hi i wanted to know if its possible if someone could share his batch file which basically deletes the honorbuddy cache folder or insides of the folder. and then starts honorbuddy didnt know where to post it so thought support can handle this one.
Hi, Bossbot, I've no batch file to contribute. To be honest, the problem shouldn't be happening. So far, we know the common causes for the problem to be: Switching toons, or a quick log out/in, without restarting Honorbuddy Running multiple sessions of Honorbuddy out of the same Honorbuddy directory (You need a separate Honorbuddy directory in the filesystem for each session running) If one of these fits you, and you can fix the cause, and you shouldn't need a batchfile bandaid. Other than that, we're moving your post to the correct forum... Honorbuddy Forum...since this isn't a support issue. cheers and good luck with your request, chinajade
Code: del "C:\Users\Public\Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\Cache\*.cqc" start "" "C:\Users\Public\Honorbuddy 2.5.6647.521\Honorbuddy.exe" obviously, you need to make sure the path is correct for your installation of honorbuddy. enjoy
I know this is random but I can't seem to find my cache file I know what folder it should be in because I programed where to extract it and made a mesh folder so it wasn't going anywhere random but now I don't see this cache file. I've seen it once or twice before my random ctnl all delete repost (for dailies) just wanted to know if there was some other area it could be going.
How I have solved it, I have 2 files, one is a vbs script and one is a batch file. The vbs script is just to hide the command window of the batch file. In your honorbuddy folder create this file (I named it honorbuddy.vbs) : Code: CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "honorbuddy.bat",0,True Then the batch file looks like this (I named it honorbuddy.bat) : Code: @echo off del .\Cache\*.* /q honorbuddy.exe Yes, I know the echo off is useless here but I allways use that command from back in the stoneage when I used to make alot of batch files. Then I just made a shortcut on my desktop to the honorbuddy.vbs file. So with a doubble click on my shortcut I clear HB cashe and start up hb without showing the annoying command promt window for the batch file.
First off I need to learn how to make those code boxes you just made. However I wanted to contribute to others the way you just did for me and say THANK YOU! do the same thing he showed just this time I did it for my World of warcraft folder so now every time I open wow it deletes all the cache files there as well. The wow.pfil, wow.mfil, wow.tfil are some other files I was told to delete once by a thread to help with lag issues so I added them in as well. I considered adding the other cache folder since there is ONE more but I don't know about others but it requires some serious downloading when I do that for some reason but I have an older cpu (5years) maybe can add a line for that if you choose to later but this should work for everyone else to remove ALL (but that one) wow cache and honorbuddy cache in a button click. Enjoy! @ECHO OFF for /D %%I in ("C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache*") do rmdir /s/q "%%I" del /q C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Cache* DEL "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.mfil" DEL "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.pfil" DEL "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\WoW.tfil" CALL "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\World of Warcraft Launcher.exe" EXIT
The way you do those boxes is by using [] and putting CODE and /CODE inside the brackets. I'd make one to show you, but it gets parsed and doesn't show up on the forums. So, I'll attempt it with spaces, just omit the spaces: [ CODE ] and [ /CODE ]. I hope that helps.