Hello fellow honorbuddies. I'm having this problem after the update, I get an error message about LoaderExceptions. I know that this problem can by caused by outdated plugins, but i've done a fresh re-install of HB, and it's using the same old a.k.a Talented, Autoequip2 etc. I've attached a log. thank you! /bone2sign
A quick search of the forums showed this : http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-support/119363-endscene-hook-failed.html
funny how you mention a "quick search" when nothing in that post actually contains the word LoaderExceptions, which is the problem i'm having, but i'll try it and see if it'll work...thank you
From your own log you provided PHP: [08:21:15.078 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.7022.563 started.[08:21:28.787 N] Logging in...[08:21:29.864 D] Attached To : D3D11[08:21:30.799 N] Error - Endscene hook failed: Typinitieraren f?r MainDev.RemoteASM.RemoteAsm utl?ste ett undantag. Look at line 4 in your own log...