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  • DungeonBuddy Loading Tile/s

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by giletto, Apr 24, 2013.

    1. giletto

      giletto New Member

      Apr 13, 2013
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      Is dungeonbuddy develop stopped? I found the thread in archive...and cant post any issue there. :(

      My problem: The loading tile/s after the start portal.

      New install of hb, no problems with other plugins.

      I try with many dungeons in classic or bc, it's always the same problem. Bot start, walk in the instance, and stay around without do anything + showing loading tile/s forever. I try it with offline mesh also, same problem. If i walk manually to a mob pack and hit, the bot not fight.

      If i try to use grindbuddy with the profile of the dungeon, the bot don't move also, and show loading tile/s forever. If i hit a mob manually, the bot fighting until end, looting, and stand around again...

      What is the problem with that issue? I read many many posts with exactly the same problem, but all are from end 2012 or begin 2013, and never found any solution for that?

      A Log is not neccessary, there are no errors at all. I hope anybody can help, i try it now for 2 days by myself, read google up and down, but don't found any help.

      Thanks mates.

      Edit: Here my log file, fresh hb installation. I stay outside Ragefire, Modus is Farm, i select the right Dungeon. The bot run in, ant thats it. Stay forever without movement, and write loading tile/s. I hope anybody has an idea how to fix, cause i saw that Dungeonbuddy run for other like a charm. :)

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      Last edited: Apr 24, 2013
    2. giletto

      giletto New Member

      Apr 13, 2013
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      I can't belive that is the reason..i read that dungeon buddy run for many other without any problems, so the meshes can't be wrong. I use 2 way, with online meshes and with the offline meshes on my harddisc (DL the full package from SVN), in both way it don't work.

      Even if the toon not fighting meanwhile he load meshes mean, that something else is wrong, because the toon would fight while meshes got loaded.

      So anywho with this issue, who know how to fix?
    3. giletto

      giletto New Member

      Apr 13, 2013
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      Update my First Post...
    4. highvoltz

      highvoltz Well-Known Member

      Mar 22, 2010
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      I'm given the word that there will be a new HB beta release with an updated version of Dungeonbuddy sometime today/tomorrow depending on what timezone you're in. This release has bug fixes that should solve the issues you're experiencing.
    5. Ilja Rogoff

      Ilja Rogoff Well-Known Member

      Jan 25, 2010
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      Nice to hear this... i really thought any developement on HB and your (superb!) botbases has died :)

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