrodiemanproductions\Quest Behaviors\ThunderingSkies.cs(20,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'Blastranaar' already contains a definition for 'Blastranaar'
    8. Gandalf1506

      Gandalf1506 New Member

      Jan 15, 2013
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      As already said, pls do a fresh install of HB and use brodie's SVN again. then, the problem will be fixed. autoupdate DOESN'T solve this problem. pls consider this and stop spamming this thread with tons of logs. thx ;)
    9. longhornfreak

      longhornfreak New Member

      Jul 16, 2010
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      \[Rep] Shado Pan Dailies [Brodie].xml
      Changed tilemap to HawaiiMainLand, Tiled: True
      Plugin Profile Changer threw an exception in 'Pulse'! Exception:
      System.Xml.XmlException: The 'If' start tag on line 441 position 3 does not match the end tag of 'QuestOrder'. Line 1263, position 3.

      you just forgot to close an if state
      		<If Condition="!IsAchievementCompleted(7298, 3)" >
      			<CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="62546" X="1845.39" Y="4239.98" Z="148.76" WaitForNpcs="False" WaitTime="1000" />
      			<CustomBehavior File="RunMacro" Macro="/click GossipTitleButton1" />
    10. jake1805

      jake1805 New Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      Trying again, website is acting really slow for me, hopefully this isn't a double or triple post....

      First and second error - the bot continually tried to turn in the jade cat gift quest, without actually turning it in, caused it to do nothing. It also picked up every "Way of the .. " quest in half hill. Here is the log (Can't post from HB logs because the page times out everytime I try to upload a log, hopefully github is acceptable.)

      https://github.com/Threlmar/MiscFiles/blob/master/4500 2013-04-12 14.04.txt

      Whenever the bot finishes a profile, it thinks it's done with all dailies and hearths/stops. BTW, all of this has been done with a fresh install of the most updated HB, and a new download of your most updated SVN.

      https://github.com/Threlmar/MiscFiles/blob/master/5736 2013-04-12 13.25.txt

      Hopefully that helps.
    11. jake1805

      jake1805 New Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      Last edited: Apr 12, 2013
    12. vibrator

      vibrator New Member

      Nov 10, 2011
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      Free spirits quest Golden lotus phase 1, goes into shadow realm then just flies back and forth from spirit to spirit had to manually click them to complete the quest. It's not interacting with the spirits.
      Burning away the Filth quest Golden lotus phase 2, flies to destantion then bot stop says
      [Profile Message]: Starting Burning Away the Filth
      Mounting: Green Wind Rider
      [InteractWith-v419(error) @line 128]: [PROFILE ERROR] Unable to locate ItemId(84741) in our bags
      Bot Stopped! Reason: None Given
      the item is called shado-pan torch Shado-Pan Torch - Item - World of Warcraft you have the wrong torch id there are a couple different torches with same name different functions.

      Burning Away the Filth -->
      <If Condition="(HasQuest(30282) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(30282))" >
      <CustomBehavior File="Message" Text="Starting Burning Away the Filth" LogColor="Green" />
      <CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" QuestId="30282" LootMobs="True" PullDistance="5" />
      <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" X="1234.62" Y="1459.12" Z="351.65" />
      <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" />
      <While Condition="!IsQuestCompleted(30282)" >
      <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" QuestId="30282" InteractByUsingItemId="84741" ObjectType="GameObject" MobId="212874" Range="15" AuraIdMissingFromMob="123301" >
      <HuntingGrounds WaypointVisitStrategy="InOrder">

      underlined needs to be changed to 84781 and its fixed

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Apr 12, 2013
    13. jake1805

      jake1805 New Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      https://github.com/Threlmar/MiscFiles/blob/master/3464 2013-04-12 15.57.txt

      The bot is having issues with this set of Landfall quests....

      Resource Gathering
      Supply Block
      Attack! Move!
      Siege Damage
      Hero Killer

      For the quest siege damage, it's supposed to kill one demolisher, using an item. This things each have close to 8million health. The bot continually tries to kill them, even after the quest is finished and it's already used the insta kill item. This is causing the bot to die a lot since mobs spawn around it and will kill my toon. It's also targeting the much lower health siege items around, but those are at least one-shot.
    14. slator

      slator Member

      Nov 16, 2012
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      It's flying 2 feet at a time while spamming this to logs. However, it does continue to work on the quest.

      [21:14:00.010 N] [Profile Message]: Starting Lost Scouts
      [21:14:00.010 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [21:14:00.065 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [21:14:00.110 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [21:14:00.120 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
      [21:14:00.130 D] Goal: Flying to <1242.38, 2177.708, 334.9722>
      [21:14:00.130 D] [FlyTo-v370(debug) @line 191]: Flying to '<1242.38, 2177.708, 334.9722>': <1242.38, 2177.708, 334.9722>.
      [21:14:00.339 N] Profile Changer: Load Profile:
      [21:14:01.397 D] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to load new profile, file not found!
      at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileManager.LoadNew(String path, Boolean rememberMe)
      at ProfileChanger.ProfileChanger.ChangeProfile(String Profile) in c:\Program Files (x86)\HonorBuddy\Plugins\ProfileChanger\ProfileChanger.cs:line 630
      at ProfileChanger.ProfileChanger.Pulse() in c:\Program Files (x86)\HonorBuddy\Plugins\ProfileChanger\ProfileChanger.cs:line 91
      at Styx.Plugins.PluginWrapper.Pulse()
    15. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      Make sure you set up the plugin properly
    16. lemonlust

      lemonlust New Member

      Apr 10, 2013
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      Theres a problem with the shadow pan dailies, it says if statement blah blah blah
    17. Trollingmode

      Trollingmode New Member

      Apr 8, 2012
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      having the same issue with that
    18. jake1805

      jake1805 New Member

      Apr 18, 2012
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      View attachment 4480 2013-04-15 16.02.txt

      The profile changer isn't switching at all between profiles, the profile simply ends and proclaims that all dailies are done at the end of the first profile, and any subsequent profiles if I manually restart it with the done profiles unchecked. I'm assuming this is a user error, as I wasn't able to find more posts dealing with it. Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!

      (BTW, this error has persisted even after several fresh installs of ONLY HB, BrodieMan's dailies, and kick's profiles with only the included plugins turned on.)
    19. thebrodieman

      thebrodieman Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 11, 2011
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      What profiles do you have checked off?
    20. Stip

      Stip New Member

      Jan 22, 2013
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      This is a common error. The solution that I found for me is to use the Profile Changer plugin to edit Daily Grind.xml and saving BEFORE loading any profile, and doing that EVERYTIME you start Honorbuddy.

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