Updated 9/06/10 Fixed a bug with the quest "Legend of Stalvan" I have been enslaved by Hawker to create an official 1-60 Human profile for HB. He aggreed to talk to me once in a while. All jokes aside this is the third in a series of test updates for Breakneck. I am converting my breakneck 45 and the unreleased breakneck 60 to quest order. Thus far its going quite well. So here is your chance to beta test this soon to be 1-60 human profile. Before downloading and getting right to it lets go over a few things. This profile will quest and grind you to 34. It will do so in the safest possible manor. A paladin could easily complete all these quests much sooner than most classes but a mage or a rogue would have trouble. I ordered the quests in such a way that you should have no deaths no matter the class you use. There is a downside to this. If you are the 1-60 in less than 5 minutes type of person, well, you should look elsewhere. This profile is designed to be used afk and get you to max level when it gets you there. Thats not to say its slow, but I prefer the safe route. Requirements Make sure you have auto equip checked. Use either the built in class trainer or e-train. Bags. At level 6 if you dont have at least 1 additional bag then you will have trouble. Untill HB supports selective protective lists, you will need to clean out your bags from time to time. Optional At level 6 you can head to SW and get your skinnning or mining, or whatever else training you want to make you some cash. Bigger bags from the get go. This really helps alot. Other Notes: This profile will not do class quests yet. The current version of HB does not support them. I will add them when HB does support these quests. I also heard rumors that the mage trainer is broke. I could not verify this. Your job is to run this and provide feedback. If you have a problem then post with as much detail as possible. Simply saying "dies alot" doesnt help me any at all. Your results may vary in alot of ways since the Nav is sorta bugged. In one case I got hung on a silo and had to blackspot it. These random path generation issues are not the fault of the profile. Please report your stucks here. Remember, if I am to improve this profile I will need your feedback. Changes in this portion of the profile Duskwood and Lakeshire Zones have been added Min Free Bag Slots has been increased to 3 All Fargodeep Quests have been moved to Level 10. Kabolds have been removed from any grind list. Red Linen Goods has been moved to level 13 Added a few blackspots to Alexston's Farmstead Added override to Goretusk Liver Pie and Westfall Stew. Should grind the Goretusks now. Added Blackspots for Multi story buildings in Moonbrooke Moved the last part of "The People's Militia" to level 20. STV should be ready in a week or so. I will update this version as bugs come in.
The Quest Mor'Ladim is still on the list. My pally can solo him at level 31 but not every class can. What do you think?
Not sure, but if you come accross any just remove the pickup and objectives. Post them here so I can note them.
So far i'm running good as a clothie. only 2 issues so far. 1) Getting stuck alot at the mailbox in Lakeshire for some reason. The pathing takes it into the box and gets stuck all the time. Even stopped/started it over a gain from away but took me to the same spot so i had to hit the space bar to jump over the box. This is probably a 'chance' thing so odds are not fixable. 2) I noticed that you have it set to grind to Lvl 22 from the early part of Lvl 20. I would like to recommend that you move the "Dusky Crab Cakes" and "Eight-Legged Menaces" quests to be completed before Lvl 22. You get these done during the grind so it would help get thru the grind if we coudl turn them in earlier. I know you put them off til lvl 22 to make sure there was minimal issues for all classes.
The reason I put those quests at 22 is because HB was wandering into the Black Widow area for the quests despite the overrides and blackspots. Its such a huge area to quest in that it has trouble. I got the occasional Black Widow pull and at level 20 they were very difficult to put down with my pally so a clothie would surly die.
I am riding Hawker about getting class tags added to the quests. As long as you keep me updated ill be adding the tags when HB supports them.
Yeah, I got stuck on it as well right after accepting quest "Messenger to Westfall"... and it was clear there was no way it was going to free itself on it's own. I'm worried it will happen quite often whenever we go back to town.
Worked well for a couple quests (lvl 17), then he stopped at Scout Galiaan in south western Westfall with the following error: Relevant section of the profile: It's possible I already did this quest as part of another profile. Is there a way to force it to the next quest in Questorder if it can't find/pick up a quest? EDIT: The quest is not listed in the other profile (http://www.buddyforum.de/showthread.php?8649-Alliance-quest-profile-(Gnome-Dwarf))
My Priest Test started in last thread is having a real time of it trying to do - Grind to Level 13 Bounty On Murlocs - http://www.wowhead.com/quest=46 Had numerous deaths there over night (Not sure how many as use shutdown timer), my lock zipped through this is now lev 16, but the Priest gained 14 bars between grinding and doing Murloc quest only (ie still lev 13). Edit - I think some proiest deaths due to being in water and not being able to take on mana thus resting in water. Next Edit - Watching the CC running Khryptor - It seems to stop DPSing when mob has around 5% Health, but no DoTs on it so I think the CC is failing here, as Toon isnt using weapon or anything while being attacked. Both Toons were started within 50 mins of each other. Priest /played 16 hrs 56 mins Lock /played 16 hrs 4 mins
<PickUp QuestName="Patrolling Westfall" GiverName="Captain Danuvin" QuestId="102" GiverId="821" /> This quest is picked up at level 14. Somehow it didnt get it for you
Can you not start this from any level? I'm on a 20 mage and i get these errors whenever i try and start the profile.
