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  • Honorbuddy keeps getting Error!!!

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Support' started by Shankspec, May 18, 2013.

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    1. Shankspec

      Shankspec New Member

      Jan 17, 2013
      Likes Received:
      Trophy Points:
      Need help my friend just got honorbuddy and his shit keeps resetting, It is beyond my expertise to figure out what is wrong, I signed on his toon and tried it from my setup and it worked fine but I can't find the disconnect between his and mine.

      [20:59:39.158 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.7024.233 started.
      [20:59:39.159 Q] This is a BETA build of Honorbuddy. This is not meant for general usage. Please report any issues you may have in the beta thread on our forums.
      [20:59:39.159 Q] This build may have bugs, and new features which may not be fully tested. Use at your own risk!
      [20:59:40.335 N] Logging in...
      [20:59:43.134 D] Attached To : D3D9
      [20:59:43.550 N] Error - Endscene hook failed: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'MainDev.RemoteASM.RemoteAsm' threw an exception. ---> System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
      at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
      at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes()
      at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
      at MainDev.RemoteASM.RemoteAsm..cctor()
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
      at MainDev.RemoteASM.RemoteAsm..ctor()
      at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader. ()
      at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Initialize(IntPtr hookAddr)
      at Styx.StyxWoW. ()
      [20:59:43.580 N] Attached to WoW with ID 3104
      [20:59:43.790 N] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
      [20:59:43.796 N] New bot added!: BGBuddy
      [20:59:44.064 N] New bot added!: DungeonBuddy
      [20:59:44.123 N] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
      [20:59:44.130 N] New bot added!: Grind Bot
      [20:59:44.137 N] New bot added!: Questing
      [20:59:44.152 N] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
      [20:59:44.159 N] New bot added!: PartyBot
      [20:59:44.159 N] New bot added!: [BETA] GrindBuddy
      [20:59:44.171 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<BotBase> - Reloading Bots
      [20:59:45.886 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Carnage\Desktop\HonorbuddyBETA 2.5.7024.233\Bots\Kick's\Kick's Profiles\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\Holiday\Noblegarden\NobleGardenerAchievementPlugin\NobleGardenerAchievement.cs(18,18) : error CS0101: The namespace 'NobleGardenerAchievement' already contains a definition for 'NobleGardenerAchievement'
      [20:59:45.886 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Carnage\Desktop\HonorbuddyBETA 2.5.7024.233\Bots\Kick's\Kick's Profiles\Useful Stuff\Non Questing Plugins\Pbuddy\Pbuddy.cs(15,15) : error CS0101: The namespace 'DHXPickBuddy' already contains a definition for 'DHXPickBuddyNM'
      [20:59:46.435 N] New bot added!: Combat Bot
      [20:59:46.435 N] New bot added!: Raid Bot
      [20:59:46.441 N] Honorbuddy v2.5.7024.233 started!
      [20:59:46.441 D] Using WoW with process ID 3104
      [20:59:46.441 D] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
      [20:59:46.441 D] Executable Path: C:\Users\Carnage\Desktop\HonorbuddyBETA 2.5.7024.233\Honorbuddy.exe
      [20:59:46.446 N] Character is a level 74 Tauren Warrior
      [20:59:46.447 N] Current zone is Dalaran
      [20:59:46.700 D] CombatRoutinesPath: Routines
      [20:59:46.700 D] ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False
      [20:59:46.700 D] PluginsPath: Plugins
      [20:59:46.700 D] ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False
      [20:59:46.700 D] BotsPath: Bots
      [20:59:46.700 D] ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False
      [20:59:46.700 D] QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors
      [20:59:46.700 D] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Carnage\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
      [20:59:46.700 D] KillBetweenHotspots: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] LogoutForInactivity: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
      [20:59:46.700 D] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
      [20:59:46.700 D] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
      [20:59:46.700 D] LogLevel: Normal
      [20:59:46.700 D] FoodAmount: 0
      [20:59:46.700 D] DrinkAmount: 0
      [20:59:46.700 N] EnabledPlugins:
      [20:59:46.700 D] Anti Drown
      [20:59:46.700 D] AutoEquip2
      [20:59:46.700 D] DrinkPotions
      [20:59:46.700 D] Questhelper - ItemForAura
      [20:59:46.700 D] Refreshment Detection
      [20:59:46.700 D] Talented2
      [20:59:46.700 N] RecentProfiles:
      [20:59:46.700 D] [Fly][H - Quest] 68-80 [Kick] ($Rev: 2389 $)@@!@@C:\Users\Carnage\Desktop\HonorbuddyBETA 2.5.7024.233\Bots\Kick's\Kick's Profiles\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\LK\[Fly][H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml
      [20:59:46.700 D] Alterac Valley@@!@@C:\Users\Carnage\Desktop\HonorbuddyBETA 2.5.7024.233\Default Profiles\BGBuddy\Alterac Valley.xml
      [20:59:46.700 D] UseNativeFlying: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] SelectedBotIndex: 9
      [20:59:46.700 D] UseFlightPaths: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] FindMountAutomatically: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] UseRandomMount: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] FoodName has no value yet!
      [20:59:46.700 D] DrinkName has no value yet!
      [20:59:46.700 D] MountName has no value yet!
      [20:59:46.700 D] FlyingMountName has no value yet!
      [20:59:46.700 D] LootMobs: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] SkinMobs: False
      [20:59:46.700 D] NinjaSkin: False
      [20:59:46.700 D] LootChests: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] HarvestMinerals: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] HarvestHerbs: False
