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  • [Plugin] Battle Pet Swapper

    Discussion in 'Uncataloged' started by Andy West, Dec 15, 2012.

    1. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      It is math. For example, when you open pokebuddy, the default rating for level difference is -100.

      If you change this to -10, the rating of a lvl 11 pet will still be overpowering, because all the values stack.

      I'd need a live example to illustrate this, but for most ringer x2 arrangements, you have level difference (LD), health (as a percentage), offense and defense bonuses = current pet rating.

      By making health more important, and LD closer to -10 or +1 , you can offset the swap to lowest level second pet, and it will swap to the highest health pet.

      And if you're clever, you may notice this can make things worse if you change the sliders too much, as it will swap to the highest health % pet, even if its level 3.

      I'd suggest capture settings if you want player XP while questing 1-60 areas, but only with rare pets enabled. For lk/outland, ringer and max level 21 should help push 12-20 pets up easily enough.
    2. bylosobiezycie

      bylosobiezycie New Member

      Nov 8, 2012
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      How should I name a folder for this plugin? Tried "Battle Pet Swapper" but it isn't showing in my Plugin menu in HB :(

      Edit: Downloaded .zip file and now it's working. Strange..
      Last edited: Apr 6, 2013
    3. Arturusdent

      Arturusdent New Member

      Apr 8, 2013
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      I'm currently trying to run this with Pokebuddy, which has been properly configured to swap out the low level pets at 90% HP, so in-combat swapping isn't an issue. I started it with two 20s and a lvl 1 set to Ringerx2, but it seems to be continuing to level the original lvl 1 instead of swapping in new lvl 1 pets. I'm trying it with Only Favorites for both settings, 4 17-20 Ringer favorites and 4 lvl 1 favorites. Currently taking someone else's suggestion and running in a ~12-14 zone until the 1's are a few levels higher. Is there something I'm missing as far as what triggers the out-of-combat swapping to level multiple pets?

      Max Level 25
      Min HP % 90
      Min Level 1
      Only Blue True (all current favorites are blue)
      Only Favorites True
      Use Wild True
      Only Fav Ring True
      Ringer Min HP 80
    4. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      What you describe as the problem, sounds entirely like you haven't understood or "properly configured" PB. PokeBuddy uses math, so if you understand the math, you understand the problem. And how to fix it.

      the default rating sliders will always put a low level pet back in the rotation, which is the problem you and others experience, the suicide swaps, the ringer failures, etc.

      Several times I've covered this, but, I did not explain, and perhaps I should have shown THE MATH... (Cue ominous music) to do so. I will proceed, because it is a good way to cure my insomnia at this point... Sic.

      For example, lets put a level 10 vs a lvl 20. 400hp vs 1100hp. Give or take.
      (If you want to do this in PB, enable debugging, which shows re-rating & do a real battle with defaults vs my pretend settings. I welcome you to correct my inelegant, 2am rambling)

      (So, A paper napkin math pokeh rating for a pet is (level x -100) + (health x 5) + advantage + disadvantage = A / B / C ratings for each pet. The ranking works as a handicapping system for each pet, using these values. ( the actual ratings work in a similar way, give or take.)

      So let's do a ringer battle, a lvl 10, 12, 20 vs 18,18,18. Battle.

      And let's pretend this is how poke buddy works... For a moment at least.

      i assume a few things, that if a lvl 10/20 takes a 200hp hit, it can be 20% or 90% of a pet's health, that a level 18 can hit for 200 or so .. And if we leave the sliders as default, Let's say the sliders are -100 level difference and 5 health, this is what happens...

      If a level 10 pet vs an 18, takes a 10-20% hit, lets have a look at 3 rounds, and use the 90% swapouts.

      The level 10 -18 difference is -8. Multiply by -100, you get 800. Health is 100% x5
      the LD rating is 800 + 500 = 1300
      The level 12 pet has 600 + 500 = 1100
      The level 20 pet has -200 + 500 = 300

      Now we take the 10% health hit.
      A is now 800 + 450 = 1250
      B is still 1100
      C is still 300.

