So.. i know u can Raf ur bnet to have a secondary account and normally u have to pay for that something to keep the secondary account open.. or u just use it to raf level ur main account and then u just let the secondary account freeze.. i was checking on my bnet account today and i saw i should have a secondary wow acco available to play for free.. it seems a starter edition.. can i raf this and powerlevel all till 60? then decide what to do? if i decide to keep the secondary acco and upgrade it i can bot safetely on it and if it get banned io shouldnt have probs on main acco right? what if main acco got in past a 72h warning? (not bottin on main acco anymore)
You can RaF up to 80 Incoming PERSONAL opinion: You should keep in mind that botting only leads to a ban and that your main account is not completely safe cause you will end up passing gold/items through you botting account eventually. Botting as I see it is for profit and if you make more than you lose you should continue botting. However if you are a regular player just stocking up on achievements, mounts, gear, etc you shouldnt really risk your precious boosting e-peen trophy account. YOU WILL LOSE IT....... End of personal opinion
ye i pretty much think the same at this point.. but was curious to know if is possible for me to raf on that free account or if raf need u to make a new PAYED one