      [20:59:46.700 D] UseMount: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] PullDistance: 45
      [20:59:46.700 D] LootRadius: 45
      [20:59:46.700 D] FindVendorsAutomatically: True
      [20:59:46.700 D] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Carnage\Desktop\HonorbuddyBETA 2.5.7024.233\Bots\Kick's\Kick's Profiles\1-90 Questing Profile Pack\LK\[Fly][H - Quest] LK 68-80 [Kick].xml
      [20:59:46.700 D] MountDistance: 60
      [20:59:46.700 D] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
      [20:59:46.700 D] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
      [20:59:46.702 N] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
      [20:59:46.703 D] Activity: Initializing.
      [20:59:46.705 D] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
      [20:59:46.904 D] Activity: Loading Spells
      [20:59:46.987 D] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Fishing (131474)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Toughness (53124)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Smelting (2656)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cooking Fire (818)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cooking (2550)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Blacksmithing (29844)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: First Aid (45542)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Symbiosis (110506)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Titan's Grip (46917)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Single-Minded Fury (81099)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Plate Specialization (86110)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Parry (3127)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Meat Cleaver (12950)
      [20:59:47.023 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Flurry (12972)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Enrage (13046)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Double Time (103827)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Deep Wounds (115768)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Crazed Berserker (23588)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Bloodsurge (46915)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Wild Strike (100130)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Whirlwind (1680)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Thunder Clap (6343)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Throw (122475)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Taunt (355)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Sunder Armor (7386)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Staggering Shout (107566)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Spell Reflection (23920)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Shield Wall (871)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Shattering Throw (64382)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Recklessness (1719)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Raging Blow (85288)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Pummel (6552)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Intimidating Shout (5246)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Intervene (3411)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Victory Rush (34428)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Heroic Throw (57755)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Heroic Strike (78)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Hamstring (1715)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Execute (5308)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Dragon Roar (118000)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Disarm (676)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Die by the Sword (118038)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Defensive Stance (71)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Commanding Shout (469)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cleave (845)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Charge (100)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Bloodthirst (23881)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Berserker Stance (2458)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Berserker Rage (18499)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Stance (2457)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Shout (6673)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Working Overtime (118021)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Weapon Skills (76290)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: The Quick and the Dead (83950)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: The Doctor Is In (118076)
      [20:59:47.024 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Ride Like the Wind (117983)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Reinforce (83943)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Nature Resistance (20551)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mr. Popularity (78635)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mount Up (78633)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Languages (79746)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Honorable Mention (83960)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Hasty Hearth (83944)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Guild Mail (83951)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: For Great Justice (118483)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Flight Master's License (90267)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Fast Track (78632)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Expert Riding (34090)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Endurance (20550)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cultivation (20552)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cold Weather Flying (54197)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Cash Flow (83941)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Bountiful Bags (83966)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Battle Fatigue (134732)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Bartering (83964)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Armor Skills (76268)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: War Stomp (20549)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mobile Banking (83958)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Mass Resurrection (83968)
