Have been using this profile for a while now and have had everything working perfectly up until about a week ago. When the bags are full/reached the minimum free slot limit, instead of going to the vendor, it will just continue to kill without even attempting to loot/skin the mobs. This will go on indefinitely. Fresh clean download/install in a new directory, all four caches cleared. Im sure there is just something really obvious that I am missing between fresh installs, but cannot see it. Log1 is of running for a few hours with no looting. Log2is of running for just a couple of pulls with no looting. Both logs are from seperate clean installs. Also attached is a copy of the profile I have been using in case somehow that got messed up along the way.
and in that log your bags are full correct? and the bag your using are normal bags, not mining or herb bags?
Im also having this issue for the past update. I will see this and stop the bot, close it out and restart a brand new one, and then hit start and it will notice and go to a vendor/mail then but only upon the fresh restarted bot.
It will hit the threshold in the profile for two free bag slots and then it stops attempting to loot at all and just kills and moves on to the next target, so running around with 1 free bag slot. Will try setting the free slots to 0 and see what happens. And yes, regular bags. 2 Embersilk, 1 Glacial, and 1 Grummlepack. Also, no new or updated addons since it was running a week ago, but will try disabling all addons and see what happens. Pretty much run lean with just a bag/inventory manager, mail manager, and autosell greys addon. Will post new log with those two things changed later today. Edit: All addons disabled. Started bot and profile in Shrine of Two Moons just in case as I remembered reading that somewhere. Profile free bag slots set to 0. Works great until it hits 1 free bag slot and then stops looting/skinning, Keeps on killing.