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    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by mrbgray, May 23, 2013.

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    1. mrbgray

      mrbgray New Member

      Dec 10, 2012
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      I feel like puting my 2 sense in on this matter. LEAVE THE DEVS ALONE, and if you don't like it LEAVE. :D for real they are working on the bot and please for the sake of the community quit spreading false statements that these patches are because of honorbuddy or bots it IS NOT almost 99.9% sure of it because they are HOT FIXES. Hmm mrbgray what are hot fixes ok lets walk the community through this.

      5.3 Comes out......... MRBGRAY logs in almost instantly notices a new person in his guild gets the achievement for 25k conquest tells him to go look at the vendor and he does and BEHOLD Elite gear and tyrannical gear for honor are OPEN for someone who HAS NOT got 25k conquest this season FIRST BIG PVP BUG had to be hot fixed..... then after hot fixed if you even won a bg you still got the achievement had to be hot fixed.

      SO that is 2 things already onto the 3rd glitch exploit which may or may not have been fixed yet. You can purchase sunreaver bountys for 15 elder charms if you are exhalted with sunreaver onslaught <--- NOT A GLITCH. The exploit was or is you can buy one and loot the bag of everything in it except ONE ITEM and then sell if back to the vendor for your 15 charms back and just buy another one loot all except 1 item sell back over and over hence you receiving keys gold items to sell for gold LOTS OF GOLD AND FUN STUFF <---- exploit HAD TO BE FIXED.

      NUMBER 4!!! Pretty big i guess you could say SO. The exploit was yes involving the HEROIC SCENARIO you understand you can do a heroic scenario and receive a bag of goodies or w/e that you could possible receive a ilvl 516 item or gold in. WELL the exploit was that you could make a macro and yes blizzard is this stupid they did NOT have a cool down on it so you could loot many times really fast and keep recieving stuff out of it YES ppl are being banned for this some people did it on accident and YES ppl banned once again. BIG EXPLOIT had to be "Hot Fixed".

      So what we can conclude is HALF THE PEOPLE THAT COMPLAIN probably do not know anything about this stuff going on or why all these patches come out and this is just a few things there are many many more things that myself or others probably do not know goes on directly after a patch that has to be hot fixed and IN MY OPINION blizzard made it worse by rushing 5.3 and releasing it so fast. Most of these especially the pvp bug when 5.3 first released on us should have been prevented. SO DO NOT BLAME THE DEVS and have patience.

      After lurking this wonderful community for a while and taking advantage of the programs posted here i decided to vent a little because im tired of people just complaining over and over again so please just stop and think.

      Thanks and back to lurking some more. ONE LAST THING for all you flamers and trolls if for two seconds you think i really give a crap about your opinion or trolls that might come from this post waste your time typing a post if you want i assure you i do not care.
    2. jnrzilla

      jnrzilla Banned

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Cool story.

      The majority of people who post in the forum as to asking why the bot isn't working aren't going to read this - otherwise they probably would have read the sticky hint below.
      [h=2]Honorbuddy Update Status for Patch 5.3[/h]
    3. Proto

      Proto New Member

      Jan 8, 2012
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      after wiping all of his angry spittle off my face.. I just want to say how much I love exploit stories. Always get a kick out of em, and sometimes wish I hadn't missed the boat, before it was fixed. Ah well .. least I didn't get banned for exploiting :)
    4. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      if you do not care, why let it bother you so much and why all the CAPS?
    5. SeeMoreButts

      SeeMoreButts New Member

      Apr 10, 2013
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      You forgot Galleon dropping 522 gear. :-D
    6. User0828

      User0828 New Member

      Mar 1, 2012
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      i had to....

      devs are doing great as always. just be patient.
    7. CodenameG

      CodenameG New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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