Possible now to choose other talents. Thrill of the Hunt not supported. Fervor if focus % <= 30. I made also a BM routine like this one, and BM routine does 6 a 7k more dps on a dummy.
Bugs It seems it wont use the new talents during the AoE routine Fervor is used straight away at pull(And we are not below 30 focus at that time) and after popping readiness it seems - *edit* Fervor is used on CD, instead of >= 30 focus Suggestions Seems like Serpent Sting has a higher priority than Black arrow, black arrow should be used first for the LnL procs
During aoe he's only using MS, ExplosiveTrap, CS. Thrash is thrash. (You get the biggest numbers with that). Fervor fixed. Black Arrow priorty above SS.
Thanks for the quick update. The thing is, during adds such as Horridon HC or Tortos, I then assume it wont use the Barrage or fervor, which equates to less dps. Even for trash Barrage and fervor on trash would still be a surplus DPS.
I seemed to have started getting bugs from revision 20 with it not using abilities.. is it working fine for u?
It runs pretty good, but I've noticed a few things. It is prioritizing focus dump over Explosive Shot and LnL procs in general. I've actually seen some LnL procs fall off completely without use. Doesn't seem to be casting Dire Beast, Rapid Fire, or Lifeblood at all? Doesn't reapply A Murder of Crows, or Lifeblood.
Fixed some things, will check if servers are back online. Edit : just working fine. Be sure to choose when to use Dire Beast and Murder of Crows and ofc, select those skills in the cooldowns settings.
ty for the fix, working good now. could you add kill shot to the AOE rotation and maybe explosive shot when trap procs lock and load.
Nice.. i will try, report later. gz for your work,. EDITasterke, you can implement auto target? when im tired, and want do some slacking. LFR FTW.
Working good, onlything i see now is when the boss is at 20% it prefers to use explosive shot over kill shot so if i have Lock & Load proc it will spam them over kill shot when CD is ready.
And that's what he needs to do since patch 5.0. Kill Shot is nerfed and Explosive Shot has now priority over Kill Shot.
How lazy can you be ? If right click a mob is to much asking ..... The whole point of this routines is to keep the code as small as possible to get the max results.
Tested yesterday this cc on dummy lvl 85, and do 73k dps, ilvl 496.. I think isnt much.. With tuanha special do 80k., ;/