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  • My ongoing success up till now.

    Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Shiningstar, May 23, 2013.

    1. Shiningstar

      Shiningstar Member

      Feb 6, 2013
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      Hello all Honorbuddy users. I've been debating about posting in the 'Success Stories' section since my first couple of weeks using
      Honorbuddy, the reason I haven't so far is because of 2 reasons. 1) I've just been way too busy to find time to write this. 2) I'm greedy and was worried about others seeing how large my success has been and afraid of it making a dent on my future success...

      I started botting sometime in February on my main account, I had used a bot before, 2 years ago, it was MMOmimic, it got my main account banned​
      which was devastating, it's 2 years ago and I still appeal to get this account back regularly as it was a vanilla account, banned during Cataclysm and had 11,000 achievement points & world first kills along with 824 days played. Maybe that's not a lot now, but back then that was within the top 0.1% of wow gamers, I hate to imagine where it could be now... After this I continued to play on a new account hoping I'd get my old account back someday, after a few months I quit completely. Until February when my younger brothers told me about this bot, at first I didn't believe any of what they said this bot was capable of. I had no idea someone could program a bot to do 1/2 of what Honorbuddy does. Compared to MMOmimic which I thought was the bomb, Honorbuddy is phenomenal...

      Anyway, as I started botting on my personal account which I made after losing my first I quickly realized the full potential of Honorbuddy, even​
      though I was a complete noob with it and i'm not very good with these kinds of programs compared to the majority. I decided to start up my own little business because I had recently lost my job and I really wanted to take back every penny I ever spent with blizzard. My business revolves completey around World of Warcraft and botting, I provide gold, game time, xfers, achievements, reputations, gear sets, titles, accounts, conquest caps, valour caps, pet farms, achievement point farms, raids, xmog runs, professions. Nearly everything, I provide it at a determined price that works for me and the customer meaning almost every customer makes a purchase. Not everyone can afford my prices, so I do it cheap enough for the customer to buy and enough to make it worth my time and CPU...

      First of all business started slow, but I was still earning weekly. I also got roped into working with another guy for 3-4 weeks that turned out to be​
      robbing money and jobs from me so I ended that as soon as I found out. After a short while of advertising I started to earn A LOT of money... I mean... Right now... I earn more than my current job pays me as a store manager in a large company... So that's a lot, I have tripled and quadrupled my income with honorbuddy some months and I keep getting busier and busier. I want everyone to know that anything is possible with Honorbuddy. I've gotten myself out of debt, out of trouble when unemployed and paid for 2 holidays this year for june and august and for tickets to a festival in august... By the end of the year I plan to use what I've earned to upgrade my computer and equipment to something really nice as my current computers can only run 4-5 & 2-3 bots at a time. I also plan to move to the city center from where I live which is currently on the cheaper outskirts(renting not buying). Next year I plan to use the money to invest in another business I want to start in the real world. All the while getting busier and busier with what I'm doing now. I'm even looking into employing other botters at the moment to help with the work load... I'm also planning to eventually rewrite a lot of the popular profiles on this website for the use of the public sometime at the end of the year or next year when I'll hopefully have the CPU and knowledge to do so.

      Some of the things I've done with the bot are below...

      • Leveled somewhere in the region on 50-60 characters from 1-90 and 30-40 other characters from random levels to 90.
        [*]Increased 60-70 reputations from friendly/honored to exalted.
        [*]Farmed The Insane title 5 times.
        [*]Leveled 24 professions 1-600 even when the 2 professions were not compatible.
        [*]Loremaster - from 0 quests done to every loremaster zone completed 3 times.
        [*]Farmed 13 sets of epic honor gear.
        [*]Farmed 5 PvE heroic sets of gear.
        [*]Completed 14 World event meta achievements.
        [*]Capped conquest or valour points 16 times.
        [*]Sold over 2,500,000 gold on multiple servers to private buyers.

      All this work was done 90-100% by Honorbuddy.

      I will not go into detail about who I am because there is information here that I really do not want associated with my name and I do not want to be disclosed to my customers or future customers as it could potentially harm my little business.


      Although I've done all this their are massive downsides as well... Which I will also list below...

      1. The stress of having a shit computer with 6 bots running, 6 different deadlines for accounts to be completed, 6 nagging customers desperate to play wow again all having problems with certain quests/meshing/other usual bot problems/computer problems/overheating, can sometimes just become way too much to handle, at least for me.

      2. Working 16-20 hours per day since the start of February until the present day due to having a very demanding job in the real world which is also god damn stressful may I add. Allows for no social life or very little of one, a neglected boyfriend that doesn't get to spend much time with you and a MASSIVE PILE OF WASHING & IRONING to do which I'd rather torch right now... (Thankfully my boyfriend is very understanding and knows I love him!) :)

      3. The obvious stress of days like these where the bot is down which is understandable, but having deadlines on accounts that are unfinished and either need to be done by hand through the night after work or delayed, which isn't really accepted by a customer too well and can be difficult when you have multiple orders on the go.

      4. Lack of sleep, to optimize honorbuddy and to make the most of the time it is up and running, I have woken up every hour through the nights i've slept (4-8hours per night) my alarm is hidden behind my computer, forcing me to look at the computer with squinting eyes to see if anything is stuck.