      So, we've hit our swap out target HP, and we swap. PB sorts the new ratings, as A>B>C
      PB scratches it head, says "oh okay you mean swap to the second highest", and chooses B.

      Second pet , gets chomped by 15%. And we swap again.
      A with 90% = 1250
      B with 85% = 1025
      C is still 300

      Guess who's going to be called up when you call a swap ? A is. It's still A>B>C.
      A, now gets chomped by 40%, it's now 50% HP and pet B has 85% HP.

      A has 1050
      B has 1025
      C has 300

      because the LD is so high, even if the HP of pet A = 0, or B = 0, the dead A will still be chosen over C. And to get A to swap to B, You need to push the HP of A below 40% of B, due to the level difference in this example, to get it to swap to B.

      So, Math.

      Swapping a pet by it's health alone, works fine for equal level pets. It does not work if you try to set health so high. Or Level difference so high.

      The best, "proper" config is to work with a more consistent health/level slider and 50% HP swapouts, since its more forgiving than working out THE MATH of making a 50%hp pet with 10 levels difference (handicap) swap to a pet with 100% HP, but a negative handicap.

      the "swapout" slider rating you want is difficult with 90% swapouts :

      I.e. here's the criteria for a perfect ringer rating:

      Pet A with 90% ( your swapout target ) has to be lower rated than C with 100%, in order for PB to swap to C properly.
      Pet A with 100% has to be higher rated than C with 100% so A can go first.
      Pet C, with 30% (near it's fatal value) has to be higher rated than Pet A with 90% (your swapout target)

      You need to maintain a balance of health and level delta values if you change the swapout values; the pokebuddy plugin is not going to handle differential calculus to work out what to do to make 90% swapouts work as intended -- as pokebuddy was never designed to handle ringer settings, just 1v1.

      If maybe gets around to it, version 2.0 might do something as a hack to get ringer settings to work, but the rating system is a functional handicapping system, as it stands, a good kludge.
    5. Mikeyboss

      Mikeyboss New Member

      Nov 17, 2012
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      yep so I downloaded a fresh install of HB, installed only this plugin and it's not working at all. I do not know why as when it was working it was fantastic, any insight?
    6. lochkaese

      lochkaese New Member

      Jun 30, 2012
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      same problem here, not working at all :(
    7. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      would need more information.

      check your pet journal.

      do you have 3 pet slots ? if not, level a pet to level 5.

      are the pets alive and if you start a battle manually, does that work as intended ?
      if you have multiple characters on one account, the journal will lock the 2nd account out of pet battles.

      do you have revive pets ? hit the cooldown, see if it works.
      if you don't have revive pets on the interface for the pet journal, do the starter quests from the pet trainer in your capital city and level a pet to level 6-7 to battle those trainers as needed.

      swap the pets you have in, for another pet lineup. enable BPS again, see if it creates the pre-swap condition "checking for pet levels in the area" in the log.
    8. Dadi

      Dadi New Member

      Aug 7, 2010
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      my problem is that he levels only one pet with pokebuddy. one lvl 11 pet and two lvl 6 ~.~
    9. Poessi

      Poessi New Member

      Mar 3, 2013
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      im trying to level 3 lvl 1 pets,
      my problem now is that hes still in durotar killing lvl 1-2 pets with my main pet (lvl 7) and is not swapping to any of the lvl 1 pets.

      Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong?

      I chose favorite pets only and i do only have these 3 pets as favorites

      Problem is, my PetArea won't switch zones until all 3 pets are lvl 6 i guess, so it would be in durotar forever if not switching pets :D

      HB says:
      ?ndere aktuelles Profil zu Durator 1 - 4 - Crowley
      [BPS] Casting 'Revive Battle Pets'...
      [BPS] Populating pet journal...
      [BPS] Favourite pets journal count: 3
      [BPS] Pets by level:
      [BPS] Choosing pets for level: 2

      but he's only leveling my highest lvl pet in this lowlvl zone

      EDIT: i think i got it, in pokebuddy, i had to choose a default leveling script :x
      Last edited: May 11, 2013
    10. poltoseg

      poltoseg New Member

      Oct 15, 2012
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      Hello everyone.

