Hi, after loading a profile my HB tells me that i'm not authorized to download Mesh Data, any Ideas? When i'm trying to upload my Log File it says: 500 [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2038"] The List goes on like this, posted everything from loading Talented2, that's where the error starts, i believe i already did a reinstall from scratch, still happens the same way
i got the same problem...!! [16:44:53.375 D] Activity: Downloading Mesh... [16:44:53.452 D] Received error code from mesh server when attempting to download HawaiiMainLand_28_32: You are not authorized to download mesh files. [16:44:53.799 D] Failed to download HawaiiMainLand_28_32.etm [16:44:53.799 N] No data for HawaiiMainLand_28_32.etm [16:44:53.799 D] Activity: Initialisierung von Honorbuddy abgeschlossen [16:44:53.799 D] Could not generate path from {-374.7123, 2027.622, 126.4788} to {-437.3083, 1907.863, 136.2664} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindStartPoly [16:44:53.858 N] Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Spademender Yumba [16:44:53.948 D] Activity: Downloading Mesh... [16:44:54.036 D] Received error code from mesh server when attempting to download HawaiiMainLand_28_32: You are not authorized to download mesh files. [16:44:54.075 D] Failed to download HawaiiMainLand_28_32.etm
The same happend to me. Never have had these troubles. It doesn't matter what bot I tried. Perhaps 557 is bugged?