      You may think I have no life because of the above negatives and that I'm going to turn into a potato if I keep this up. In reply to that I'll say I'm a very healthy slim individual, I believe it has all been worth it and all the hard work will pay of tenfold eventually and is already starting to pay off. I also know that the worst is over as I've gotten better with Honorbuddy and am now able to pass work onto other botters and still earn money. Hence more time to live my life again! :)

      As a note I would also like to add that I HAVE experienced bans on customer accounts. 3 accounts in total have been banned, 1 account was unlucky enough to get banned 3 times, so that's a total of 6 bans, but all 3 accounts are still up and running and the bans quickly overturned, it's very stressful when it happens but it's also very easy to fix!

      You may of noticed I used the word 'stress' and 'stressed' a lot, I apologize for that but if I were to describe the last 3 months of my life with 3 words it would be 'stress, stressed & stressful'. Many thanks to Honorbuddy for what you have done for me and helped me accomplish, I hope to one day repay what I owe back to the community. Sorry about the colors until this last bit, I wanted to make it an enjoyable read but didn't want to go overkill on the ending. I will keep this post updated to show where I'm at and where I'm going.

      Last edited: May 23, 2013
    2. cg1203im

      cg1203im New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      probably a nice story, but i stopped to read after 3 lines, cos i got a terrible headache from that color.
    3. melikespoo

      melikespoo Member

      May 29, 2010
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      2 words can describe how i feel after reading this.. wow and congratulations!
    4. Shiningstar

      Shiningstar Member

      Feb 6, 2013
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      I just read it myself in color and felt like I was reading cross-eyed, thank you, I shall change it! :)
    5. Hacked1111

      Hacked1111 New Member

      Dec 5, 2011
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      Why doesn't your boyfriend just do the washing and cooking?
      Or do you not live together?
    6. Shiningstar

      Shiningstar Member

      Feb 6, 2013
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      HAHA! I shall show him this post! :) We don't live together and he does do a little bit actually, he's ruined loads of my clothes as well :(
    7. joshh90

      joshh90 New Member

      Dec 7, 2011
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      Honestly, this is so sad. How can anyone of you believe this, its so fake its unreal.
    8. Shiningstar

      Shiningstar Member

      Feb 6, 2013
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      Why would I or anyone for that matter spend as much time as I did writing all that out if it were fake. Nothing to gain or be proud of if it were fake. My join date matches up, My story matches up (not having time to post before but now bots are down I've not got much to do). Be a doubting Thomas if you wish to be so, people can believe it or not, it won't change the fact that I know it's actually true and am reaping the benefits and profits Honorbuddy can offer if used correctly and to its potential. There are many others on this forum with just as much success and more who have not posted I'm sure of it.
    9. DRaGoNo

      DRaGoNo Member

      Feb 15, 2013
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      Did you really just wasted your time; to write this very first post; from your profile dated out of Feb. 2011, to just mention her post is false?
      Seriously dude, GET - A - LIFE.
    10. joshh90

      joshh90 New Member

      Dec 7, 2011
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      So you want ppl to believe they can buy a new freakin home after a few months of clever honorbuddy use? Ok
    11. Shiningstar

      Shiningstar Member

      Feb 6, 2013
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    12. freebox

      freebox New Member

      Apr 28, 2012
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      very happy to see someone is able to get going. I know there are tons of people that do lvling and honor services and happy to see you been able to step in to a market that is so chancy do to the bans of the last patch. I am also pleased to see you haven't quit your day job, this will do well for a bit, but you just really can't bank on it. so over all grats
    13. sickjellyfish

      sickjellyfish New Member

      May 21, 2013
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      Ya I have my doubts as well. Maybe a sales tactic to keep people on the hook while HB devs do the update? hmmm....FAKE!
    14. Gentoo

      Gentoo Active Member

      Apr 29, 2011
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      Are you dopes really this ignorant..
    15. turbo

      turbo New Member

      Apr 6, 2010
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      SicklyJellyfish join 2 days ago...
    16. appler

      appler New Member

      Nov 10, 2012
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      Congrats snow, good luck in the future!
    17. cg1203im

      cg1203im New Member

      Feb 17, 2012
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      i believe your success story. mine was similar.
      i bought a new house within 2 years honorbuddy. (well... i live in thailand, and you can get a house for 4-8k$ here ^^)
      but be careful. 2 1/5 years after my success story, i guess blizz had an eye on me. lost meanwhile more than 90 accounts, get banned regularly after 2-5 days of botting now
    18. DRaGoNo

      DRaGoNo Member

      Feb 15, 2013
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      Your name says it all; a Sick jelly fish.
    19. Jushi

      Jushi New Member

      Jul 13, 2012
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      People who lack intelligence will always lack intelligence. I have been botting for IRL profit for a while now as well, in about 3 months i have made around $2300 from gold alone. Not to mention powerleveling and everything else you can offer. Botting is a cash cow if you know how to target your audience. But for the OP, congrats. I'm glad you too were able to make something out of this. Cheers.
    20. freebox

      freebox New Member

      Apr 28, 2012
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      I am really not sure why people have issues that you can make money. There are a ton of toon lvling services, tons of gold sold a day, and sold accounts. If this is all fake then I am really wondering about those of you and you know who you are that say they make like 10 to 25k gold a day. Running 6 hours a day with 3 accounts I sell gold every 3 days unless honorbuddy is having issues. most cases an easy 130 to 200 bucks a week, and that is selling to a middle man if she has private buyers lined up she is going good. If your interested in buying some gold you let me know lol.

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