Hi everyone, Just a quick thought for those of you who have your pc's on running HB all day - here is a way to make some money on the side particularly those who have ATI graphics cards may want to look into this. Check out Bitcoin - Open source P2P digital currency GUIMiner - a GPU/CPU Bitcoin miner for Windows enjoy!
Running for 20min got 250Mh/s but 0 share accepted, what does it mean? Update:half an hr still no share, how does it work?
Have a look here https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Trade or you can trade them for USD here https://mtgox.com/ Sounds like you are trying to mine with a pool but have not connected to it properly. Check out BTC Guild - Bitcoin Mining Pool (95% PPS/97% PPLNS) they are easy to use, they tell you how to set it all up.
I thought bit coin mining was very processor intensive? I had tried mining bit coins but I really don't trust it. It's in a balloon right now, and one major pool just shut down permanently. It was at one point moving at $200, but I think it recently popped and went down to $70.
The new ASIC miners will make anything else for mining be completely redundant. Complete waste of time to get into it now without a dedicated miner.
ASIC mining will still take a few months and the difficulty will increase exponentially. Bitcoin farming is okish if you don't bot a game or you already have the hardware and not doing anything with it. Starting now and buying a PC just for that is completely useless.
1 week mining on a pool should = 0.2 BTC = 400mh/s. that's about $25 a week. give or take. at 200mh/s, maybe 0.105 btc/week, which isn't a lot. but after a solid month, about $50 in BTC. https://bitclockers.com/calc is rough, but it works out power utility as well, which is something most people assume is low, without checking. it adds up for any PC. BTC is in flux right now, but other coin systems are worth more to beginner/entry level hardware, litecoin or ripple's (?) are getting some notoriety from the BTC crash, and it's all entirely difficult to manage because people spend a ton of cash on PC's just to mine BTC, compared to just 1 PC, getting 0.00100142021 BTC for 8 hours of work. as for setup, try bitminter.com, it's a java client, it's connected to their own servers, it's launched from a web app. you can start it quickly on PC's that won't let you install software, which might suit a beginner, as there's no apps to install, just java. it's not too terrible. and you're under no obligation to stay using bitminter. While it's more difficult to edit bitminter to use other pools like slush or ozcoin, btcguild, mineco.in, eligius, p2pool, etc, it is good for beginners to use. and it defaults to a moderate FPS "grab" , much like poclbm, so you may need to use vsync in games to offset the GPU load, but that's not a problem with WoW. if you want to run both easily, cgminer uses less active GPU resources IMHO, and you can adjust the GPU usage quickly with cgminer. as for performance, bitcoin is relatively mild on higher end GPU hardware, 60-90% of the GPU is not doing anything, it's just heat from the 30% of the GPU that builds up over time, and can't go anywhere. as for the software, bitminter, compared to guiminer / phoenix / cgminer / poclbm (the other bitcoin mining software), it's not quite as good in throughput, but it gives you a fast indicator of performance, and it's easy to set up on mac systems. it's also one of the only CPU miners, even though, that's kind of useless in terms of results. litecoin on the other hand, is much more abrasive with RAM usage/GPU usage, so gaming while mining litecoin/ripple may slow things down too much. as for bitcoin shopping, try bitmit, here's the PC listings Buy with Bitcoin: PC games - PC and video games
You can't make any serious money with a standard PC, you need a bitcoin mining rig to get any income. Mining with a normal PC nowadays gets you a negative balance, just calculate the energy costs.
arguably yes. a 7970 uses 350w or so, by itself, which will cost $2/day and 400-420w of power, roughly 4kwh/day. that's just using a graphics cards on a PC. if you're gaming, you're also using $1 to $2/day, and ~360w-420w of power. if it's just checking emails and what not, it's 100w/hr, and 1kwh/day (admittedly, 10 hrs/day could be impractical, but printers, chargers, room lights, etc). versus 5kwh/day for gaming. so it depends on a scale of things you're willing to pay for, in the long run. ~100w to 200w just to surf the web, check emails, or 400w to play WoW, 12hrs/day = X. X being ... 4-6kwh/day to play WoW, check emails, watch youtube, etc. or X being 10kwh/day with bitcoin mining giving you $3/day, mining while you sleep, etc. edit: the big difference will come when ASIC hardware pops out and becomes retail, a GPU that produces 500mh/s at 300w, costs $300 (plus $500 if you don't have a computer to go with it ...) can be replaced by a FPGA rig, 200mh/s at 10w, (the ztex 1.15d is 100mh/s, $500. still needs a computer, but you can use a $50 raspberry pi) to be replaced by an ASIC rig, sometime in 2014, 4,500mh/s at 11w, at $200, give or take some reality warping of when it's actually for sale at the low end, and 60,000mh/s at the medium end, $1,500, 300w or something, and the mini-rigs at 1,500,000mh/s and 900w power. ASIC is kind of ridiculously good for the economic impact, once people switch from PC's and $300 GPU's, i.e. which is a $3,000 PC, using 4x7970's and 1100w, to a $4,000 box, using 300-500w, delivering 80x more speed ... who knows. lots of cheap graphics cards on ebay ?
You cannot get a good hashrate while wow is running. i would reccomend an ASIC hardware mining addon GPU mining is dead look up butterfly labs
^This Get a dedicated rig if you really must .. and even then you won't be able to cover the cost - apart from the initial hardware investment - you will burn more money on the electricity and wear-and-tear than that you will collect BCs to cover for all that.
What kind of specs would be required to run it reasonably well? My comp seems to be getting pretty hot as soon as I find shares.