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  • Bot detected? No sir, human makes the decision check this hand played SoR!

    Discussion in 'Ban Section - Ban Reports' started by B00sted, May 20, 2013.

    1. B00sted

      B00sted New Member

      Apr 23, 2013
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      1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account? Neither, hand played

      2)If so, when was the last time?: Tue 21

      3)What profile were you using?: None

      4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname: Warrior

      5)What plugins are you using?: None

      6)How many hours per day did you bot for?: I made it 4 hours

      6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot? I hand played it

      7)How many auctions per day did you have?: 0

      8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods? No

      9)Was your account involved in gold selling? No

      10)EU or US realm? U.S

      11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account? SoR

      Ok check this shit out, I have recently lost about 6 SoR accounts within a few weeks. Today I bought another, activated it with the same account that all the other accounts got banned from.

      Ive sat and watched these SoR accounts do the herb and mining GB2 for hours, watching the CTM,s paths the way he lands and spins to face the node, the way when a bot cant get up a hill and he backs backward walk sideways, and then forward on another route, the way he then goes to the mailbox first sends mail, then goes to the minng trainer first, and 95% of the time he stops short of the trainer to interact so he has to do a double step to reach the trainer then open and train, then flys to the herb trainer etc etc, I know this off by heart after watching 5 or 6 SoR's go down before they even reach the BC portal in blasted lands ...

      So I set out on a mission, I got all hopped up on something that had my eyes beaming like charlie sheen and put my test into action. I followed kicks herb mine profile to a T, only useing CTM, making it stck in tree's, left it like that for a few minutes, flew back and forth between 2 herb dots on the map 4 - 5 times coz I guess sometimes it has trouble deciding which one is closer. After my first time to come back to train, there where a few people in the district, and i walked into the wall made it glitch with fast clicks, done this a few times and kept walking back into the wall, and just when I was wondering how good of a fake bot I was looking like comes "/s Look at that bot stuck at the AH, he has been trying to get in that door for 5 minutes" Boom! The bait was taken.

      So i do my training again and head back out, exactly 1 hour and XX minutes after this bot bug spotted at the AH ...... drum roll .... disconeccted!

      It was around 4 hours in total play time but I did make the character stick in trees and walk back and forth into rocks everytime I saw a person near me.

      Email received is the 3rd party program. Perma (didnt even have a honorbuddey download file, folder or anything on my computer, I deleted them all before this test

      So without a doubt in my mind the actual HB program itself is not detectable, in this case it was player report, and then I would assume mind visioned like a priest does but total boss GM style, and wamo!!

      NOW: Yes this was after having many SoR's banned on this IP and SoR'd from the same account as others, but I done that for that exact reason for this test, and it worked like a charm.

      I know this test dosnt mean fuck all, but one thing it sure does prove is that it was human decision to terminate the account on bot mimicking movements. I also believe that IP's do get flagged for sure
      and a report from a player with a flagged IP jumps the que hahaha.

      What else did I learn from this? Im easily amused and have to much time on my hands.
      1101011 likes this.
    2. Hardbunny

      Hardbunny New Member

      Nov 17, 2011
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      I think you hit the nail on the head there ;)

      But yeah, I don't think this disproves or proves anything about bot detection. But funny that you got banned for mimicking bot movement. And as you said, the fact that your IP has been flagged probably had a whole lot to do with you getting banned.
    3. theclash150

      theclash150 Member

      Dec 12, 2010
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      I doubt his IP address had anything to do with it as ISPs typically assign IP addresses dynamically. His data SUPPORTS (not proves) the theory that a player report lead to him being inspected by a GM and eventually lead to a ban.
    4. Hardbunny

      Hardbunny New Member

      Nov 17, 2011
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      Did you even read his post?

      Another theory this supports is that Blizz actually can detect bots, but wont take action before player reports pile up.
    5. Jacan

      Jacan New Member

      Sep 30, 2011
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      I've never bought a sor, but I hear from some legit players they sometimes get banned within 2 days. You should have tried your test with a paid account.
    6. ntlntl

      ntlntl New Member

      Dec 21, 2010
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      SOR is alright, nothing wrong with that. Using GB2 is the key that led to a ban.
    7. Azile

      Azile New Member

      May 18, 2013
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      Except that he was not using GB2. He hand played this one, mimicking a bot until he got banned. Likely conclusion is as OP said, he got reported by a player and a GM investigated, watched him for 5 minutes, saw him exhibiting bot like behavior (flying into trees, having problems getting to nodes, all the GB2 errors that exhibit bot like behavior).
      It does not disprove that Blizzard uses bot detection along with player reports. It is interesting only in that it verifies something we already knew...player reports can lead to visual investigation by a GM who makes a decision based on what he sees as bot like behavior.
      You could still be getting on that GM investigation queue by server side detections. You can be getting into that queue (as the OP did) by player reports.
      so safer botting = avoiding players as much as possible as well as avoiding anything they might be using as server side bot behavior detection.

      Perhaps the truly paranoid would do the following:
      1) Do not run routes. Run random sweep gathering profiles over extremely large areas to possibly further avoid seeing other players.
      2) Turn on all the built in anti-player detection (log when followed etc) possible in HB and GB2.
      3) Hearth and log when full - do not bot using vendors and mailbox at all. Do your vendor and mailing manually after bags full.
      4) Bot at extremely off hours when your server population is lowest to further avoid running into possible players who will bot report you.
      5) Do not sell raw mats on AH using that account or character ever.
      6) Change the gathering character, servers, whatever so you are not getting seen every day gathering on that server.

      Player reports are surely the #1 way to get a bot banned who is running GB2 - its overall behaviors are far too bot like and anyone with a knowledge of bots (GMs are experts) would quickly be able to determine visually it is a bot.
    8. B00sted

      B00sted New Member

      Apr 23, 2013
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      All my SoR's that where GB2'd, first lasted 8 hours, second around 6 or 7 and they came down less and less with each new account. I get bored easy lol.

      As far as doing it with a paid account, I couldn't play like that for a few days, its a pain in the ass using CTM and I strongly believe SoR accounts have "first in best dressed" to get looked at. So a
      hand played would be hard to test.

      So if your a known botter, don't let your little nephew play your main account haha.
    9. baxkane

      baxkane New Member

      Apr 28, 2013
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      you can be banned simply for using a SoR account that's name doesn't match the Battle.net account it's on so I don't think this proves much
    10. favor98

      favor98 New Member

      Feb 5, 2013
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      Yes, if you were mimicing bot behaviour so intense ofc you got banned via tickets....it's a retarded test.... I know ppl that tested by farming bot-like for 5-6-7 hours straight and got suspended with explanation: "Your behaviour looked bottish" from GM....it's an automated system probably....

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