Hi, don't know if this goes here. Im a level 70 hunter and im wanting to know. Are they good for gathering?
Haven't tried it with GB yet (as I don't have a licence for it yet ) but I would have to say they would be pretty decent, just use a bear for a pet and you'll never have any issues. My bear can quite happily take down 2-3 standard 80 mobs without losing any health at all if I tap Mend Pet when it expires, so GB shouldn't have any issues if, as Tony says, you use the right macros!
I currently gather using a lvl 80 hunter. I does the job, but it is not as good as my DK, since it has to fight using just his melee abilities (which is rather uncommon for a hunter).
My disc priest is actually amazingly good with only 3 keys. Power Word: Shield every 12 seconds, flash heal every 6, and spam smite. It solos elites and everything.