Just wondering, why ignore the elites? Just because they are harder to kill? Always thought elites had a better chance of dropping better items.
waste of time, if you want farm more legendary for hour, ignoring elites in mp10 its better of the time to kill them.
Mate, very nice, running with my baba 230k DPS buffed like a charm, 500IPH running por 30min XD! will see a full day report. By the way i think my baba it's not properly builded, you know where I can find a good Baba and Monk MP10 build? Thanks mate! PS: How much DPS is "Good Enough" to kill MP10 Elites?
Great profile, have 2 barbs running it now. One of which is only a PL25, getting 55m XP per hour with no +XP gear on and only 2 deaths per hour.
Running this on my monk works like a charm, around 60-65m xp/h - Any chance this is/can be relogger compatible?
There's few problems. When i die, my bot run whole weeping hollow since start instead of going to dead place. And second problem, there's too small loot radius. Should be 60++
Just open the xml file and look for <ToggleTargeting questId="1" combat="True" looting="True" lootRadius="30" killRadius="30" /> Not sure about the running back after deaths though.
Thanks, i fixed the loot radius, i also have a new act 2 profile that is more challenging but more density and monsters/hour than weeping hallow. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonbuddy-forum/demonbuddy-profiles/act-2/119209-a2-run-legendary-farming-profile.html Also i added a relogger to the downloads for those that need.
===== Misc Statistics ===== Total tracking time: 6h 43m 5s Total deaths: 9 [1.3400000333786 per hour] Total games (approx): 24 [3.5699999332428 per hour] Total XP gained: 388.730010986328 million [57.8600006103516 million per hour] Total Gold gained: 1960.64001464844 Thousand [291.839996337891 Thousand per hour] ===== Item DROP Statistics ===== Items: Total items dropped: 4508 [671.010009765625 per hour] Items dropped by ilvl: - ilvl58: 254 [37.810001373291 per hour] {5.63000011444092 %} - ilvl59: 109 [16.2199993133545 per hour] {2.42000007629395 %} - ilvl60: 703 [104.639999389648 per hour] {15.5900001525879 %} - ilvl61: 1528 [227.440002441406 per hour] {33.9000015258789 %} - ilvl62: 1196 [178.020004272461 per hour] {26.5300006866455 %} - ilvl63: 718 [106.870002746582 per hour] {15.9300003051758 %} Not the greatest stats, but I enjoyed the XP. (I also use pretty strict pickup rules)
Guys, i found a fix for the getting lost if you died. I have made it so it saves your progress if you die by every 3 nodes.
hey guys who can made single profile for random dungeon Decaying Crypt in the fields? would be awesome for LPH very high density of the mobs