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  • How many ppl got banned for using kicks profiles

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by naic0n, Feb 23, 2013.


    Banned for using KICKS Profiles?

    1. Banned for using KICK'S Profiles

      0 vote(s)
    2. Never banned.

      0 vote(s)
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    1. gibsondude

      gibsondude Member

      Nov 17, 2010
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      I botted over 300k Honorable kills on 1 toon with bg's and no bans ever from it, and I got a 72hour from kicks.
    2. Xplodi

      Xplodi New Member

      Apr 10, 2013
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      I bot during the day while im at work come home during lunch make sure everything is going smoothly even use teamviewer from work to watch the bot to make sure he doesnt get stuck and then during the night i do pvp and instances and raids no bans.
    3. Draganos

      Draganos Member

      Oct 7, 2011
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      Wait. You bought a bot to automate things for you so that you can enjoy Reallife. Watching a bot and babysit it then makes absolutely no sense.
    4. ludijak559

      ludijak559 Member

      Nov 23, 2012
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      My thoughts exactly
    5. Lucbot

      Lucbot New Member

      Sep 24, 2012
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      Happened today using Kicks. See the thread I posted. Only took it from 44 to 70 using it. Was a fresh account I had from MoP launch RaF that I never botted on before and had no Auctions ever posted with. I using BG Buddy for some of the levels in the 40s and 50s too, and that went fine.

      I got banned in the middle of Borean tundra, so who knows.
      Last edited: Apr 20, 2013
    6. uunf

      uunf New Member

      Jun 9, 2012
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      As you can see from a lot of people who DO this, have not been banned. Rather than people who turn it on and go into a coma, go to work. Go party, etc. And then come on here crying about being banned for botting for more than the average amount of time any normal human being can be awake and in one spot at the same time without dying... yeah youre all stupid for leaving it on for far too long. Granted some times they get stuck but if you leave for 10 hours and atleast pop in to check, you wont get banned. i bet 9/10 times the majority of those banned, whether its kicks profiles or some bg bot or a gathering one was due to that person leaving it on and full afk the entire time. Their own fault, dont blame the profile or creator of said profiles because you were stupid.
    7. dresdon

      dresdon New Member

      Mar 5, 2012
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      This has to be the worst poll in the history of shit polls. Look at the options, You either got banned for using kicks profile or you have not been banned. My bans are for using GB2 with my own profile which is not shared on here. So which one do I chose? I get all my accounts to max using kicks not one has ever been banned halfway up its always after botting 24/7 gathering and even then after 2 - 3 months minimum max is roughly 6 months of activity.

      To be honest I dont think the leveling profiles have a problem its the sheer amount of people botting now thats the problem, Look in BGs fuck me you are lucky if you get 2 real people, Look in the AH on popular realms you are nearly giving away farming goods due to the amount there is I mean down to less than 10g a stack. Look at all the gems on the AH people with fucking millions of them as well as the same people selling a million different enchanting mats and enchants.

      Then you get the morons who do it and then shout about it on trade you know how it goes 'Hey all look at me I am a rich mother fucker and you all poor' or the lazyraiders who get all the gear and then when they get into a real raid dont have a scooby fucking doo what to do, they have the gear but seriously lack the skills so much so that the others start to ask how they got the gear in the first place?

      That is why people are getting banned, Its getting out of hand its off the scale now, honorbuddy are a victim of their own success, Yep its a fucking good bot and cheap, the developers make a fuck ton of money from it they have to or they would need to charge a subscription not a one off payment for updates and the like. So moral is, you will be banned thats the one truth in this, never bot an account you care about and make hay whole the sun shines because this will end, If Blizzard dont take down honorbuddy then honorbuddy will kill wow.
    8. Goo44

      Goo44 New Member

      Feb 21, 2013
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      dresdon is on a killing spree!

      nice post, enjoyable to read and with nice drama at the end! - joking ofc

      I don't think HB will kill wow since so many ppl play it like it's supposed to be played.
      I do think the poll should be closed as even its results are really questionable - since so many ppl are new to botting and don't really know what they are doing, so they try to find a reason for being banned and make false assumptions.

      (including myself when I got my 72hr ban using Kick's work and voted here. After the ban, I did it the right way with an alt account 0-90 safe and warm, and still going scooby fucking doo, monitoring the bot ofc)

      PS: "scooby fucking doo" is the best line ever.
      Last edited: Apr 22, 2013
    9. Lucbot

      Lucbot New Member

      Sep 24, 2012
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      What's the "right way", becuase I've been doing this ultra safe (100% monitoring on my third screen, 8 hour shifts, alt accounts) on two seperate accounts, and have gotten 3 perm bans in a week I've gotten overturned.

      Needless to say, I'm getting more than a little tired of running this profile and being banned when BGbot can go for a week straight in 18 hour shifts and make it through fine.

