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  • Just Questing, how likely to get banned on 1st warning?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by krenzel, May 21, 2013.

    1. krenzel

      krenzel New Member

      Apr 19, 2013
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      I understand that Botting has inherent risks. How likely am I, in your opinion, to receive an account ban and not a first warring (72 hour) if I am only bottling to level up? I am sitting right next to my computer and monitoring it FYI. I looked through the forums and didn't really see a post that fits me. Thanks in advance for any insight you choose to provide.

    2. Lira

      Lira New Member

      Feb 2, 2012
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      no , one avertissement , continue ... flag ... and ban
    3. HipDrahve

      HipDrahve New Member

      Nov 10, 2012
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      nowadays its a perma straight up (even in EU) with a slight chance of reduction after an appeal, if you weren't offending the rules too much (i.e teleporting to gm island to /moo at them) and show remorse.
    4. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      it really depends, if a gm catches you and they can 100% prove you've been botting then chances are it will result in a ban. since most cant, they will just give out a suspension.
    5. Mario27

      Mario27 Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      if you bot smart you wont be banned bot like 10 hours a day let it rest for the night turn it on in the morning again play like a human i only do questing for making money and i only do profession on my main classes for the things i need to make thats all but i only make money while questing on a few accounts in my own guild never buy sor accounts try to make your own gatherbuddy profiles to avoid the bann also it helps alot. i use hb even on my main with all classes i raid on it arena and rbg. also dont use honorbuddy to grind your honor its risky use combat bot or lazyraider or tyrael and just let the bot do the rotation with any custom class. because honorbuddy and gatherbuddy are the most risky things to get banned if you use public profiles you can make easli good profiles with zap recorder and gathermate 2 u need and gathermate data and addon routes to create ur profiles. also log out sometimes like an hour or 30 minutes then relog in to make it more legit you cant play for a full 10 12 hours without taking breaks. im doing this for 2 months now again 3 and im fine the times i got banned was when i was farming hardcore with gatherbuddy. and public profiles since i make my own profiles now its more safer. also get the addon badboy put the levels on 90 so no one can whisper u telling ur a botter etc never responce to anyone ingame just play self dont interact with people ingame only on your main while raiding etc.
      Last edited: May 21, 2013
    6. HB7032V76

      HB7032V76 New Member

      Apr 20, 2011
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      they never prove .... they just ban (lost my main acc like this)
    7. freebox

      freebox New Member

      Apr 28, 2012
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      I have accounts that are over a year old that started with questing bot, I have new accounts I don't run over 6 to 12 hours a day and there is rest time. BUT i am going to say if you have 1 strike be careful. if you want to keep the account don't bot on it it is that simple and you will see this a lot. If it is a farming account do what you need to get the gold/ore/herbs and go from there.
    8. silvaman

      silvaman New Member

      May 11, 2013
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      I agree with everything everyone said. I'd also like to add that questing is considered the safest way to level as said by kickazz, the guy who made kick's questing profile. So the chances are slim that you might get in trouble. It's GB2 that's the killer, and selling gold.
    9. KepocuH

      KepocuH New Member

      Mar 3, 2013
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      I was permanently banned at 1st warning. But after ticket i was banned for 72 hrs and continue botting carefully. I installed LogMeOut plugin that logs me out if another player around interesting to my behavior while i grinding. It was the reason of my ban.

      Blizzard dont care about bots. They wanted to people play and pay for this game. Only stupid pllayer will spend hours of his life in game for what can be done automated. But Blizzard dont wanna have bad reputation of WoW as game for bots. So they ban only for reports.
    10. ProblemedThought

      ProblemedThought New Member

      Feb 26, 2011
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      Honestly, just bot smart and DON'T be greedy.

      I've been botting for over 2 years already and I haven't been caught once. Try to be online for the same amount of time everyday. I would highly recommend to not be fully AFK either as responding to whispers can actually seem as if you're playing. I like to occasionally talk in my guild while the bot is playing for me, so it seems that I'm actually playing the game.

      Also, try to do the same things everyday, Blizzard researches what you do before they ban you, but your worst enemies are other WoW players, they are quick to report without asking questions.

      And by "not being greedy" I mean that if you're getting away with honor farming or any other type of farming, stick with that, don't start branching off into different areas with different bots as that raises red flags.

      Botting is all about being smart nowadays since so many people began to bot.

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