      [20:59:47.025 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spell: Auto Attack (6603)
      [20:59:47.053 D] [SpellManager] Impending Victory (103840) overrides Victory Rush (34428)
      [20:59:47.075 D] [SpellManager] GCD check spell set to Fishing
      [20:59:47.075 D] Activity: Initializing Plugins
      [20:59:47.125 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<HBPlugin> - RefreshPlugins Called
      [20:59:48.665 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED with handler
      [20:59:49.139 D] [WeightSet] Selected weight set: Warrior-Fury
      [20:59:50.478 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\Carnage\Desktop\HonorbuddyBETA 2.5.7024.233\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Active1=True
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Active2=True
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Active3=True
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Active4=True
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Active5=True
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Active6=True
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Item1=58165
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Item2=38619
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Item3=38512
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Item4=38622
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Item5=38623
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Item6=38624
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Aura1=79651
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Aura2=54178
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Aura3=54176
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Aura4=51623
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Aura5=51623
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Aura6=51623
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest11=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest21=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest31=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest41=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest51=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest61=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest12=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest22=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest32=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest42=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest52=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest62=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest13=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest23=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest33=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest43=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest53=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Quest63=0
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Combat1=False
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Combat2=False
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Combat3=False
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Combat4=False
      [20:59:50.502 D] ItemForAura: Combat5=False
      [20:59:50.503 D] ItemForAura: Combat6=False
      [20:59:50.503 N] ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded.
      [20:59:50.503 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\Carnage\Desktop\HonorbuddyBETA 2.5.7024.233\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config
      [20:59:50.503 D] ItemForAura: Active1=True
      [20:59:50.503 D] ItemForAura: Active2=True
      [20:59:50.503 D] ItemForAura: Active3=True
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Active4=True
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Active5=True
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Active6=True
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Item1=58165
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Item2=38619
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Item3=38512
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Item4=38622
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Item5=38623
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Item6=38624
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Aura1=79651
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Aura2=54178
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Aura3=54176
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Aura4=51623
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Aura5=51623
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Aura6=51623
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest11=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest21=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest31=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest41=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest51=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest61=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest12=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest22=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest32=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest42=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest52=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest62=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest13=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest23=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest33=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest43=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest53=0
      [20:59:50.504 D] ItemForAura: Quest63=0