Mordd - seems to be a problem with the "An Unwelcome Guest" quest. not sure whats causing it. It completed the quest, picked up the item, but whenever it goes to turn it in it just stops (sometimes moves to a random sport near by) and just sits there and spams a message on the debug. Below is a copy of the debug output when I start it up. ------------------------------------- [10:57:50 AM:131] Unknown tag "Vendors" (Input: "<Vendors> <!--Goldshire--> <Vendor Name="Andrew Krighton" Entry="2046" Type="Repair" X="-9462.295" Y="87.81513" Z="58.33854" /> <!--Goldshire--> <Vendor Name="Innkeeper Farley" Entry="295" Type="Food" X="-9462.663" Y="16.19151" Z="56.96512" /> <!--Goldshire--> <Vendor Name="Brog Hamfist" Entry="151" Type="Ammo" X="-9465.286" Y="9.633138" Z="56.96328" /> <!--Eastvale--> <Vendor Name="Rallic Finn" Entry="1198" Type="Ammo" X="-9469.282" Y="-1355.242" Z="47.20475" /> <!--Eastvale--> <Vendor Name="Drake Lindgren" Entry="1250" Type="Ammo" X="-9483.098" Y="-1356.247" Z="46.95777" /> <!--Class Trainers--> <Vendor Name="Priesterin Josetta" Entry="377" Type="Train" TrainClass="Priest" X="-9460.753" Y="33.13379" Z="63.8224" /> <Vendor Name="Keryn Sylvius" Entry="917" Type="Train" TrainClass="Rogue" X="-9465.792" Y="12.6454" Z="63.8225" /> <Vendor Name="Lyria Du Lac" Entry="913" Type="Train" TrainClass="Warrior" X="-9461.849" Y="109.3533" Z="57.69612" /> <Vendor Name="Maximillian Raab" Entry="906" Type="Train" TrainClass="Warlock" X="-9472.802" Y="-5.326606" Z="49.79524" /> <Vendor Name="Bruder Wilhelm" Entry="927" Type="Train" TrainClass="Paladin" X="-9468.138" Y="108.9756" Z="57.47954" /> <Vendor Name="Zaldimar Wefhellt" Entry="328" Type="Train" TrainClass="Mage" X="-9471.675" Y="34.45095" Z="63.82258" /> <!--Class Trainers--> </Vendors>") in "Vendors"! Valid tags are: Vendor - From: Honorbuddy [10:57:50 AM:207] Unknown tag "Hotspot" (Input: "<Hotspot X="-9251.302" Y="-2146.205" Z="64.09855" />") in "Mailboxes"! Valid tags are: Mailbox - From: Honorbuddy [10:57:50 AM:237] Unknown tag "Hotspot" (Input: "<Hotspot X="-10549.58" Y="-1158.604" Z="27.89584" />") in "Mailboxes"! Valid tags are: Mailbox - From: Honorbuddy [10:57:50 AM:514] Changed POI to: Type: None, Loc: <0, 0, 0> [10:57:51 AM:805] Goal: Picking up Tharil'zun [10:57:51 AM:840] Goal: Picking up Shadow Magic [10:57:51 AM:892] Goal: Picking up Howling in the Hills [10:57:51 AM:923] Goal: Goal: Collect Bellygrub's Tusk x 1 [10:57:52 AM:169] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:52 AM:421] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:52 AM:452] Do NeedToMoveToTarget [10:57:52 AM:484] move to the target started [10:57:52 AM:513] Activity: Moving towards Great Goretusk [10:57:52 AM:780] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:52 AM:823] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:53 AM:12] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:53 AM:47] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:53 AM:271] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:53 AM:296] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:53 AM:499] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:53 AM:534] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:53 AM:733] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:53 AM:765] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:53 AM:999] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:54 AM:31] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:54 AM:263] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:54 AM:295] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:54 AM:534] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:54 AM:561] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:54 AM:742] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:54 AM:766] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:55 AM:30] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:55 AM:63] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:55 AM:294] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:55 AM:327] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:55 AM:536] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:55 AM:566] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:55 AM:868] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:55 AM:900] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:56 AM:128] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:56 AM:161] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:56 AM:389] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:56 AM:415] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:56 AM:652] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:56 AM:680] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:56 AM:886] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:56 AM:928] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:57 AM:160] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:57 AM:195] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:57 AM:428] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:57 AM:459] NeedToMoveToTarget? [10:57:57 AM:695] Activity: Moving to complete collect-objective for An Unwelcome Guest. [10:57:57 AM:740] NeedToMoveToTarget? ================================= the last part as you can see is the spamming. I moved the toon near the npc it is to be turned into and when i start HB up, the toon moves away and repeats the issue above. I turned it in manually and it is moving again. Just an FYI...