You will need to set the item scoring to DB Weighting, I disabled it using Giles Scoring. Originally had an implementation into ItemRules but DB's item level value was not working and when updating new code I just left it out. Note: if you use item rules, the scoring option is only used if there is no rule for the item tested.
Uploaded 1017 Final Disables the plugin identification treehook behavior by default (DB Beta now uses Book of Cain to identify items). Salvage rules now setup to salvage only items that give inferno materials. Also reduced timer for salvaging items and hopefully fixed any remaining movement issues.
1018 Final uploaded.. which includes item rules for unid item stashing.. Rules can be found in both hard/soft but include no rules by default. Use rules similar to Pickup.dis to setup which items you want to keep unid and stashed!
funky have you the same problem with your trinity?
I don't understand your issue... Funky does have a feature implemented when stash is full which will create a new level one (if no hero slots remain then the bot will stop), and will move items from stash into the backpack until the backpack is full, then it will go back to the active bot character and load up the last profile.
Update 1019 uploaded. With lots of fixes to little things.. No.. but I could implement this... maybe a setting for WDs that would allow users to set total seconds reduced? Or just a setting that is for zero seconds only? (I have no gear currently but I'll keep an eye out..) Funky uses custom town run behaviors (except for Identification) and as far as the "restricted" slots go I've never seen it occur using Funky unless specifically setting DB to protect stash pages.
Why / Where can('t) I select the minimum number of grouped mobs? Since with this plugin it stops for every little mob
Yes it will target up to the combat range + non-elite range setting. Try lowering the non-elite range value. I've already implemented K-Means Clustering Algorithm but have not made it to the target logic yet.. but I'm planning on getting this implemented for current release and I'll post when its uploaded..
Cluster Update I've successfully implemented it into target logic and uploaded it (1019b). Current settings are minimum unit count, cluster distance, ignore cluster target logic when bot is low HP, and kill units with low HP. I also added additional settings to ignore Combat and Loot Range Values set by the profile, and added Item Range into Funky Settings. Also feel free to post any additional settings that could be added for cluster targeting...
019a and 019b give me an "bot could not be initialized error" ( However, 018 works ) -> This is with GilesTrinity and FunkyTrinity in the plugin folder and only funky turned on. Giles only works after I delete funky from the profile folder. Any ideas? What logs should I post? Thanks! Edit; Also, is cluster distance 40 enough? I'm asking because I was using 60 cluster distance with 4 mobs min and I have no idea how much 40 is in-game D:
It's a bad idea to have them both installed at the same time. Make a separate DB directory. The 'other' (not funky) Trinity does not play nicely with other combat routines.
The error is due to the combat routine most likely. I recommend deleting GilesTrinity so there is no interference with hooking behaviors and setting routine. Cluster distance is equal to the distance between one NavCell to a surrounding NavCell (I.E. clicking so toon will move one cell over from current position). 40 is way to much.. 10 is a good starting number, lower it if you want tighter clustering (packed groups).