      [20:59:50.505 D] ItemForAura: Combat1=False
      [20:59:50.505 D] ItemForAura: Combat2=False
      [20:59:50.505 D] ItemForAura: Combat3=False
      [20:59:50.505 D] ItemForAura: Combat4=False
      [20:59:50.505 D] ItemForAura: Combat5=False
      [20:59:50.505 D] ItemForAura: Combat6=False
      [20:59:51.818 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED with handler DoCheck
      [20:59:51.831 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event LOOT_CLOSED with handler DoCheck
      [20:59:51.844 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event START_LOOT_ROLL with handler HandleLootRoll
      [20:59:51.857 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event CONFIRM_LOOT_ROLL with handler HandleConfirmLootRoll
      [20:59:51.870 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event CONFIRM_DISENCHANT_ROLL with handler HandleConfirmLootRoll
      [20:59:51.874 D] Activity: Initializing Navigator
      [20:59:51.923 D] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
      [20:59:51.928 D] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
      [20:59:51.930 D] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
      [20:59:51.941 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event TAXIMAP_OPENED with handler
      [20:59:51.944 D] Activity: Initializing Routines
      [20:59:51.947 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<ICombatRoutine> - [RoutineManager] ReloadRoutineAssemblies called.
      [20:59:55.802 V] [Singular] 0.1 days since Windows was restarted
      [20:59:55.807 V] [Singular] 70 FPS currently in WOW
      [20:59:55.821 V] [Singular] 28 ms of Latency in WOW
      [20:59:55.821 V] [Singular] 05/18/2013 16:59:55 local system time
      [20:59:55.793 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
      [20:59:55.794 D] Singular v3.0.0.2382 v3.0.0.2382
      [20:59:55.800 N] [Singular] Starting Singular v3.0.0.2382
      [20:59:56.130 N] [Singular] Installation: integrity verified for
      [20:59:56.130 N] [Singular] Determining talent spec.
      [20:59:56.218 V] [Singular]
      [20:59:56.219 V] [Singular] ====== Singular Settings ======
      [20:59:56.224 V] [Singular] EnableDebugLogging: False
      [20:59:56.224 V] [Singular] EnableDebugLoggingGCD: False
      [20:59:56.225 V] [Singular] EnableDebugLoggingCanCast: False
      [20:59:56.225 V] [Singular] FormHeight: 337
      [20:59:56.226 V] [Singular] FormWidth: 378
      [20:59:56.226 V] [Singular] FormTabIndex: 0
      [20:59:56.226 V] [Singular] AllowMovement: Auto
      [20:59:56.227 V] [Singular] PullDistanceOverride: 25
      [20:59:56.227 V] [Singular] MeleeDismountRange: 12
      [20:59:56.227 V] [Singular] UseCastWhileMovingBuffs: True
      [20:59:56.228 V] [Singular] MinHealth: 65
      [20:59:56.228 V] [Singular] MinMana: 65
      [20:59:56.228 V] [Singular] PotionHealth: 30
      [20:59:56.229 V] [Singular] PotionMana: 30
      [20:59:56.229 V] [Singular] UseBandages: False
      [20:59:56.229 V] [Singular] WaitForResSickness: True
      [20:59:56.230 V] [Singular] DisableNonCombatBehaviors: False
      [20:59:56.230 V] [Singular] DisablePetUsage: False
      [20:59:56.230 V] [Singular] PetTankAdds: True
      [20:59:56.231 V] [Singular] IgnoreHealTargetsAboveHealth: 95
      [20:59:56.231 V] [Singular] MaxHealTargetRange: 75
      [20:59:56.231 V] [Singular] StayNearTank: True
      [20:59:56.232 V] [Singular] IncludePetsAsHealTargets: True
      [20:59:56.232 V] [Singular] DispelDebuffs: HighPriority
      [20:59:56.232 V] [Singular] UseAlchemyFlasks: True
      [20:59:56.233 V] [Singular] Trinket1Usage: Never
      [20:59:56.233 V] [Singular] Trinket2Usage: Never
      [20:59:56.233 V] [Singular] GloveUsage: OnCooldownInCombat
      [20:59:56.234 V] [Singular] UseRacials: True
      [20:59:56.234 V] [Singular] GiftNaaruHP: 30
      [20:59:56.234 V] [Singular] ShadowmeldThreatDrop: True
      [20:59:56.235 V] [Singular] DisableTankTargetSwitching: False
      [20:59:56.235 V] [Singular] EnableTaunting: True
      [20:59:56.235 V] [Singular] TypeOfTargeting: Auto
      [20:59:56.236 V] [Singular] InterruptTarget: All
      [20:59:56.236 V] [Singular]
      [20:59:56.253 V] [Singular] ====== HotkeySettings Settings ======
      [20:59:56.255 V] [Singular] SavedToFile: True
      [20:59:56.255 V] [Singular] ChatFrameMessage: True
      [20:59:56.256 V] [Singular] AoeToggle: None
      [20:59:56.256 V] [Singular] CombatToggle: None
      [20:59:56.256 V] [Singular] MovementToggle: None
      [20:59:56.257 V] [Singular] SuspendMovement: False
      [20:59:56.257 V] [Singular] SuspendDuration: 3
      [20:59:56.257 V] [Singular] SuspendMovementKeys: System.Windows.Forms.Keys[]
      [20:59:56.258 V] [Singular]
      [20:59:56.268 V] [Singular] ====== WarriorSettings Settings ======
      [20:59:56.270 V] [Singular] ArmsSpellPriority: 1
      [20:59:56.271 V] [Singular] WarriorEnragedRegenerationHealth: 50
      [20:59:56.271 V] [Singular] WarriorShieldWallHealth: 20
      [20:59:56.272 V] [Singular] WarriorLastStandHealth: 40
      [20:59:56.272 V] [Singular] WarriorShieldBlockHealth: 30
      [20:59:56.273 V] [Singular] WarriorShieldBarrierHealth: 80
      [20:59:56.273 V] [Singular] UseWarriorInterrupts: True
      [20:59:56.274 V] [Singular] UseWarriorSlows: True
      [20:59:56.274 V] [Singular] UseWarriorCloser: True
      [20:59:56.275 V] [Singular] Stance: Auto
      [20:59:56.275 V] [Singular] Shout: BattleShout
      [20:59:56.276 V] [Singular] VictoryRushOnCooldown: False
      [20:59:56.276 V] [Singular]
      [20:59:56.276 V] [Singular] ====== Evaluated/Dynamic Settings ======
      [20:59:56.277 V] [Singular] Debug: N
      [20:59:56.279 V] [Singular] DisableAllMovement: N
      [20:59:56.280 V] [Singular] DisableAllTargeting: N
      [20:59:56.280 V] [Singular]
      [20:59:56.143 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED with handler UpdateTalentManager
      [20:59:56.155 D] [Lua.Events] Attached to event GLYPH_UPDATED with handler UpdateTalentManager
      [20:59:56.157 N] [Singular] TalentManager - looks like a WarriorFury
      [20:59:56.182 N] [Singular] Current spec is Warrior Fury
    2. Barker999

