heavy FPS spikes Hi Im using the special edition and find its is spiking from 80 fps down to 19 fps every couple of seconds, making it appear very laggy. I'm using it with Tyreal. log attached.
Thnx Tuanha for your quick reply.. I have updated from the svn yes, the only reason I asked was because as the free version works amazingly well with no updates, I wondered why the Special Edition version sits idle sometimes and appears very laggy responding to incoming damage etc... and by the time he starts to cast the damage has been healed by another healer(s). Where I would normally heal about 80k hps in the average situation using Special, it is now only healing about 40-50k on average. When I revert back to the free version I'm back to about 80-100k hps.. The only difference being that the special edition is far better at conserving mana compared to the free version.. I love your work, please don't think I'm complaining, it was just a simple question. I will have to look at the Lazyraider settings to see if maybe it's something to do with that. Cheers buddy, P.S. If ever you write a resto druid version and it it half as good as the pally cc i'd buy it in a flash..
Let me try a LFR then, yesterday I test as Holy PvP and everything work fine. PvE is boring for me lol :S
Look like the Predict Heal doesn't work well with this HB beta. I've just try a work around code, pls test and let me know. Thank you.
I was previously using lazy raider and switched to try tyrael and had indeed failed to turn framelock off. Turning framelock off, running HB in admin mode and setting priorities to high with both wow and hb has lessened this effect to a tolerable level thank you. Also the link to a recommended pvp talent and glyph spec no longer seems to work on the first page for a Ret paladin, perhaps wowhead changed with 5.3?
you might wanna uncheck framelock that is what causes the lag i had it on one time to and fps dropped just uncheck framelock and it wil be fine.
The latest changes to the Special Edition have me 100% functional in PvP again. Thanks Tuanha. Are you accepting any small feature requests? I find Holy Light's settings to be nearly useless in some PvP. In arenas especially (without the bot), I am usually spamming Flash of Light (and instants) during enemy bursts, and then I conserve some mana by using Holy Light whenever possible until I can regenerate a bit. With the bot, I feel Holy Light's usage should be limited/qualified by a "mana < x%". Currently I have Holy Light's HP setting at 0 and I pause the bot to manually cast Holy Light, Divine Plea, etc, when mana gets too low. (Perhaps my play style is just wrong?)
with new HB .573 (stable realeased), HB is not reckogning the Routine. I copied the existing folder from one HB beta to the new routine folder of the stable, not decting the rountine for paladin ? Here is my folder structure : Honorbuddy 2.5.7094.573\Routines\TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition And inside, got all your files : User Settings SpecialThanks.rtf THCombat.cs etc...
I did a fresh install since 5.3. My folder structure is just like you're saying, but mine's working without issue: F:\thing\Routines\TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition
Popular guy. Your inbox is full ) Does your cc kill totem on mouse over or auto. And How come it dosnt hand of sacrifice to break cc as holy ?? I'm not arena master I'm just curious. Also do you think it would be useful or possible to save turn evil on unholy dk ghoul until it transforms. In bg it became immune because the cc feared it 3 times b4 it transformed. Thank you for your time
It auto kill totem (there are 6 totem on kill list, I can't remember them all as I'm not at my PC ATM). Totem killing use Crusader Strike (if on melee) or Judgement (if on range) Sometime if Judgment on cooldown, you have to wait till it back to kill totems. Paladin Holy Hand of Sacrifice do not break CC, only Prot and Ret version does. I think better just fear pet every cooldown than wait till a Dark Transformation. The most deadly pet spell is Gnaw stun and it can cast without Dark Transformation and that the reason we better fear them on CD
Holy Sac will break warrior fears and polymorph, after a certain threshold fears, horrify, hex etc will also break.
I am using your CC for Dungeonbuddy but it doesnt heal very well. I am using dungeon mode but the max hps is around 40k I normaly get easy 60k. Often he heals hiself even if he has full HP and it seems that he makes little breaks between the heals. My mana is never under 80%
Are you sure about this? I remember this ability being bugged in previous patches, but I've been using it in arenas and I'm 93.24% sure it does work on repent, blind, poly, and hunter traps/scatter. If I'm wrong, then I stand corrected. However, if it is working as intended, then I think this could be a great feature in the event that the paladin has zero interrupts and is getting poly, repent, etc...