      I decided to pump a new pet from the first level, but the other two pet my lvl 12. When I run the bot, it uses a pet at level 12, and not pet the first level, although the locations are only pets Levels 1-3. What to do, what would he initially circulated to 12 lvl my pet level 1, and then shook all together?

      Thank you.
    11. gamer194

      gamer194 New Member

      Mar 11, 2013
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      hey, I have a problem:
      but yesterday all works perfect ...

      on the 1st char it din?t work:
      [BPS] Casting 'Revive Battle Pets'...
      [BPS] Populating pet journal...
      [BPS] Owned pets journal count: 512
      [BPS] Pets by level:
      [BPS] Choosing pets for level: 11

      at the 2nd char it work:
      [BPS] Casting 'Revive Battle Pets'...
      [BPS] Populating pet journal...
      [BPS] Owned pets journal count: 512
      [BPS] Pets by level: #11=3
      [BPS] Choosing pets for level: 11

      I think the problem is, it don?t counter the pet level?
      but what?s wrong?
      I hope you can help
    12. toliman

      toliman Member

      Jun 20, 2012
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      A) what's the loc and
      B) what are your settings , ie capture, blue/wild pets/favorites only, etc.

      It should be in the [bps] lines that the log displays, as you enable the plugin.

      Possibly, it's due to battle pets being locked out due to 2nd account,
      or a wow addon changing the pet listings, adding breed info, etc.etc.

      Hard to say without a log.
    13. gamer194

      gamer194 New Member

      Mar 11, 2013
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      o lol.. I think it was the Pet Battle Addon :>
      greetings :)
    14. gamer194

      gamer194 New Member

      Mar 11, 2013
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      [BPS] Casting 'Revive Battle Pets'...
      [BPS] Populating pet journal...
      [BPS] System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 23103E8C [299]!
      at Styx.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
      at Styx.MemoryManagement.MemoryBase.ReadString(IntPtr address, Encoding encoding, Int32 maxLength, Boolean relative)
      at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnValues(String lua, String scriptName)
      at Styx.WoWInternals.Lua.GetReturnValues(String lua)
      at BattlePetSwapper.PetLua.GetPetInfoByIndex(Int32 partsize, UInt32 k, Int32 currentportionsize) in c:\Users\Marcel\Desktop\hb spiel\Plugins\BattlePetSwapper\PetLua.cs:line 105
      [BPS] Owned pets journal count: 492
      [BPS] Pets by level:
      [BPS] Choosing pets for level: 11

      no pet swap again ;(
    15. getr0ot

      getr0ot New Member

      Jul 12, 2011
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      I am using this with PokeBuddy and I cannot seem to figure out how to make it swap in my lower level pets so that I can level them up. It just keeps using the highest level of the 3 and killing stuff. Anyone have a solution?

    16. napii

      napii New Member

      Feb 22, 2012
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      revert back to an old pokebuddy verson... thats what fixed the same problem for me ;)
    17. maybe

      maybe Community Developer

      May 15, 2010
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      Weird, im using both, the newest versions, works like a charm.
    18. dobroe

      dobroe New Member

      Jan 11, 2011
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      Don't swap pets

      [BPS] Saving settings.
      [BPS] Settings: Mode=Relative, Pet Levels=1-25 , OnlyBluePets=True, Min Pet Health=90, Use Favourite Pets Only=True

      after 5.3 plugin dont swap pets. HB clear install, last version of plugins.

      Attached Files:

    19. gamer194

      gamer194 New Member

      Mar 11, 2013
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      same problem , but it worked yesterday
    20. OrcD3vil

      OrcD3vil New Member

      Jan 6, 2012
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      View attachment 2392 2013-06-02 13.18.txt

      Fresh install of Honorbuddy, only plugins in the folder are Pokehbuddy / Battle Pet Swapper. Here are screenshots of settings.. If I have Harbringer of Flame *Level 25* set as favorite, it will fill in random level 1's and start trying to fight with them instead of the level 25. How can I fix this?


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