      Barker999 New Member

      May 18, 2013
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      Trophy Points:
      I'm having the exact same problem. Done full fresh install about 10 times now, deleted cache and everything I can find that is suggested on the forums. Was working fine two days ago, did the update and kept getting different things not working. After following the help topics this is the same error message I have been getting with the last 3-5 fresh installs. Please help.
    3. Logicool

      Logicool New Member

      Oct 6, 2012
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      Same thing happening to me after allowing the update to v2.5.6948.557 (the Trojan virus infected edition). Reloaded v2.5.7026.566 several times yeterday and today, after completely deleting all directories, and the bot crashes with an error "An item with the same key has already been added"...

      [00:01:17.923 N] Logging in...
      [00:01:19.984 D] Attached To : D3D9
      [00:01:20.430 N] Error - Endscene hook failed: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'MainDev.RemoteASM.RemoteAsm' threw an exception. ---> System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
      at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
      at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes()
      at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
      at MainDev.RemoteASM.RemoteAsm..cctor()
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
      at MainDev.RemoteASM.RemoteAsm..ctor()
      at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.()
      at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Initialize(IntPtr hookAddr)
      at Styx.StyxWoW.()
      [00:01:20.466 N] Attached to WoW with ID 7000
    4. chinajade

      chinajade Well-Known Member Moderator Buddy Core Dev

      Jul 20, 2010
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      Trophy Points:
      Thread closed.

      Each of you please open your OWN thread, and ATTACH your log.

      But before you do, please try doing a 'clean install' first. Carefully follow these instructions:

      Thread closed--open a new one with your log attached, if you still have problems.

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