All of my farm accounts got banned botting. Most of em Farming mats (gathering) - 2 Leveling with kicks (just reactivated one of em) different servers, different classes, different accounts, different profiles all got banned nearly at the same time. Ban Notification email came at 14:3x CET on EVERY account smells like banhammer to me? anyone else got some bans lately?
3 of my MOP farmers just got banned. 2 on one servers, 1 on the other. EU servers. No emails yet. This sucks.
most farmers banned, havent even checked how many. But yeah, they seem to be doing a major cleanup right now .. take care
1 out of 8 so far, there must be a pattern here. Based on reports im guessing? Time was about 2:55, no email either. edit: make that 2of8
one acc banned of 4 ... I am botting on 3 everyday about 8-18 hours... They are clean. The acc that was banned i renewed yesterday after 3 months..