      Honestly I'm half inclined to manually level these things.
    10. Goo44

      Goo44 New Member

      Feb 21, 2013
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      Ok I know this won't be the first time you read this and I don't want to be a smartass or anything, just sharing what I do:

      The way I see it ( cause I 'm fairly new to botting and got no serious experience) the key at the current state of their banning policy is to have patience and switch the things you are botting on. -noshitsherlock

      Like you, I am monitoring my bots all the time.
      I stop them even if I wanna go take a glass of water.
      I've responded in every single /w I got, and the bots never got stuck more than 1 second.
      I've never leveled 8 hours straight. I'm leveling 2 hours, then gather 1 hour, then do a dungeon, gather more, do some questing while in queue for a bg. Like a normal player would do. I also try to manually get the easiest achievements.

      I do this on both of my bots and I run them simultaneously (this may be a bit risky if someone investigates but I don't really care about the accounts).

      My one account is SoR, and the same char that I am botting on handles all the auctions (and I got a lot, since I also sell transmog items along with the raw mats I gather from botting). That's what a normal player would also do.
      The second account does the same stuff, and the gatherer is on a different social guild than the one on my 1st account.
      Also my farming profiles are made with MapGen, and although I play in a populated server, I'm never part of a bot train.

      The thing that keeps me alive though I think is that I don't bot where others bot. I don't farm Jade forest, EVER.
      I farm other MoP regions but mostly older expansion mats, since those areas are almost empty and the mats sell quite well.

      Again, I am NOT a hardcore botter and not trying to be a smartass or anything.
      I also might just be lucky, and the banhammer may hit me....tomorrow.. Who knows.

      I just try to keep the accounts alive, and they bring me some money for return.
      They could have brought me much more, but the risk of banning right now doesn't worth it.
      Maybe in the long run, it's better to play it super safe ( whatever that means to each one of us) to keep you under the radar, cause once you get hit, they are instantly perma banning even new accounts these days, as I read in the Ban Section.
      Last edited: Apr 25, 2013
    11. bjsaust

      bjsaust New Member

      Nov 30, 2010
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      Its not like the only two options are:

      1) Monitor full tiime, why am I botting?
      2) Hit start, come back 12 hrs later, why did I get banned?

      You can use a 3rd option of botting while home and keeping an eye on it. Depending on what I'm doing, while I'm botting I'll generally check up anything from 15 mins to and hr or two. I've never deliberately left it run for more than 2 hrs unsupervised. Its not foolproof, but at least if you get stuck or start doing something bottish, you should only be doing it for a limited time and minimise the chance that someone will notice and report you.
    12. bjsaust

      bjsaust New Member

      Nov 30, 2010
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      I tend to agree with this. I've mentioned before, but often when I check my bot and see it being 'bottish', I'll also see 1 or more other bots doing exactly the same thing. If its obvious to me, it'll also be obvious to the bot-hating reporters out there as well, and the more people bot, the more bot-hating reporters we'll see. Heck, spend a second imagining how much effort it could take to make decent gold legit these days? I'd hate to use gathering as a gold making profession knowing I need to compete against bots pushing the price down with their oversupply.
    13. kutcheater

      kutcheater New Member

      Jan 28, 2013
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      lvled my whole acc to 90 whit kicks got 7 90s now never got banned

      but tip number one dont quest afk. GM spoke to me a few times and jsut replayed
    14. s.s.tripwire

      s.s.tripwire New Member

      Dec 10, 2011
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      I started leveling my accounts again on May 1st while this GB2 fiasco cools down, hoping that things go back to how they were ;)

      No problems so far, SOR'd two of my old accounts that have been waiting (I made them, didnt buy them from anyone). Kicks is working like a charm, minus a few hiccups here and there.

    15. Chickenlover

      Chickenlover New Member

      Apr 28, 2013
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      Haven't gotten whacked yet.
      Kickz profile is working wonders :3
    16. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      im fine on my 5 accounts im now adjusting my time back in the days that i got banned i did stupid things and asked for bans:) m now quest botting for farming gold now for over 4 5 months and im fine im just adjusting the time and let it rest to.
    17. Rubicon

      Rubicon Member

      Sep 15, 2010
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      Some people seem to confuse getting banned while using Kick's profiles with getting banned for using them.

      People get banned for suspicious and bottish behaviour, not because of a specific profile. I've used Kick's questing profiles a lot and never got banned. But then I don't leave my computer unattended for long periods of time while botting.
    18. yargle

      yargle Member

      Aug 11, 2010
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      I actually enjoy watching the bot do it's thing. I may not be giving it my full attention all the time but seeing my character queue up for a dungeon while flying around farming, accepting the invite, join the dungeon then successfully navigate around killing bosses and avoiding fire etc gives me a warm fuzzy happy feeling.

      I don't know, maybe it's just me.
    19. Chickenlover

      Chickenlover New Member

      Apr 28, 2013
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      True it doesn't make sense, I have left it on its own usually in STV and many other places, I have this happened to me alot while botting. If your not in a guild, you will get a random guild invite which causes player interaction. So i just made my own guild...no problems since. Bot away my friend :)
    20. Aetheric

      Aetheric Member

      Jul 25, 2012
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      You're not alone in this.
      I love to watch my toon working like a dog :)

      I don't bot for gold.. just having fun levelling/gearing.
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