getting this error. [12:19:14 PM:496]:Gatherbuddy - System information. [12:19:14 PM:501]latform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0. [12:19:14 PM:503]:Gatherbuddy executable: C:\Users\user\Desktop\gather\Gatherbuddy.exe [12:19:14 PM:548]:WoW Process with ID 2728 is free. [12:19:14 PM:552]:WoW Process with ID 4400 is free. [12:19:24 PM:93]:Attached to WoW ProcessId: 2728. [12:19:29 PM:439]:Gatherbuddy [12:19:29 PM:443]:Authenticating [12:19:29 PM:486]:Attempting Authorization [12:19:50 PM:756]:Unable to connect to the remote server [12:19:50 PM:765]:attemptAuth: FAILED!
Authenticating.. The HTTP connection failed! Are you sure you are connected to the internet? This is what I'm getting..
Attempting Authorization attemptAuth: FAILED! same, prolly auth server died guess we will have to wait until bossland fix that
For the heck of it ... " OMG ME TOOOH" could it possibly be like this error like with the auth server like will most likley be fixed soon like srsly?:O Oh and btw gz to iron_bird and Striker-one for their first post being a MEH TOO post <3
We probably have a ddos attack on the authentication servers that can take days to stop and get it ressolved